
fǎn shēn
  • reflexive;turn (self) around
反身 [fǎn shēn]
  • [(of a person) turn around] 转过身子;转身

  • 她一句话也不说,反身就走

  1. 反身代词和它的先行词间的同一性关系。

    The coreferential relation between a reflexive pronoun and its antecedent .

  2. 用合适的反身代词填空,完成下列句子。

    Complete the sentences below using the appropriate reflexive pronoun .

  3. 英汉语(第三人称)强势反身代词(IR)被认为是一种代词性反身代词,不同于真正的、语法化了的反身代词。

    The third-person intensive reflexives ( IRs ) in English and Chinese are normally taken to be'pronominal reflexives'unlike'real , grammaticalized'reflexives .

  4. 自Chomsky(19811986)提出约束理论后,汉语反身代词一直备受语言学家和有关研究者的关注。

    After the Binding Theory was proposed by Chomsky ( 1981,1986 ), Chinese reflexives have been attracting great attention in Linguistics .

  5. 他的核心理念是反身性(reflexivity),即一个参与者的看法和真实事件之间的双向反馈回路。

    His core idea is reflexivity , which he defines as a two-way feedback loop , between the participants ' views and the actual state of affairs .

  6. 上帝会给我们希望,你不用担心了。(思嘉离开房间,反身关上门。)

    Scarlett leaves the room , closing the door behind her .

  7. 2)用反身代词表示强调我将亲自到车站为她送行。

    e.g.I myself will see her off at the station .

  8. 在数据库关系图中,自联接被称为反身关系。

    In database diagrams , a self-join is called a reflexive relationship .

  9. 非流利型失语患者汉语反身代词指称理解障碍浅析

    The comprehension disorder of sentences containing Chinese reflexives in influent aphasia patients

  10. 大部分及物动词可接反身代词作宾语。

    Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun .

  11. 反身代词可强调名词或代词。

    Reflexive pronouns can emphasize a noun or pronoun .

  12. 在一个句子里,反身代名词用来当作宾语。

    In a sentence , a reflexive pronoun is used as the object .

  13. 索罗斯关于市场的反身性。

    The reflexivity of market described by George Soros .

  14. 丽兹:哇!他做了一组倒立反身转体。赞!

    Liz : Wow ! He did a handstand reverse twist . Nice !

  15. 自传中反身表达的人际意义

    On the Interpersonal Meaning of Reflexive Expressions in Autobiography

  16. 约束理论与英汉反身代词第二语言习得的理论研究

    A Critical Review of the Binding Theory and the Second Language Acquisition of Reflexives

  17. 最简方案框架下的汉语反身代词

    Chinese Reflexives within the Framework of Minimalist Program

  18. 他们应该把你反身葬在下面,麦斯。

    They should bury you face down , max.

  19. 图像名词词组中反身代词与其先行词的语义关系

    The Semantic Relationship Between the Reflexive and Its Antecedent in the Picture Noun Phrase

  20. 记住超类型的关系是反身的。

    Remember , the supertype relation is reflexive .

  21. 从优选论的思路来看,显著性和局部性在不同语言中的不同的制约地位可以解释各语言中反身代词不同的约束特征。

    And the interaction of prominence and locality derives different possibility in pronominal binding .

  22. 他在反身翻腾三周半取得了所有的满分。

    He got all 10s for 3,5 Reverse .

  23. 这就是反身性原理。

    That is the principle of reflexivity .

  24. 现代汉语反身代词自己的照应功能

    The Anaphoric Function of the Reflexive " ziji " in Modern Chinese ; reflexive pronoun

  25. 或者你也可以选择花式跳,来个反身翻腾一周加半转体。

    Or you can get Fancy and do a Full Gainer with a Half Twist .

  26. 约束、述谓与特征核查&最简方案框架内的反身代词化研究

    Binding , predication and feature 's checking

  27. 反身代词和先行语的关系问题

    Relationship Between the Reflexive and its Antecedent

  28. 公司价值形成的反身性机制与中国上市公司的实证研究

    The reflexivity mechanism of forming process of corporation value and empirical test of Chinese public corporate

  29. 两个语用原则与英、法、汉反身代词长距离照应特性

    Two Pragmatic Principles and the Long Distance Anaphoric Properties of English , French and Chinese Reflexives

  30. 但是对于这类代词的研究不能只集中在句法,句子本身所持有的语义也对反身代词的用法有很大的影响。

    The semantic property also lays great influence on the distribution and usage of the reflexive .