
  • 网络anti-politics;antipolitics
  1. 萨尔蒙德是个完美的政客,他会利用民众的反政治情绪。英国独立党(UKIndependenceParty)在欧洲议会选举中取胜,靠的就是这股情绪。

    Mr Salmond , a consummate politician , will play to the mood of anti-politics that carried the UK Independence party to victory in the European elections .

  2. 尼采是反政治的,但非政治冷漠症者。

    Nietzsche is the anti-political , but the disease are non-political indifference .

  3. 尼采的反政治观导致两种立场:要么产生一种旨在推翻现行政体的反抗话语和抗争策略,要么隐于政治之外冷眼旁观。

    Nietzcshe 's position oscillated between counter-statements and counter-strategies aimed at overturning the existing polity and being out of the political .

  4. 但由于仍然受到分离主义思维的影响,理论建构总是难以形成有效的解释体系和实践方案,理论之间争战由去政治化到返政治化再到反政治化频繁兴替。

    Owe to the influence of secessionism , the theory construction could not form any effective explanatory system or practical design , and controversy began from dis-politicalization to re-politicalization then to anti-politicalization .

  5. 萨德克指出这是一种易于部署的反西方政治议程。

    Sadek says it 's an anti-Western political agenda easy to deploy .

  6. 反腐败政治对中国大型企业的影响在最近几周有所加大。

    The impact of anti-corruption politics on major Chinese companies has ramped up in recent weeks .

  7. 从1997年至今,这部污秽不堪的卡通剧一直在提供反党派政治讽刺和神明亵渎的一站式服务。

    That scabrous cartoon has been a one-stop shop for anti-partisan satire and blasphemy on Comedy Central since 1997 .

  8. ESC说道:不论人们是否把这首歌与反撒切尔的政治情绪相联系,听众都可能持有赞同或是反对两种观点,而这个争议颇大的歌曲是在庆祝死亡这一点是可以确定的。

    Aside from whether or not people had bought the song in order to express anti-Thatcher political sentiments , which listeners may or may not agree with , the song in question was clearly a celebration of death , said the ESC .

  9. 边境联合反空袭作战政治工作研究

    On the Political Work of Joint Antiair Warfare at Border

  10. 论人性的稳定性与可变性道德法律化&中国人治的特征和儒学反人性的政治根源

    On the stability and changeability of human nature The Different Logic of Law and Morality

  11. 试论反腐败与政治稳定

    On Fighting Against Corruption and Political Stabilization

  12. 1990年2月11日,曼德拉获释,这是多年反种族隔离政治压力的结果。

    Mr Mandela 's release on 11 February 1990 followed years of political pressure against apartheid .

  13. 关于星期日娱乐活动法规的投票一反传统的政治界限。

    The voting on the laws relating to Sunday recreation cut across the traditional political border line .

  14. 穆沙拉夫的决定在全国受到以律师协会为首的广泛反对,从而为反穆沙拉夫的政治力量赢得今年2月的选举铺平了道路。

    His decision received countrywide opposition led by the lawyers ' community , paving the way for anti-Musharraf political parities to win February parliamentary elections .

  15. 然而,教育并不仅仅受制于社会背景等,教育还会产生一些反作用力在政治、经济、文化等方面。

    However , education is not merely subject to social background , education also produces some reaction force in the political , economic , and cultural aspects .

  16. 19世纪末,英国为维护自己在远东的利益,找寻订立反俄军事政治同盟的伙伴。初以德国为对象,未遂。

    In the end of the 19 th century , Britain sought to establish an anti-Russian military and political alliance for keeping its interests in the Far-East .

  17. 道德法律化&中国人治的特征和儒学反人性的政治根源几千年人治政治的影响是中国当今廉政建设的障碍之一;

    The Different Logic of Law and Morality Thousands of years of influence of personal rule is an obstacle of constructing an honest and clean government in China .

  18. 对取消治安行政审批后娱乐场所治安管理的思考关于星期日娱乐活动法规的投票一反传统的政治界限。

    Speculations on Security Administration of Public Places of Entertainment after Cancellation of Administrative Examination and Approval ; The voting on the laws relating to Sunday recreation cut across the traditional political border line .

  19. 首先倡导国家观的是具有留学于日本经历或者具有反清的政治资本的中国知识分子,对于这些知识分子而言,政治资本和学历成为他们之间彼此认同的资本。

    First the initiates that the nation view is the intellect who has the abroad study to experience in Japan or have the democratic political capital China intellectual , for these intellectual , the political capital and the school record become between them each other regionalize capital .

  20. 萨尔蒙德倡导独立的论调一直是温情的、包容的,回避了愤怒的反英格兰式悲情政治(politicsofgrievance,指煽动和利用民众的委屈感为自己争取票数&译者注)。

    Mr Salmond has built his argument for independence around a cuddly , inclusive pitch that eschews the angry politics of anti-English grievance .

  21. 40年后,反战联盟在政治和社会上都不招人喜欢。

    Forty years later , anti-war rallies are politically and socially disagreeable .

  22. 法律文化中的生态与反生态&以政治生态理论为视域

    Ecology and Anti-ecology in Legal Culture

  23. 我国的反腐败模式随着政治、经济和社会的变革和发展而不断发展和转型。

    With the development of our economy , society and politics , anti-corruption mode changes all the time .

  24. 将宪法置于反殖民斗争的政治环境作为分析的视角这在今天显得非常重要。

    Put constitution in the on the contrary colonial political environmental visual angle as analysis of struggle this in today look very important .

  25. 尽管双反长期的存在政治分歧,但在日益严峻的经济形势下,双方迫于压力签署了此权利分享协定。

    But long-simmering and bitter differences between the two sides and the nation 's worsening economic collapse are expected to put the power-sharing deal under intense pressure .

  26. 音乐的存在如果是有意义的,在当时必然是反纳粹、反政治的,所以严正的音乐家确实必须旗帜鲜明地表明自己的是非爱憎。

    If the existence of music has meaning , it was necessarily anti-nazist and anti-political in that circumstance . therefore , serious musicians had to make their positions clear .

  27. 同时,思想政治教育运行也反作用于思想政治教育政策环境,对其具有正向强化、动态调整和负向终止作用。

    Meanwhile , the ideological and political education to run also affects the ideological and political education policy environment , strengthen its a positive , dynamic adjustment and the role of negative end .

  28. 他早期思想的属性既非改良,又非革命,而是其目标选择中的侵犯意识与攻击行为,革命反满是后来政治心理完型的结果。

    The attribute of his thought in his early period was neither reformation nor revolution , but aggressive conciousness and behaviour , and the choice of revolution was the result of the integrity of his political psychology .

  29. 那时是我们围剿敌人,敌人则企图反围剿,但是政治和军事的条件将不允许敌人获得如同红军一样的反“围剿”的地位。

    Then we shall be encircling and suppressing the enemy and he will be resorting to counter-campaigns , but political and military conditions will not allow him to attain the same position as that of the Red Army in its counter-campaigns .

  30. 同时,在网络政治参与这一变量的影响下,国家权力、政治文化和政府管理的变化也将反作用于网络政治参与,从而推动对于加强网络政治参与发展的思考。

    In the meantime , under the influence of network political participation , the changes in state power , political culture and government management will also react on network political participation , thus , pushing forward the thinking about the future development of network political participation .