
  • 网络Affordability
  1. 斯蒂文斯理工学院谢弗工程与科学学院(SchaeferSchoolofEngineeringandScience)的院长迈克尔&12539;布鲁诺(MichaelBruno)说:我们在两年前赢得了可负担性方面的奖项,今年我们想赢取总冠军。

    ' Two years ago , we won affordability , ' explained Michael Bruno , the dean of Stevens 's Schaefer School of Engineering and Science . ' This year , we want to win the whole thing . '

  2. 毫无疑问,房价和可负担性不断上升会直接导致房屋的购买和建造。

    Rising prices and affordability , of course , lead directly to the buying and building of homes .

  3. 他们需要的可负担性费用,以及他们应该得到的医保质量。

    the affordability they need , and the quality they deserve in healthcare .

  4. 可负担性方面:中成药、部分化学药品、部分患者负担没有减轻。

    Secondly , the affordability of part of proprietary Chinese medicines , chemical medicines and patients did not reduce .

  5. 巨灾风险的可保性与可负担性,是保险在巨灾风险管理框架与机制中发挥作用并不可回避的重要前提。

    Insurability and affordability is an important prerequisite of the role of insurance in catastrophe risk management framework that cannot be avoided .

  6. 美国在互联网速度和资费方面的排名下滑,中国企业可以帮助提高技术在美国的可负担性。

    Chinese companies can help make technology more affordable in America , as it slips down the league of internet speeds and affordability .

  7. 面向未来大规模深空探测,空间后勤技术是保证任务可行性、可靠性、可负担性、可维持性的重要途径之一。

    Space Logistics Technology is one of the most important ways to ensure the feasibility , reliability , affordability and sustainability of human space missions .

  8. 如果私人健康保险占据了卫生保健资金的主导地位,则要确保使其覆盖到残疾人并考虑采取措施确保保费的可负担性。

    Where private health insurance dominates health care financing , ensure that people with disabilities are covered and consider measures to make the premiums affordable .

  9. 我鼓励这个联合小组的成员和支持者们在研发新产品时将可负担性和可及性作为你们工作的核心目标。

    Let me encourage the members and supporters of this consortium to make the goals of affordability and accessibility central to your work as new products are developed .

  10. 2014-15年度,澳大利亚批准了240亿美元的中资房地产投资,金额比上一年翻了一番。澳大利亚房价——尤其是悉尼和墨尔本的房价——已连续四年暴涨,令住房可负担性成为政治关注的焦点。

    Australia approved $ 24bn in Chinese property investments in 2014-15 , double the previous year 's figure . Australian property prices , particularly in Sydney and Melbourne , have experienced a four-year boom that is focusing political attention on housing affordability .

  11. 中国将继续同各国分享疫情防控有益经验,向应对疫情能力薄弱的国家和地区提供力所能及的帮助,促进疫苗在发展中国家的可及性和可负担性,助力世界早日彻底战胜疫情。

    China will continue to share its experience with other countries , do its best to assist countries and regions that are less prepared for the pandemic , and work for greater accessibility and affordability of COVID vaccines in developing countries . We hope these efforts will contribute to an early and complete victory over the coronavirus throughout the world .

  12. 国家实施基本药物制度的根本目的是为了提高基本药物的可及性、可负担性和使用合理性,进而减轻患者的看病负担。

    The implementation of essential medicine system is to improve the accessibility , affordability and rationality of essential medicines and lessen the cost burden .

  13. 世卫组织制定了基本药物的可得性、价格和可负担性的全球指标。

    WHO has developed global indicators for availability , price and affordability of essential medicines .

  14. 最后一个例子,提高药物可及性这一目标的重点已不再是根据重点需要来提供基本药物和确保可负担性。

    As a final example , the goal of improving access to medicines no longer aims mainly to match essential medicines with priority needs and ensure affordability .