
  • 网络floatability;flotability
  1. 磁黄铁矿的天然可浮性较差,在pH在4.5-6的范围内磁黄铁矿有一定的可浮性,但当矿浆pH值大于8以后它将很难在没有活化剂的条件浮起。

    Pyrrhotite has poor floatability . When the pulp pH value range is from 4.5 to 6 , pyrrhotite can be floated partly . But when the pulp pH value is above 8 , pyrrhotite cannot be floated unless activators are used .

  2. 考查了脆硫锑铅矿在不同pH值下,其可浮性与矿浆电位之关系,得出了脆硫锑铅矿的可浮电位-pH区间,为大厂矿区复杂硫化矿电位控制分选提供了理论依据。

    Investigation was also made into the relationship of the floatability of jamesonite with the pulp potential under different pH values and as a result , the potential-pH range for the flotation of jamesonite was established , providing a theoretical basis for the potential-controlled flotation of Dachang complex sulfide ore .

  3. C类阴离子捕收剂试验结果表明,磷灰石呈现出比方解石更好的可浮性。

    Test results show that the flotation of apatite is better than that of calcite when C anionic collectors are used .

  4. 通过天然矿石的试验研究,证实浮选工艺条件对浮选速度产生影响。理论分析表明,工艺条件改变之后,直接影响可浮性系数k和可浮性指数(-α)。

    Through experiments with natural ores , it is proven that the conditions of flotation technology influence the flotation rate .

  5. 矿浆pH值对试样可浮性影响较小,中性或弱碱性条件下,试样可浮性最佳。

    The pH value has little effect on flotability of samples , and flotability achieves the best effect when pH is neutral or weakly alkaline .

  6. 阴极处理能提高矿物的可浮性,扩大其浮选的pH范围,其原因与极化作用下对药剂的作用有关。

    On the other hand , cathode treatment can improve the flotability of galena and widen its flotation pH range , which is related with the function of polarization on reagents .

  7. 矿浆pH值的变化对矿物可浮性影响较大,两个体系下均是在碱性越强的矿浆中磁黄铁矿的回收率越低,矿浆电位值也随着矿浆pH值增大而降低;

    For both systems , the stronger the alkalinity of the pulp , the lower the recovery of pyrrhotite and the pulp potential value was reduced with the increase in pulp pH value .

  8. 结果表明,阳极处理在低电位时可以提高其可浮性,高电位时起明显的抑制作用,缩小其浮选的pH范围;

    The results show that anode treatment can improve the flotability of galena at lower potential . It plays an obvious depression role and reduces flotation pH range of galena at higher potential .

  9. KMnO4、H2O2、CaCl2几乎都不改变黄铜矿的可浮性,但都能一定程度的抑制黄铁矿。

    While KMnO_4 , H_2O_2 and CaCl_2 can hardly change the flotability of chalcopyrite , but they will depress pyrite to a certain extent .

  10. 认为矿石本身MgO含量高、矿石蚀变严重、含镁矿物自然可浮性的良好是造成精矿中MgO高的主要原因。

    We think that the main reasons of high MgO content in concentrate ore are : 1 . high MgO content in ore itself ; 2 . serious alteration of ore ;

  11. 本文重点研究了影响黄铁矿可浮性的各种因素,如氧化作用、pH值、抑制剂和调整剂种类、酸洗黄铁矿矿物表面和硫酸铜活化等。

    In this paper the authors discuss various factors affecting the flotability of pyrite , such as oxidation effect , pH value , sorts of depressors and regulators and the relation between acid cleaning of pyrite surface and activation by copper sulphate .

  12. 研究了Na2S、KMnO4、H2O2、CaCl2、Ca(ClO)2等多种无机氧化剂对黄铁矿、黄铜矿可浮性的影响。

    Effects of several inorganic depressant of Na_2S , KMnO_4 , H_2O_2 , CaCl_2 and Ca ( ClO ) _2 on the flotability of pyrite and chalcopyrite have been studied .

  13. 方解石在微酸性条件下表面析出一层CO2薄膜,并在压强降低的过程中成为微泡的晶核而逐渐生长,使气泡优先附着在方解石表面,使方解石获得更好的可浮性。

    The calcite surface can dissolve out CO2 film layer in acidic conditions , it can become the crystal nucleus , then grows into microbubble by reducing pressure , these bubbles can be attached to the surface of calcite , makes calcite particles has better flotability .

  14. 说明石英吸附了大量的GE-601阳离子,此时石英显示了优良的可浮性。

    Those show that a great deal GE-601 is adsorbed on the surface of silica and that floatability of silica is good .

  15. 通过浮选试验研究铁闪锌矿和毒砂在丁黄药作用下的浮选行为,以及Cu2+和有机抑制剂PALA对它们可浮性的影响。

    The flotation behavior of marmatite and arsenopyrite and the effects of Cu ~ ( 2 + ) and organic depressant PALA on their floatability were studied .

  16. 考察了乙基黄药为捕收剂时,脆硫锑铅矿的浮选行为,发现在pH2 ̄12的范围内,脆硫锑铅矿均可表现良好的可浮性,只有pH>12时,可浮性下降。

    The flotation behavior of jamesonite was investigated with ethyl xanthate as a collector . It is shown that jamesonite has good floatability from pH 2 to pH 12 , and relatively poor floatability with pH > 12.The flotation of jamesonite was also dependent on pulp potential .

  17. 水的磁化处理对石英的可浮性影响及其机理研究

    Influence of water magnetization on floatability of quartz and its mechanism

  18. 金川硫化铜镍矿矿石特性与可浮性关系

    Correlation between the characteristics of Jinchuan COPPER-NICKEL SULPHIDE AND ITS FLOATABILITY

  19. 高岭石的结晶学特性、表面性质与可浮性

    Relation between crystallography properties and surface characteristics of kaolinite and its FLOATABILITY

  20. 鳞片石墨矿是自然界可浮性最好的矿物之一。

    Flaky graphite is one of the best mineral in the nature .

  21. 研究了盐酸处理对蓝晶石可浮性的影响。

    The influence of hydrochloric acid treatment on kyanite floatability is stud-ied .

  22. 无机氧化剂对黄铁矿和黄铜矿可浮性的影响

    Effect of Inorganic Oxidizer on Flotability of Pyrite and Chalcopyrite

  23. 矿物表面特性与可浮性关系综述

    Summarization of Relation between Surface Properties and Floatability of Minerals

  24. 赤铁矿磁铁矿石英和绿泥石的可浮性研究

    Researches on the Floatability of Hematite Magnetite Quartz and Chlorite

  25. 本文主要对某原生金矿的矿石可浮性进行了研究。

    The floatability of a primary gold ore was researched .

  26. 半可溶盐类矿物溶液化学行为及其对矿物可浮性的影响

    Dissolution of sparingly soluble minerals and its effect on floatability of minerals

  27. 表面酸处理对蓝晶石可浮性的影响及机理研究

    Influence of acid treatment on kyanite floatability and study of flotation mechanism

  28. 钙镁离子对方铅矿可浮性影响的研究

    Study on influence of calcium and magnesium ions on floatability of galena

  29. 黄铁矿的电化学性质及可浮性调控

    The electrochemical characteristic of pyrite and its floatability control

  30. 中等煤化度的烟煤为何有最佳可浮性

    Why Bituminous of Medium Coalification Has the Best Floatability