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kǒu fēng
  • tone;one's intention or view as revealed in what one says;underlying meaning
口风 [kǒu fēng]
  • (1) [underlying meaning;one's intention or view as revealed in what one says]∶谈话中流露出自己的意思

  • (2) [tone]∶口气,口吻

  • 俏皮口风

口风[kǒu fēng]
  1. 我想就一项工作探探他的口风。

    I wanted to sound him out about a job .

  2. 要慢慢地打探他的口风,要确保是他的心里话。

    Sound him out gradually . Make sure it is what he really wants .

  3. 先探探他的口风。

    Sound him out first .

  4. 苹果公关部门口风严密,但透露的少量信息显示,iPad可谓是史蒂夫?乔布斯的“心肝宝贝”。

    By the few accounts have leaked out of Apple 's tightly sealed PR machine , the iPad would appear to be Steve Jobs'baby .

  5. 尽管他的多数同事都是出了名的口风严密,但尤却是科技会议上健谈的明星,例如西南偏南大会(South-by-Southwest)和拉斯维加斯国际黑客大会(DEFCON)。

    While most of his colleagues are notoriously tight-lipped , Mr You is the chatty star of technology conferences such as South-by-Southwest and DEFCON .

  6. 你也不许跟别人透半句口风

    And you can 't tell anyone about me , either .

  7. 休想从这个谨慎的人那里探到口风。

    Wild horse would not drag it from the prudent man .

  8. 巨人似的口风,奇形怪状的熄烛帽,超人用的扇子。

    The gigantic bellows , the monstrous extinguishers , the superhuman fans .

  9. 你派来探我口风的。

    Who you sent to check up on me .

  10. 放心,我的口风很紧。

    Yeah , but * - the elephant is sitting on my lips .

  11. 周五,一名记者试图绕圈子套点科比关于这一话题的口风。

    Friday , a reporter attempted to address the subject in a round-about way .

  12. 可是丽萃,你太狡猾了,平常连一点口风也不向我吐露。

    But Lizzy , you have been very sly , very reserved with me .

  13. 她露了口风,说他们想去参加婚礼。

    She dropped a hint that they would like to come to the wedding .

  14. 他并未向你或你家里的任何人透露过一点点口风。

    He never dropped the smallest hint to you or any of your family .

  15. 祥子像被一口风噎住,往下连咽了好几口气。

    Xiangzi felt as if choked by a gust of wind and swallowed several times .

  16. 大型酒店建筑物主风口风量对楼外噪声影响

    Influence of wind rate of main air port on noise outside building in large-scale all-around hotel

  17. 众人一听更乐了,非逼着玛格丽特再透点口风不可。

    This increased the of the company , and Margaret was eagerly pressed to say something more .

  18. 坚定的信念;口风严的;坚定的决心;坚忍不拔的男人。

    Firm convictions ; a firm mouth ; steadfast resolve ; a man of unbendable perseverence ; unwavering loyalty .

  19. 贝卢斯科尼的幕僚们还试图通过一位驻意使节来转变其国内媒体的口风。

    Mr Berlusconi 's staff have tried to get one foreign ambassador to bring journalists from his country into line .

  20. 结果发现,浆料含固率、雾化频率的变化、进出口风温控制对陶瓷致密性起到决定性作用。

    Through changing the atomization slurry and the granulation particle parameters , the influence of the density of porcelain was studied .

  21. 这句露出口风的话使她红了脸。你没有听见那天他露过什么口风吗?

    She blushed at this hint . Did you hear what he let fall the other day when we were there ?

  22. 拉霍伊先生目前还没有透露口风,只说了如有必要他会从党外聘贤。

    Mr Rajoy is keeping this a secret , saying only that he will reach outside the party if need be .

  23. 他并没有告诉我很多内幕,这几年口风越来越紧了。

    Not that he has told me a great deal , he has become closer than ever these last few years .

  24. 新闻记者想知道我为什么辞去内阁职务,但是他们休想从我这里探到口风。

    The newspaper reporters wanted to know why I had resigned form the cabinet but wild horses wouldn 't drag it out of me .

  25. 比约克的发言在国家控制的媒体上没有见到报道,但是口风走漏之后,网站上出现了愤怒的评论。

    Bjork 's statement was not reported in the state-controlled media , but online sites were aflame with angry comment after word leaked out .

  26. 徐乐江的话说明中国官员的口风急转直下。中国官员曾表示他们希望维持基准价格体制。

    Mr Xu 's remarks represent a sharp shift from comments by Chinese officials , who had said they wanted to preserve the benchmark system .

  27. 可是,玉亭,今天你是带了荪甫的条件来和我交涉呢,还是来探探我的口风?

    But tell me , Yu-ting , have you come here to talk terms with me on behalf of Wu Sun-fu , or just to pump me ?

  28. 我从来没见过这种食物。是什么东西啊?你没有听见那天他露过什么口风吗?

    I 've never seen food like this before . What is it ? Did you hear what he let fall the other day when we were there ?

  29. 开支审核从数目和口风来看都十分严峻,尤其是在国防方面&目前英国不过是勉强维持军事大国的地位。

    The spending review was brutal in numerical and rhetorical terms , especially in respect of defence where Britain is only just hanging on as a serious military power .

  30. 只因为丽迪雅自己不留神,先露出了口风,我才知道你牵涉在这件事情里面;那么我不打听个清楚明白,当然不肯罢休。

    Lydia 's thoughtlessness first betrayed to me that you had been concerned in the matter ; and , of course , I could not rest till I knew the particulars .