
  • 网络transformer loss
  1. 结果表明,补偿后变压器损耗有所下降,变压器一次侧平均功率也有所下降,对应的功率因数上升了,证明了其计算方法的正确性。

    The results show that after compensation , transformer loss is somewhat reduced , transformer primary average power is also reduced and the corresponding power factor is raised , proving the correctness of its calculation method .

  2. 偏磁严重时会导致变压器铁芯出现饱和,加大了变压器损耗,降低了功率开关利用率,引起输出波形严重畸变,严重时会引起逆变颠覆。

    When DC magnetic-bias is very serious could lead to transformer core saturation , increasing transformer loss , decreasing the utilization of power switch , lead to output waveform distortion serious , Even cause Inverter subversion .

  3. 某600MW发电机组在做主变压器损耗试验时,因出现操作错误,导致发电机短路故障。

    Short-circuit failure due to misoperation which occurred during a power consumption test of a 600 MW power unit 's min transformer is being delineated , together with a description of the trouble-shooting performed .

  4. 轻负荷时期减少变压器损耗的运行方式

    Operation modes to reduce transformer losses during light load period

  5. 非额定条件下变压器损耗测量研究

    Researches on Measuring the Transformer 's Consumptions under Unrated Conditions

  6. 用非线性电阻模拟变压器损耗进行铁磁谐振过电压研究

    Ferroresonance Simulation with Nonlinear Resistance Modeling for Transformer Power Losses

  7. 配电变压器损耗与容量型号关系的分析及判断

    Analysis and Judgment of Relation between Loss and Capacity Type of Distribution Transformer

  8. 经济因素;变压器损耗比对变压器经济运行的影响

    Economy ; Effect of the Loss Factor of Transformers on Their Economic Operation

  9. 变压器损耗的能量大多以热量的形式表现出来。

    The loss energy of power transformer expresses itself in form of heat .

  10. 谐波对牵引变压器损耗的影响

    Influence of Harmonics on Traction Transformers Losses

  11. 从而进一步在理论上分析了损耗比对上述各量的影响,得出提高变压器损耗比将有利于变压器经济运行的结论。

    The conclusion is that increasing the loss factor of transformers can be favourable to their economic opertion .

  12. 开关电源的主要能耗分为开关损耗、变压器损耗、整流损耗三种类型。

    The main energy loss of switching power supply is switching loss , loss of transformer and rectifier loss .

  13. 由于对节能的强调和电能费用的上涨,迫使用户必须考虑到由变压器损耗所引起的费用。

    On account of power saving and electricity cost rising , the consumers have to consider the cost raised by transformer losses .

  14. 该装置既提高了供电可靠性,又可降低变压器损耗,从而实现变压器的经济运行。

    The devices not only improve the reliability of power supply but also reduce the power loss of transformer , and implement transformer economical operation .

  15. 降低开关电源的变压器损耗的主要方法是对开关电源的变压器进行改进,包括变压器磁性材料的选择、磁芯的结构、线圈的形状和绕制方法。

    The method of reduce the loss of transformer is improve the transformer of switching power supply . Including the selection of magnetic material , the structure of core , the shape of the coil and winding method .

  16. 提出石化企业电气节能的途径,包括电动机节能,减少变压器损耗,减少线路损耗,提高系统功率因数,低压电器和照明电器节能等。

    Six ways to save electrical energy for petrochemical enterprises are introduced , including energy-saving of motors , ullage-reducing of transformers , ullage-reducing of lines , increasing power factor of the system and energy-saving of low voltage appliance and lightening .

  17. S9系列电力变压器空载损耗与其容量的关系

    Relationship between No-load Loss and Capacity of S9 Series Power Transformer

  18. 提出利用快速PQ分解潮流计算方法来进行线路功率损耗、变压器功率损耗和全网功率损耗计算。

    The utilization of rapid PQ-resolved power flow calculating method was adapted to compute the power losses in the lines , the power losses at transformers , and power losses of all networks .

  19. 高阻抗变压器附加损耗增大的原因分析

    Cause analysis for augmented supplementary load loss of high impedance transformers

  20. 180MVA/220kV电力变压器负载损耗超标分析

    Overproof Analysis of On-Load Loss in 180MVA / 220kV Power Transformer

  21. 在整个电力系统损耗中变压器的损耗占有相当大的比例。

    Transformer loss occupies a large proportion in the power system .

  22. 高频开关电源中间抽头变压器线圈损耗的建模及其应用

    Winding loss modeling of central-tapped transformer in SMPS and its application

  23. 带畸变负载变压器谐波损耗的简易数字测量法

    Easy digital measurement of harmonic losses in transformers supplying distorting load

  24. 双圈变压器最小损耗运行曲线和一些新想法

    Two-winding transformer minimal loss operation curve and some new ideas

  25. 电力变压器的损耗研究与优化设计

    The Research of Loss in Power Transformers and Optimize Design

  26. 变压器空载损耗测定潜在故障

    Locate Potential Trouble by Measuring the No-load Loss of Transformer

  27. 大型变压器负载损耗测量误差的分析

    Measurement Error Analysis of Load Loss of Large Transformer

  28. 电动车组高温超导变压器交流损耗计算

    Calculation of AC loss for HTS transformer on EMU

  29. 换流变压器谐波损耗频率特性测量方法研究

    Research on Measuring Method of Frequency Characteristic of Harmonic Losses in Convertor Transformers

  30. 低电压测量对变压器空载损耗的影响

    Influence of Low Voltage Measurement on Transformer No-load Loss