
  1. 陕西现存古戏楼按地域主要分布于汉江、嘉陵江、丹江沿岸、关中平原及陕北高原。

    Existing ancient Opera Theaters in Shaanxi province mainly distribute in the Han River , Jialing River , both sides of the Danjiang , Guanzhong plain and the northern plateau of Shaanxi province .

  2. 陕西是古文明的发祥地,文化底蕴深厚,戏曲源远流长,戏曲活动亦很频繁,但是相关文献资料的记载却少之又少,而对现存古戏楼的研究在很大程度上能弥补这一缺憾。

    Shaanxi province is the birthplace of ancient civilizations , with deep cultural heritage , a long drama history , and very frequent drama activities , but the relevant literature is very few , while the existing ancient Opera Theaters compensate for this shortcoming in a large part .