
  • 网络feedback amplifier
  1. 一种分析多环负反馈放大电路的新方法

    A New Method to Analyse Multi-Loop Negative Feedback Amplifier

  2. 用病态网络分析强负反馈放大电路

    Deep negative feedback amplifier circuits analysis using pathological

  3. 以电压串联负反馈放大电路为例,证明用戴维宁定理(Thevenin'STHEOREM)对负反馈放大器作单向化变换,不是等效的变换,而且没能起到实质性单向化作用,即受控关系没有消除。

    It is proved that one-way conversion of negative-feedback amplifier by Thevenin 's theorem is not to be equivalent conversion . I is presented .

  4. 本文提出当正反馈放大电路的反馈强度大于其临界值时,其输入输出特性为Z形多值特性;

    It is presented in this paper that the output-input characteristic in a posi - tive feedback amplification circuit is a Z-type multiple valued characteristic , and yet a hysteresis is only its operative characteristic .

  5. 研究了焦平面中常用的直接注入(DI)和电容反馈放大电路(CTIA)与探测器耦合时在噪声、输入阻抗、工作点匹配等方面应具备的条件。

    And then , the conditions of the coupling in FPA between the detector with the direct injection ( DI ) circuit and capacitive transimpedance amplifier ( CTIA ) have been studied .

  6. 实验结果显示小功率光源可以利用三端集成稳压器和限流电阻实现恒流驱动(100mA),大功率光源可以利用负反馈放大电路实现恒流驱动(1A)。

    The result shows the former can used the manostat and limit current resistance , the latter can used negative feed-back amplifier to accomplish constant current driving .

  7. 指出了负反馈放大电路的性能测试与分析实验中电压串联负反馈放大电路测量开环电压放大倍数Av时的错误做法,并给出了正确的测量方法。

    The incorrect method of measuring the amplifier of open-loop voltage by the negative feedback of the voltage-series in the experiment named " measure and analysis on the amplifier of negative feedback " is pointed out and the correct measure methods is given .

  8. 反馈放大电路中反馈极性及组态的判别法

    On Approaches to Judge the Feedback-amplified Circuit and the Feedback Polarity

  9. 三种负反馈放大电路仿真软件的比较

    A comparison of Simulation Software in Three Negative Feedback Amplifying Circuits

  10. 电压串联负反馈放大电路中开环电压放大倍数的测量

    Measure of amplification of open-loop voltage in the negative feedback of voltage-series

  11. 用节点导纳矩阵分析负反馈放大电路

    Analysis of Amplifying Circuits with Negative Feedback Using Node Admittance Matrix Method

  12. 反馈放大电路类型判断教法探讨

    Discussion on teaching method of judging feedback amplification circuit types

  13. 负反馈放大电路实验中若干问题的探讨

    Discussion of some question concerning negative feedback amplification circuit experiment

  14. 多环负反馈放大电路模式与分析

    Models of multi - loop negative feedback circuit and analysis

  15. 一种用传输系数分析负反馈放大电路的简易算法

    Using Circuit Transfer Coefficient to Simplify Analysis of The Negative Feedback Amplifies

  16. 利用回路增益分析负反馈放大电路

    Analyze a Negative-feedback Amplifier by Using the Method of Loop-gain

  17. 负反馈放大电路的倒信号流图分析法

    The reverse signal flow graph analysis method on negative feedback amplifer circuits

  18. 负反馈放大电路自激振荡产生原因及消除方法探讨

    A cause of self oscillation of negative feedback amplifying circuit and its solution

  19. 反馈放大电路稳定性的计算机分析

    Computer analysis on the stability of feedback amplifying circuits

  20. 负反馈放大电路动态电阻的分析

    Analysis of Dynamic Resistance on Negative Feedback Amplifying Circuit

  21. 关于负反馈放大电路输出电阻的研究

    Study of Output Resistance of Negative Feedback Amplification Circuit

  22. 负反馈放大电路分析新法

    New method of analysing amplifying circuits by negative feedback

  23. 试论碳纳米管优化反馈放大电路

    Try Discuss Carbon Nanotube Optimum Feedback Magnifying Circuit

  24. 利用虚接概念分析反馈放大电路的拆环问题

    The Exact Evaluation of A and F of a Feedback Amplifier by Virtual Connection Concept

  25. 文章简要分析了反馈放大电路的各种基本反馈类型的判断方法;

    In this paper , analysis of judging basic feedback configuration in feedback amplifier are given .

  26. 反馈放大电路一般表达式的另一形式

    Another General Expression for Feedback Amplifiers

  27. 目前,方框图法是被广泛使用的分析负反馈放大电路的方法。

    The block diagram method is widely used to analyze the negative feedback amplifier at present .

  28. 由于采用差动结构,减小了环境、温度等因素对系统的影响,前置电路中核心部分采用反馈放大电路。

    Differential structure decreases circumstance and temperature 's influence . The core of preamplifier is reactive circuit .

  29. 提出了判断常见反馈放大电路的反馈组态的简单规律。

    Based on above analysis , simple solution to judge feedback configuration in general feedback amplifier are proposed .

  30. 讨论了负载电阻噪声对负反馈放大电路噪声性能的影响。

    The effect of a load resistor noise on the noise property of a negative feedback amplifier is also discussed .