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  1. 吃瓜群众狗仔队指的是把有价值的或者让人吃惊的明星照片拍摄下来的人们,尤其是他们还要把这些照片发到网上。

    Peoplerazzi refers to people who take pictures of celebrities in situations that are newsworthy or shocking , particularly to post those pictures online .

  2. 在观看事件视频时,“吃瓜群众”们一边奚落嘲笑一边欢欣鼓舞地猜测希拉里可能患有帕金森症或某种其它疾病,这种行为很不恰当。

    Jeers and jubilant speculation that Clinton might have Parkinson 's or some other disease don 't seem the right reactions to the video footage of the event .

  3. 虽然后来汤普琳说他们很快就和好了,但是拉塞尔又被爆出在拍摄《奋斗的乔伊》时与詹妮弗·劳伦斯吵架,吃瓜群众自然屡见不鲜了。

    Although Tomlin revealed she quickly made up with the director , new rumors , like Russell getting into heated arguments with Jennifer Lawrence while filming Joy , don 't sound too hard to believe .

  4. 尽管安东尼的老鹰球衣很可能不会真的被高挂在老鹰主场球馆上方,安东尼的老鹰球衣仍成了拉斯维加斯和科切拉吃瓜群众的新谈资。

    Though it 'll likely never hang in the rafters at Philips Arena , Anthony 's Hawks jersey will almost certainly become an instant favorite among Las Vegas Summer League denizens and Coachella attendees , joining the likes of Andrew Wiggins ' Cleveland Cavaliers jersey ,