
  • 网络Eating sausages;olivia munn
  1. 配对Logistic回归分析结果表明:既往有乳腺良性肿瘤史及常吃香肠是乳腺癌发生的主要危险因素;

    The results of matched logistic regression analysis showed that the history of breast benign tumor and often taking the sausage were the major risk factors .

  2. DavidHarding如此喜欢吃香肠,以致于他成为英国第一个接受正式治疗的香肠成瘾患者。

    David Harding loves sausages so much he has become the first man in Britain to undergo therapy in a bid to stop his13-a-day habit .

  3. 早餐肉呢?你吃香肠或熏肉吗?

    What about breakfast meat ? Do you have sausage or bacon ?

  4. 你要不吃香肠就一直坐在这吧

    You 're going to sit there until you eat that sausage .

  5. 德国人喜欢肉食,尤其喜欢吃香肠。

    German people love meats , and sausage is their favourite most .

  6. 你想要吃香肠还是培根?还是都要?你吃蛋和煎饼吗

    Do you want sausage or bacon or both with your eggs and pancakes ?

  7. 我就是吃香肠、胡椒粉、几千公斤含香肠的意大利美食长大的。

    I grew up eating sausage and peppers and tons of other sausage-infused Italian favorites .

  8. 是吃香肠、鸡蛋和豆子?

    Sausage , egg and beans ?

  9. 保加利亚人围着炉火许愿,吃血香肠。

    Bulgarians make Christmas wishes around the fire and eat blood sausage .

  10. 我们午餐吃大蒜香肠肉加面包。

    We lunched on garlic sausage and some bread .

  11. 我以前很喜欢吃黑香肠,但在我发现了它是如何制作后,我便对它感到厌恶了。

    I used to like black pudding but when I found out how it is made it put me right off .

  12. 不过存在着一个共识,那就是人们每天吃的香肠、法兰克福香肠和热狗都是源于人们保存肉类的愿望。

    There is an agreement , however , that the sausages , frankfurters , and hot dogs that people eat on a daily basis originated from a desire to preserve meat .

  13. David每次至少吃一根香肠,从5岁时就已经养成吃香肠的习惯,最多一天可吃13根香肠。

    David has eaten at least one sausage per day , since the age of five and routinely tucks in to as many as13 porky treats a day .

  14. Baloney是一种香肠,许多美国人都常吃。Baloney香肠来自意大利城市博洛尼亚,该市以香肠著称,这种香肠用烟熏并调味过的牛肉猪肉做成。

    Baloney sausage comes from the name of the Italian city , Bologna . The city is famous for its sausage , a mixture of smoked , spiced meat from cows and pigs .

  15. 我正要说实话!吃你的香肠吧!

    I fully intend to ! Now , eat your sausage !

  16. 你吃的过期香肠就是这一千块买的。

    What you ate was bought using this $ 1000 .

  17. 为什么我要付钱让你吃我的香肠?

    Why would I pay you to eat my sausage ?

  18. 她要吃我的香肠了!

    She was just about to eat my sausage !

  19. 呣!比我们今早吃的那些香肠好吃

    Mmm ! It 's better than those sausage-o 's we had this morning ,

  20. 你必须得吃这根香肠!

    You 're going to eat this sausage !

  21. 要是某个饿得不行的素食者忍不住吃了块香肠披萨,那就叫情境反讽。

    When a starving vegetarian eats a pepperoni pizza , that is what is called situational irony .

  22. 我们通常总会在圣诞节那天专门拿出一段时间来吃午餐和香肠,但今年能否做到这一点则还要视当天的具体情况而定。

    Usually try to find time for a Christmas lunch and a sausage , but it depends on the conditions .

  23. 他在比赛中吃下的香肠含有1.682万卡路里、1450克脂肪及普通人应在19天内摄入的钠含量。

    There was no extra charge for the16,820 calories , 1,450 grams of fat and19 days worth of the recommended amount of sodium .

  24. 她们总是让我吃培根、香肠和章鱼(真难吃!),并向我解释“这不是肉”或“只放了一点点儿。”

    They would try to feed me bacon , sausage and octopuses ( yuck ! ) explaining it with " this is not meat " or " I just put a little in this dish . "

  25. 这个方法要求你将任务细化成各个小块,然后立刻就可以从小块做起,就像吃一根香肠一样,一次只吃一片。

    With this method , you lay out the task in detail and then resolve to do just one slice of the job for the time being , like eating a roll of salami , one slice at a time .

  26. 吃着他们的香肠,他们可喜欢他们的香肠了

    eating their sausages . They loved their sausages .

  27. 昨天他吃的鸡蛋和香肠。

    Yesterday he () eggs and sausages .

  28. 我吃的面条和香肠。

    I had noodles and sausages .

  29. 烧烤在这一天很受欢迎。美国的家庭通常会吃热狗、烤香肠和汉堡。

    Barbeques are popular on the4th , so families usually eat things like hot dogs , bratwursts and hamburgers .

  30. 昨天她早餐吃什么?她吃鸡蛋和香肠。

    What did she have for breakfast yesterday ? She had eggs and sausages .