
sī fǎ rén yuán
  • judicial personnel;judicial functionary;lawman
  1. 沉默权的实质是赋予被追诉者对司法人员的讯问保持沉默或拒绝回答的权利。

    The essence of right of silence is to endow the prosecuted with the right to keep silence or refuse to answer the questions raised by judicial functionary .

  2. 三是司法人员个体素质的差异;

    Third , the difference in individual quality among judicial personnel ;

  3. 识别谎言是司法人员的基本职能;

    Detection of lies is a basic function of judicial officers .

  4. 已指定一委员会对司法人员的薪金进行复审。

    A committee has been appointed to review the judicial salary .

  5. 司法人员称纵火是重罪。

    Judiciary is calling the alleged arson is a serious felony .

  6. 试论司法人员职务犯罪经济原因及预防对策

    Judicial personnel 's duty crime of and the prevention countermeasures

  7. 遏制司法人员腐败的若干思考

    Some Viewpoints on Containment of the Corruption of Judicial Personnel

  8. 试论司法人员的素质构成

    On the Ingredients of the Quality for the Judicial Staff

  9. 要保障司法人员独立人格,不是一句空话,需要制度的保障。

    To protect the judiciary independent personality , not empty words , required system protection .

  10. 然后提出提高司法人员能力素质,主要包括刑事诉讼专门机关人员和辩护律师。

    Next , improve the ability of judicial officials which include legal staff and layers .

  11. 这其中有司法人员素质方面的因素,也有立法上的原因和不足。

    It is because of judicial personnels'quality , also because of the shortcomings in legislation .

  12. 中国在改善司法人员数量和质量方面特别努力。

    China has worked especially hard at improving the quantity and quality of its judiciary .

  13. 在诉讼中,司法人员和当事人不能对鉴定结论预设过高的证明力。

    Law-officer and both parties should not outweigh the appraisal conclusion 's probative value in lawsuit .

  14. 因为那位总统将选出那些直接决定这些案件的司法人员。

    Because that President will ultimately choose the who decide those cases in the first place .

  15. 司法人员良好的职业道德是“依法治国”的保证

    Professional ethics of judicial functionaries is the guarantee to " ruling the country with law "

  16. 关于司法人员的独立的准则

    Guidelines on the Independence of Judiciary

  17. 公务及司法人员薪俸及服务条件咨询委员会联合秘书处

    Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service

  18. 司法人员任用联合咨询委员会

    Joint Advisory Council for judicial appointments

  19. 与司法人员素质有关;与诉讼模式滞后有关。

    And it also has to do with qualities of law enforcers and the old litigation pattern .

  20. 司法人员与行政人员不同,这就决定了要从非行政化的角度对制度进行设想和建立。

    Different judicial officers and executives and this determined from non-angle of administrative system conceived and established .

  21. 犯罪主观故意的认定,一直是困惑司法人员的一大难题。

    Crimes subjective intent identification , has been confused . A major problem in the judicial officers .

  22. 司法人员推荐委员会

    Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission

  23. 此外,司法人员在进行刑法适用解释时,必须要坚持没有恶法和严格解释两个基本观念。

    Exceptional , the judicial officer must insist two ideas : having no bad law and strictly interpreting .

  24. 然而,自由心证是否公正和理性,则取决于司法人员的学识、经验和道德操守。

    Nevertheless , whether the discretion is fair and rational depends on the experience and moral of the judicial personnel .

  25. 在文义解释不能奏效时,司法人员必须求助于其他的解释方法进行解释,并且可能的文义又为其他的解释方法划定了界限。

    When meaning interpretation disinfects , judicial officer must appeal to other interpretation method and the possible meaning demarcate them .

  26. 刑讯逼供作为司法人员滥用职权的表现,正是在这种环境下滋长和蔓延的。

    Being a representation of abusing of powers , the inquisition by torture actually develops and extends under such circumstances .

  27. 从司法人员到药剂师,从出租车司机到能源供应商,意大利实在是有太多受到庇护的经济利益群体。

    Italy has far too manyprotected economic interests , from notaries to pharmacists , and from taxis to energy suppliers .

  28. 第三,需要提高司法人员的水平,改善整个社会的司法环境。

    In third , the level of judicial personnel has to be raised to improve the whole social justice environment .

  29. 教育部消息人士上周一透露,警察和司法人员将被邀请到校园中去。

    Police and judicial staff will be invited to schools , sources with the Ministry of Education said last Monday .

  30. 提出刑法解释主要是由司法人员在刑法适用过程中进行。

    This article explains that the judicial officers should be the subject of criminal law interpretation in Application of criminal law process .