
  1. 本文以大米蛋白浓缩物(RPE)为主要原料制备可食性保鲜膜。

    In this paper , we prepared the edible films by rice protein extracts .

  2. 可食性保鲜膜应用现状分析合胞体表面覆盖着一层糖萼。

    Analysis on the techniques of edible freshness - keeping thin coat A thin coat of glycocalyx is present on the tegument surface .

  3. 可食性复合保鲜膜研究现状与发展趋势

    Research Situation and Trend of Compound Edible Coating for Preservation

  4. 综述了可食性果蔬保鲜膜的研究现状,提出了可食性保鲜膜的发展趋势。

    Research and the development of edible cling film was reviewed , and the developing tendency of edible cling film was suggested .

  5. 可食性鲜椒专用保鲜膜特性及其抗菌效果初探

    Study on fresh hot pepper 's special-used fresh-keeping edible film and its characteristics