
  • 【数】variable metric algorithm
  1. 一类不精确搜索的变尺度法的n步二次收敛性

    The n-step quadratic convergence of a class of variable metric methods with inaccurate linear searches

  2. 变尺度法与Huang族公式

    Variable Metric Method and Huang Family Formula

  3. 一维柔性监控搜索技术及其对Powell型约束变尺度法的改进

    Linear flexible search technique and its improving on Powell variable metric method

  4. 与变尺度法和共轭梯度法相比,本文方法可保证线性收敛,在PC平台上可基本达到实时效果。

    Compared with variable metric method and conjugate gradient method , our algorithm could assure linear convergence , and near real-time performance could be obtained on PC.

  5. DFP变尺度法与FR共轭梯度法的二次等价性

    Quadratic Equivalence of DFP Variable Metric Method and FR Conjugate Gradient Method

  6. 改进DFP变尺度法的方法

    One Way to Modify the DFP Variable Metric Method

  7. 数值结果及与BFGS法等其它变尺度法的数值比较。

    Numerical results and numerical comparison with BFGS , and so on are also given .

  8. 首次提出了将遗传算法(GA)和变尺度法(DFP)相结合的电子光学系统设计的组合优化方法。

    A new optimal design method of an electron-optical system combined genetic algorithm ( GA ) with variable scale method is described .

  9. 改进《DFP》变尺度法及其在结构优化中的应用

    Modification of the 《 dfp 》 variable metric method and its application in structural optimization

  10. 研究了求解无约束极值问题的DFP变尺度法和FR共轭梯度法的关系问题。

    In this paper , the relationship of DFP variable metric method and FR conjugate gradient method is investigated .

  11. 文中比较了最速下降法、DFP变尺度法和BFGS变尺度法这三种无约束最优化算法;

    Three unconstrained optimization methods ' steepest descent method , DFP variable metric algorithm and BFGS variable metric algorithm , are compared with each other .

  12. 理论分析和设计实例证明用共轭梯度&最小p乘法设计具有恒时延特性的IIR数字滤波器,较之用DFP变尺度法循环迭代次数少,收敛速度快。

    Theoretical analysis and design examples show that the conjugate gradient-least pth method for designing IIR digital Filters with constant group delay is less in number of iteration cycle and faster in convergence than DFP method .

  13. 针对蚁群在解空间作随机搜索的局限性,引入确定性搜索方法变尺度法,提出了改进蚁群算法VACA。

    Facing the limitations of the random search in the solution space , we use the certainty search method , Variable Metric Algorithm , the improved algorithm VACA has been gotten .

  14. 本文所论述的约束变尺度法应用有效集方法求解二次规划子问题,线性搜索采用了watchdog技术和新的罚因子调整方法。

    The active set method is applied to solve the quadratic programming subproblems of the constrained variable metric method . The watchdog technique and new adjusting method for the penalty parameters are also used in linear searches .

  15. 本文提出一种改进DFP变尺度法的方法.用这种方法求解无约束优化问题,不仅计算过程稳定,而且能提高收敛速度。

    A modification in the DFP variable metric method is described by which not only can stable computational process be obtained , the convergence can also be raised when solving unconstrained optimization problems .

  16. 本文以弹性支承的假想梁法为例,用非线性规划中的混合罚函数法和DFP变尺度法,就地下连续墙的优化设计问题作了初步探讨。

    Using the mixed penalty-function methods and DFP scale transformation in nonlinear programming and taking the method of hypothetical elastically supported beam for an example , this paper attempts to describe the optimum design for the diaphragm wall .

  17. 在用混合惩罚函数法把约束非线性优化问题转变为无约束优化问题后,所采用的算法是BFGS变尺度法,它是公认进行无约束优化最好的方法。

    Variable metric method of BFGS is used to solve the problem of unconstrained optimization when a constrained one turns into an unconstrained one by using hybrid SUMT , and it is recognized as the best arithmetic for solving unconstrained optimization problems .

  18. 本文首先建立了基于Stackelberg对策的多人有关联的两层多目标决策问题的数学模型,然后借助于满意度和约束变尺度法,提出了一种两层多目标决策方法。

    In the paper , we set up the mathematical model of two level decision making problem with several interconnected decision makers that are based on Stackelberg game , and then , propose a corresponding method with the help of satisfactoriness and constrained variable metric method .

  19. 本文提出了一维柔性监控搜索的概念,并以Watchdog监控技术和DSC&Powell一维搜索技术为基础,建立了WDP一维柔性监控搜索技术,改进了Powell型约束变尺度法。

    A concept of linear flexible search method has been proposed in this paper . Based on watchdog technique and DSC-Powell linear search method , a linear flexible search method has been set up , which offers an improvement on Powell variable metric method .

  20. 通过变尺度法(B-F-G-S)和龙格库塔法确定动力学参数,并通过工业实测数据验证,表明该模型具有良好的拟合性和外推性,较好地反映了加氢渣油催化裂化反应规律。

    Its reaction rate constants were determined by B-F-G-S and Runge-Kutta . The verification results by commercial data showed that the model was reliable , fitted well and reflected the reaction rules of hydrotreated residuum fluid catalytic cracking .

  21. 采用基于变尺度法的新学习算法建立了三层前馈型神经网络,发现当网络结构为M-2M-1,取一定范围内的学习误差时,网络具有很好的学习效果。

    A 3 layers feedforward network was built with a new robust learning algorithm , based on a concept of " entire error modifying " . The network has a excellent learning ability when its topology is M-2M-1 and an appropriate study error chosen .

  22. 广义投影梯度型约束变尺度法

    A Type of Constrained Variable Metric Method Using Generalized Project Gradient

  23. 应用约束变尺度法解最优加速控制问题的几个技术问题:对一些典型的计算结果进行了分析;

    Some technical problem and typical results of calculation are analysed .

  24. 基于变尺度法的网络流量预测模型的优化研究

    Optimization of Network Traffic Prediction Model Based on Variable Metric Algorithm

  25. 运用约束变尺度法优化斜导柱尺寸参数

    The Structure Parameters Optimization of the Slanted-Guide-Pillar by Constrained Variable Metric

  26. 非线性约束规划快速收敛的共轭投影变尺度法

    A Fast Convergent Conjugate Projection Variable Metric Algorithm For Nonlinear Constrained Programming

  27. 用组合变尺度法求解电阻抗成像问题

    Combined variable metric method for solving electrical impedance tomography problem

  28. 测井解释中岩性成份的最优化变尺度法分析

    Composition analysis of lithology by optimization variable scale method in logging interpretation

  29. 差商变尺度法的整体收敛性

    Global Convergence of the Variable Metric Method Using Difference Quotient

  30. 变尺度法在分子几何构型优化中的应用

    Application of Variable Metric Method in Optimization of Molecular Geometries