• send out;give out;distribute;deliver

  • hair
  • 交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。

  • 放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。

  • 表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。

  • 散开,分散:~散。

  • 开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。

  • 打开,揭露:~现。~掘。

  • 产生,出现:~生。~愤。奋~。

  • 食物因发酵或水浸而澎涨:~面。

  • 显现,显出:~病。~抖。~憷。

  • 开始动作:~动。

  • 引起,开启:启~。~人深省。

  • 公布,宣布:~布。~号施令。

  • 量词,用于枪弹、炮弹。

  • 人的前额、双耳和头颈部以上生长的毛:头~。鬓~。怒~冲冠。


(送出; 交付) send out; give out; distribute; deliver; issue:

  • 分[颁]发

    give out; distribute;

  • 发电报

    send a telegram;

  • 发货

    deliver goods;

  • 发传单

    distribute leaflets;

  • 发工资

    pay out wages;

  • 发信号

    give a signal;

  • 发通告

    send out public notice;

  • 发奖金

    give premium


(发射) launch; discharge; shoot; emit:

  • 发炮

    discharge a shot from a gun;

  • 百发百中

    shoot with unfailing accuracy;

  • 发光发热

    emit light and heat


(产生; 发生) produce; generate; come [bring] into existence:

  • 发电

    generate electricity;

  • 发芽


  • 发苞

    put forth buds;

  • 旧病复发

    have an attack of a recurrent sickness; have a recurrence of an old illness


(表达) express; utter:

  • 发命令

    give out orders;

  • 有三个同志在会上发了言。

    Three comrades spoke at the meeting.


(扩大; 开展) expand; develop:

  • 发扬

    develop; carry on;

  • 发育

    grow; develop


(因得财物而兴旺) flourish:

  • 发家

    build up a family fortune;

  • 暴发

    suddenly become rich or important


(食物因发酵或水浸而膨胀) (of foodstuffs) rise or expand when fermented or soaked:

  • 发面

    leaven dough;

  • 发豆芽

    raise bean sprouts; sprout beans;

  • 面发起来了。

    The dough has risen.


(放散; 散开) spread out; disperse; diffuse:

  • 挥发


  • 蒸发


  • 发散



(揭露; 打开) expose; open up; discover:

  • 揭发


  • 开发

    open up;

  • 发现

    discover; find out;

  • 发掘

    excavate; unearth; explore; seek


(因变化而显现、散发) become; turn; get into a certain state:

  • 发黄

    turn yellow;

  • 发霉

    become mildewed;

  • 脸色发白

    lose colour; become pale;

  • 肉发臭了。

    The meat smells a bit off.; The meat smells bad.


(流露感情) show one's feeling:

  • 发笑


  • 发脾气

    get [become] angry;

  • 发抖



(感到) feel; have a feeling:

  • 发懒

    feel lazy;

  • 发热

    have a fever;

  • 有点发冷

    feel a bit chilly;

  • 嘴里发苦

    have a bitter taste in the mouth;

  • 发麻


  • 发痒



(起程) start; set out:

  • 出发

    start off; set out;

  • 朝发夕至

    set off in the morning and arrive in the evening;

  • 车船齐发。

    All the boats and carts started off at the same time.


(开始行动; 引起行动) begin an undertaking; cause to do:

  • 奋发

    rouse [exert] oneself


(颗, 用于枪弹、炮弹):

  • 一发子弹

    a bullet;

  • 上百发炮弹

    about one hundred shells


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 发根

    Fa Gen


(头发) hair:

  • 白发

    grey [white] hair;

  • 假发

    wig; false hair;

  • 金发

    blonde [golden] hair; fair hair;

  • 理发


  • 毛发

    hair (on the human body and head);

  • 银发

    silver hair


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 发福

    Fa Fu

  1. 如果没有广泛的业务和技术审核,大部分大型医院EHR不会外发患者记录,所以小型医疗IT系统很少会收到安全电子邮件。

    Most large hospital EHRs will not send out patient records without extensive business and technical audits , so it would be unusual for a small health IT system to receive secure email .

  2. 船长命令舵手发信号。

    The captain ordered the quartermaster to send out a signal .

  3. 洗洗牌,然后给每人发七张。

    Shuffle the cards and deal out seven to each player .

  4. 他要是睡眠不足动不动就发脾气。

    He gets ratty if he doesn 't get enough sleep .

  5. 尽可能别发脾气。

    Try to avoid losing your temper if at all possible .

  6. 我很害怕,感到喉咙发紧。

    I could feel a knot of fear in my throat .

  7. 她一发脾气说话就难听。

    She says awful things when she 's in a temper .

  8. 这家报纸不得不对这则新闻报道发一个更正。

    The paper had to publish a correction to the story .

  9. 为此大发脾气也无济于事。

    There 's no point in getting worked up about it .

  10. 我极想发牢骚,但还是没开口。

    I was sorely tempted to complain , but I didn 't.

  11. 假如你有任何意见,可发电子邮件或短信。

    If you have any comments , just email or SMS .

  12. 他的头发用了发胶,朝后/朝下梳得平平整整的。

    His hair was slicked back / down with gel .

  13. 请发短信到此号码参加投票。

    Send a text message to this number to vote .

  14. 她动辄就发脾气。

    It doesn 't take much to make her angry .

  15. 她揩公司的油,发了一笔小财。

    She 's milked the company of a small fortune .

  16. 你保证今天下午就把传真发出去,行吗?

    Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon ?

  17. 只要发句话,我就走。

    Just say the word , and I 'll go .

  18. 她的长发瀑布般地倾泻在后背上。

    Her hair tumbled in a cascade down her back .

  19. 她直挺挺地坐着,吓得浑身发僵。

    She sat upright , her body rigid with fear .

  20. 现在又开始流行蓄长发了。

    It 's becoming fashionable to have long hair again .

  21. 有班车定时发往机场。

    There is a regular bus service to the airport .

  22. 为发横财,他们想出了个蠢办法。

    They invented some lamebrain scheme to get rich quick .

  23. 我发短信告诉他我们在酒吧里等候。

    I text-messaged him to say we were waiting in the pub .

  24. 他因为迟到已经两次被告发。

    He 's already been reported twice for arriving late .

  25. 她对一位顾客发了脾气,冲着人家大喊大叫。

    She lost her temper with a customer and shouted at him .

  26. 我们给他发了一份电报请他加入我们的行列。

    We sent a wire asking him to join us .

  27. 对不起,我不该发脾气。

    I 'm sorry , I shouldn 't have lost my temper .

  28. 一旦就业,即停发福利救济。

    Welfare payments cease as soon as an individual starts a job .

  29. 书不够给每人发一本。

    There aren 't enough books for everyone to have one each .

  30. 由于计算机出错,他们的工资晚发了。

    Their pay was late because of a computer bungle .