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gǔ wén
  • ancient Chinese prose;ancient style prose;classical literature;prose written in the classical literary style;prose in the classical literary style;Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty(221-207B.C.)
古文 [gǔ wén]
  • (1) [classical literature]

  • (2) 上古的文字。泛指甲骨文、金文、籀文和战国时通行于六国的文字

  • 宣王太史 籀箸(今著)大篆十五篇,与古或异。-- 汉. 许慎《说文解字.序》

  • (3) 指秦以前的文献典籍

  • (4) [prose in the classical literary style]∶五四以前的文言文的统称,一般不包括骈文

  • 我们先前的学古文也用同样的方法,教师并不讲解,只要你死读,自己去记住,分析,比较去。--鲁迅《人生识字糊涂始》

  • (5) [Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty(221-207B.C.)]∶汉朝通行隶书,因此把秦以前的字体叫古文,特指许慎《说文解字》里的古文

古文[gǔ wén]
  1. 试论韩愈古文理论的继承性与创新性

    On the Inheritance and Originality of Hanyu 's Ancient Style Prose Theory

  2. 论古文翻译理论框架的构建

    On the Construction of the Framework of Translation Theory of Ancient Style Prose

  3. 这个地区是古文物遗迹的宝库。

    The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics .

  4. 把这篇古文译成白话文。

    Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in vernacular language .

  5. 价值连城的古文物收藏

    a priceless collection of antiques

  6. 国内水平最高的失修古文物保护修复中心29日在北京故宫启用。

    A state-of-the-art conservation center to " treat " ancient cultural relics in disrepair opened at Beijing 's Palace Museum on Thursday .

  7. 一种基于层叠CRF的古文断句与句读标记方法南昌话和普通话否定标记的句法差异

    Method of sentence segmentation and punctuating for ancient Chinese literatures based on cascaded CRF The Syntactic Difference of Negative Marks Between Nanchang Dialect and Putonghua

  8. 2008年8月,埃及古文物界的权威们表示,他们已取得了图坦卡蒙木乃伊的DNA标本,并将根据墓中两个尚未出生便夭折的胎儿,来确定他们究竟是不是这位少年法老的孩子。

    In August 2008 , Egypt ` s antiquities authorities said they had taken DNA samples from Tutankhamun ` s mummy and from two fetuses found in his tomb to determine whether the still-born children had been fathered by the boy king .

  9. 唐代侠风与文学唐代古文运动的意义

    The significance of the classical literary movement in the Tang Dynasty

  10. 说明:包括古文的断句、解释和分析等问题。

    Description : Punctuation , explanation and analysis of classical literature .

  11. 孙樵古文理论概述

    The Outline of Sun Qiao 's Theory on Ancient Chinese Prose

  12. 王莽对古文经的笃信;浅谈宁夏古王高速公路绿化

    Discussion on Landscaping Greening of Gu-wang Highway in Ningxia King Lear

  13. 礼制的重建:刘歆争立古文经的再认识

    Reestablishment of rites : on Liu Xin 's promoting confucian classics

  14. 论医古文的自学方法

    On the Methods of Self-education of Ancient Chinese Prose in Medicine

  15. 《古文辞类纂》系列选本及其文学史意义

    Serial Anthology of Classical Prose and Its Significance to Literary History

  16. 历史散文是中国小说的主要源头之一。《尚书》作为我国现存最早的历史散文集,其中后人拟托的伪古文《尚书》;

    Historical essays are the main source of the Chinese novel .

  17. 基于实例的古文机器翻译设计与实现

    The Research and Implemention of Example-based Machine Translation of Ancient Chinese

  18. 今、古文之争贯穿中国传统文化发展史,今文经学多以经世标榜。

    There are many kinds of culture in Chinese history .

  19. 古文英译的理论与实践

    The Translation of Classical Chinese into English : Its Theory and Practice

  20. 古文英译中的转换

    The Conversion in the translating of Classical Chinese into English

  21. 三峡淹没区古文物线划图测制

    The Surveying and Mapping of Ancient Cultural Relics of Three-Gorge Submerging District

  22. 古文中的“虽”怎样判断是即使

    Ancient in " though " How to determine is even

  23. 统计与规则相结合的古文对联应对模型

    An Chinese Couplet Generation Model Based on Statistics and Rules

  24. 知人论世原则在医古文教学中的应用

    On the Principle of Knowing the World in the Ancient Medical Teaching

  25. 很精彩啊,有深厚的古文功底。

    So wonderful , he has the deep knowledge in Archaic Chinese .

  26. 古文教学要重视培养学生的学习兴趣

    Focus on Developing Students ' Interest in Learning in Ancient Chinese Teaching

  27. 医古文双语教学的思路及实践体会

    Thoughts , practice and experience in bilingual teaching of ancient medical literature

  28. 群星璀灿精采纷呈&《第七届全国中医文化与临床、第十三届全国医古文学术研讨会论文集》述评

    Commentaries on the Seventh National Chinese Medical Culture and Clinic

  29. 同时对医古文中英双语教学提出了建议。

    Meanwhile some suggestions were advanced concerning teaching practice of ancient medical literature .

  30. 古文运动的社会背景

    The Social Background of Sport of Ancient Chinese Prose