
  • 网络kona
  1. 你知道,他坐过牢,可那倒无关紧要。

    He 's been in prison , you know ─ not that it matters .

  2. 我们最后总算把他救了出来,可那是真险啊。

    We got him out in the end , but it was a close thing .

  3. “我做什么,难道你不关心吗?”他问道,可那是个反问。

    ' Don 't you care what I do ? ' he asked , but it was a rhetorical question .

  4. “德语曾经是我的主要外国语,你知道,可那是不知多少年前的事了”。

    German was my major , you know , aeons ago .

  5. 可那是个伤感的微笑。

    But it 's a sad smile .

  6. 我的一个粉丝说,可那不是CeCe。

    One of my fans said , But thats not CeCe .

  7. 看看从新德里到泰姬陵(TajMahal)的道路吧,马加力说.印度人称之为高速公路,可那上面尽是拖拉机和马车。

    Look at the road to the Taj Mahal from New Delhi , says Mr Ma . It is called a highway but it is full of tractors and carriages drawn by horses .

  8. season:季patchwork:补缀的手工either:也我还不喜欢上一季路易威登的布艺包呢,可那不代表,我就想看到JennyHumphrey挎着它满街跑。

    Blair : I didn 't like last season 's Louis Vuitton patchwork bag either , but that doesn 't mean I want to see it all over town on jenny Humphrey 's arm . - Serena : Touch ? -

  9. 可那不是事实,那并非是所有的书本。

    But it 's not true . it 's not books .

  10. 我知道可那毕竟是个电视剧呀

    I know.That was just a TV show , you know .

  11. 可那是因为她一开始就很生气了。

    But I think she was already angry to start with .

  12. 可那&唉,那是三十年前的事了。

    But that – oh , that was thirty years ago .

  13. 我们只见过他一次,可那次很轰动。

    We only saw him once , but it was important .

  14. 可那不是艾莉森你为何如此确定

    it wasn 't Alison . Why are you so sure ?

  15. 这只风筝大,可那只小。

    This kite is big , but that one is small .

  16. 答案是:的确相违背,可那又怎样?

    The answer is : Yes , but so what ?

  17. 可那是周四晚上,我得工作。

    It 's Thursday night , I 'm gonna have to work .

  18. 可那就不是射箭了,那是打猎。

    But that 's not archery . that 's hunting .

  19. 我有胜利者之称,可那又有什么意思。

    I am the victor , but what does it all mean .

  20. 可那晚很多人都在生艾莉森的气

    But that night , so many people were mad at Alison .

  21. 可那就是我当不了局长的原因。

    But that 's why I 'll never be director .

  22. 我看到你弯下你的身体,可那不是你。

    SHWETAKETU , I see your body bent , but not you .

  23. 我涂了大量胶水,可那张海报就是贴不住。

    The poster wouldn 't stick even though I drenched it with glue .

  24. 可那招待给我讲了十分钟要保护动物。

    And I got a ten-minute lecture on animal rights from the waitress .

  25. 可那时期的衣服更漂亮

    But those period costumes are so much prettier .

  26. 医生让我不要喝酒,可那怎么行。

    The doctor said I shouldn 't drink , but what the beck .

  27. 我以为他是杀人犯可那不是他干的

    I accused him of murder , but he didn 't do it .

  28. 可那是魔咒实验委员会的事儿,谢天谢地……”

    but that 's the Committee on Experimental Charms , thank goodness .... "

  29. 可那是在故乡本土的。

    But that was in the old land .

  30. 可那产品保值期已经过了。

    Just because the expiration date has passed .