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fǎn jié
  • ask in retort;counter with a question


fǎn jí
  • demand in return;cross examine;cross examination;ask in retort
反诘 [fǎn jié]
  • [ask in retort] 反问

反诘[fǎn jí]
反诘[fǎn jié]
  1. 证人在整个反诘问过程中保持着镇静自若。

    The witness remained collected throughout the cross - examination .

  2. 奥斯本怒目注视着纳斯。还要等?他反诘道。

    Osborn glared at him . " Why for waiting ?" he challenged .

  3. 轻声的宏观历史发展反诘语气副词的功能考察

    On The Development of The Neutral Tone The Function of the Interrogative Adverbs

  4. 反诘类语气副词的否定功能分析

    A Study on Negative Function of Interrogative Modal Adverbs

  5. 反诘问句的用意在让人注意后续的陈述。

    A rhetorical question is intended to draw attention to a subsequent statement .

  6. 你为什么把我带到这里?老人气势汹汹地反诘。

    " Why did you bring me here ?" returned the old man fiercely .

  7. 在语义上,该类句子反诘的侧重点在于方式、条件,而非陈述之主体。

    In semantic content , the rhetorical question focuses on manners and conditions rather than declarative themes .

  8. 他还可以利用反诘问为决策者澄清技术概念或其他不熟悉的事情。

    And he may use cross-examination to clarify technical concepts or other unfamiliar matters for the decisionmakers .

  9. 我常反诘:“妈妈,可您不知道那笑是真是假呀!”

    I would say ," But Mom , you don 't know if that smile is real . "

  10. 他当时如果走进证人席,他就会就自己所提供的任何证词受到反诘问。

    If he had gone into the witness box he would have been cross-examined on any evidence he gave .

  11. 经典范畴理论关照下的语言观&对典型范畴理论下语言观的反诘

    Understanding Language with Reference to the Classical Category Theory & Arguments Against the Linguistic View Based on the Prototypical Theory

  12. 2带反诘语气副词的反诘问句末尾的否定词一般已经虚化;

    The negative word at the end of a rhetorical question sentence with a adverb with interrogative mood is always weak ;

  13. 至于反诘问句,我想先问清楚,你的文章中的反诘问句有正确使用吗?

    As for employing rhetorical questions , my first response is to ask , do you really mean questions & plural ?

  14. 几乎没有几个反诘问者具备足够的技术经验,能够和专家就专家的论点相对抗,并对专家的方法或分析令人信服地提出疑问。

    Few cross-examiners have sufficient technical sophistication to meet an expert on his own ground and challenge his methodology or analysis convincingly .

  15. 反诘类语气副词与否定预设,认为这类副词在表示反诘的同时,否定了句子的预设。

    The third question is concerned with the interrogative modal adverbs and the negative presupposition , such adverbs negates the sentence 's presupposition .

  16. 装置艺术是当代中国现代前卫艺术中重要的艺术样式。装置艺术的美学特征正是以对传统艺术的反诘与超越为其特征。

    Abstract Ornamental art is the important part of contemporary Chinese leading art , which is characterized by questions to and surpassing traditional art .

  17. ph.1.修辞性疑问句;不需回答的反诘句对英语偶词词组的句法功能和修辞作用进行分析和论述。

    Rhetorical question This paper focuses on presentation of the grammatical functions of even-word phrases . And their rhetorical functions are analysed and discussed .

  18. 有些教授觉得文章不该出现任何反诘问句,有些则认为可以藉反诘问句引入重点。

    While some professors frown on any use of rhetorical questions , others appreciate the power of such a question to introduce a point .

  19. 反诘问句的语用功能较丰富,可表达困惑、申辩、责怪、反驳、催促和提醒六种意义。

    Pragmatic functions of rhetorical sentences are very rich and can be expressed confusion , defense , blame , urged , reminded and so on .

  20. 一般而言,反诘问可用来质疑证人的可信度或检验他的证言的准确性和完整性。

    In general , cross-examination can be used to challenge the credibility of the witness or to test the accuracy and completeness of his testimony .

  21. 唐诗中的问句空白结构主要有自问自答式、反诘而问式和疑而无答式三种。

    The interrogative sentences of blank structure in Tang poetry chiefly have three types which are the question-answer style , the rhetorical question style and the solo-question style .

  22. 第六章是反诘疑问句,即无疑而问的反问句,其研究方法与一般疑问句研究方法相同。

    Chapter VI is a rhetorical questions , that is , no doubt the question of rhetorical questions , and its research methods and research methods in general the same questions .

  23. 文章主要讨论与这类副词相关的三个问题:(1)反诘类语气副词与否定范畴,认为这类副词对反问句中深层语义结构上的肯定-否定的转化起着重要的作用;

    The first question is related to the interrogative modal adverbs and the negative category . This kind of adverbs plays a very important role in the transformation of " affirmative-negative " of deep semantic structure in the interrogative sentences .

  24. 文章以吗问句为研究对象,探讨了以下几个问题:1.根据吗字的历时演变过程析离出了现代汉语吗问句的三种功能类型:询问求知句、猜度求证句和反诘质疑句;

    By investigating ' ma ' - questions in mandarin , this paper discusses some important issues as follows : 1.Three function types of ' ma ' - questions ( inquiry , surmise and query ) are distinguished on a basis of researching historical evolvement of ' ma ' ;