
  • 网络No. oil;Valve oil
  1. 自强号油气处理平台电气设计概述

    The design of the electric system of the Zhiqiang process platform

  2. 气相色谱法测定选矿排放水中的2号油

    Determination of2 ~ # oil in discharged water from mineral processing by gaschromatography

  3. 黄药、黑药、二号油在水体中的降解试验研究

    Experimental study on degradation of xanthate , aerofloat and turpentine in water body

  4. 请给我加二十块二号油。

    Uh , $ 20 on 2 , please .

  5. 其主要指标与美国卤代烃公司的53号油指标相当。

    The main technical index of the oil are comparable to those of American counterparts .

  6. 命令2号油舱内所有人撤离并报告。

    Evacuate Tank No.2 and report .

  7. IMC-石大2号油溶性缓蚀剂的防腐蚀效果优于水溶性缓蚀剂。

    IMC - Shida NO. 2 oil soluble inhibitor is obviously superior over water soluble inhibitor in performance .

  8. 本文记述了在巴基斯坦卡拉奇港五号油码头的桩工,包括打桩和拉桩试验的情况。

    Pihng work for Oil Pier V in Karachi Port , Pakistan , including pile-driving and pull-out tests , is described in the pa-per .

  9. 用15%灭幼脲Ⅲ号油剂处理成虫,可使雌虫产卵量降低433%~614%,卵孵化率降为0。

    Egg-laying quantity decrease by 43.3 % ~ 61.4 % using 15 % concentration and incubation rate reduce to zero for the female insects .

  10. 本文简要介绍了自强号油气处理平台的电源、主控制系统和探火系统。

    The design of the power system , main control system and fire detection system of the Zhiqiang process platform are discussed in the paper .

  11. 介绍了摩根型无扭高速线材连轧机用460号油膜轴承油的性能及工业使用试验结果。

    The performances and the results of service test of 460 filmatic bearing oil used for morgan type no-twist wire rod mills at high speed were presented .

  12. 在龙16号油气井钻前场地施工工程中应用,岩体损伤小,护壁效果好。

    The applications of it in the front site construction engineering of Dragon No. 16 oil and gas well drilling , prove the low damage of rock and good effect of breast wall .

  13. 以上述第二种原料进行工业试验,生产出了符合SH/T0356-1996标准的7号燃料油。

    Based on above study , the 7 # fuel oil meeting the standard of SH / T 0356-1996 is produced by a commercial visbreaking unit .

  14. 对AR-840丙烯酸酯橡胶硫化胶做了五种温度下的热空气和橡胶用3号标准油中的长期老化研究。测定多种性能的变化规律,得到了老化动力学变化曲线。

    Having studied the Long-term aging of AR-840 ACM vulcanizate within hot air at five tempratures and 3 # standard oil , the changeable rule of various properties have determined and the changeable curve of aging dynamics got .

  15. 胆甾醇添加剂可以显著改善N15号机械油的抗胶合能力。

    The cholesteric crystal liquid additives can quietly improve the scuffing resistance of oil N15 .

  16. 在微载荷状态下,当600r/min、采用液晶添加剂(5CB)与46号机械油以体积比1%~2%配制的润滑剂润滑时,平均摩擦系数达到最小值;

    Under micro-load state and with shaft rotation speed 600,1 % ~ 2 % volume ratio of liquid crystal to 46 ~ # machinery oil yields the lowest friction coefficient .

  17. 橡胶试验用1号标准油的研制与性能评定

    Formulation and service performance of No.1 standard oil for rubber test

  18. 黄原酸盐、11号浮选油加工销售。

    Huang original nitrate , 11th flotation oil processing and sales .

  19. 利用6号溶剂油生产正己烷

    N - Hexane Was Obtained from 6 # Solvent Oil

  20. 120号溶剂油吸附法脱芳烃精制技术的研究

    Study on removal of aromatics from 120  ̄ # solvent naphtha by adsorption

  21. 利用加氢精制焦化汽柴油装置生产200号溶剂油

    Production of 200 # solvent oil in coking gasoline & diesel hydrofinishing plant

  22. 用克拉玛依抽余油生产食用6号溶剂油分馏工艺模拟

    The Simulation for 6 Solvent Oil Separation Flowsheet from Raffinate Oil of Karamay

  23. 加氢裂化柴油制取45号变压器油

    Db-45 transformer oil obtained from diesel fuel oil hydrocracked

  24. 冷轧薄板2号轧制油的工业性试验及应用

    Industrial test and application of cold rolling oil No.2

  25. 某滩海油田1号构造油气集输系统优化

    Optimization of Oil-gas Transferring and Gathering System on Structure No.1 of Some Beach Oilfield

  26. 根据生产需要,选用120号溶剂油和工业甲苯为混合溶剂组份。

    120 solvent oil and industrial toluene are chosen as the components of the solvent .

  27. SH150号成型油的研制

    Study of Metal Forming Oil SH 150

  28. 本文探索以加氢裂化柴油为原料制取45号变压器油。

    Study on producing DB - 45 transformer oil made from hydrocracked diesel fuel oil was described .

  29. 实验所采用的润滑剂为30号机械油加1%的硬脂酸。

    The lubricant used in experiments is No. 30 mineral oil adding with one percentage of stearic acid .

  30. 高酸值馏分油采用糠醛精制法生产25号变压器油的工艺研究

    Study on production of 25 ~ # transformer oil from DISTILL-ATE oil with high acid value by furfural refining process