
  • 网络response function;reaction function;IRF
  1. 金融状况指数FCI与货币政策反应函数经验研究

    An Empirical Study on China 's Financial Condition Index and Monetary Policy Reaction Function

  2. 并且可以方便地通过局中人之间反应函数的性质估计收敛速度。

    This method can estimate convergence speed conveniently according to the reaction function of participators .

  3. 一类带Bedding反应函数的捕食模型在不同斑块环境中的扩散作用

    Diffusive applications of a class of predator prey model with bedding functional response over two patches

  4. 带B-D功能反应函数的捕食者-食饵扩散模型行波解的存在性

    The Existence of Traveling Wave Solutions of a Diffusive Predator-Prey Model with DeAngelis Functional Response

  5. 第四章提出了在供求关系作用下自治和非自治单种群Gompertz收获模型。讨论了一类功能反应函数为x的食饵-捕食系统的收获模型。

    Lastly , the impulsive exploitation of single species modelled by periodic Gompertz ecosystem is studied . A harvesting Prey-Predator system with action function x was put forward .

  6. 采用协整理论及基于VAR的Grange因果关系检验与冲击反应函数方法对中国上海期货交易所燃料油期货价格作建模分析。

    The futures prices of fuel oil of Shanghai Futures Exchange were analyzed through model building with Cointegration theory , VAR-based Grange Causality testing and impulse analysis .

  7. 进而,运用因子分析法和基于SVAR模型的脉冲反应函数对近期通货膨胀的成因进行了实证验证。

    Then , makes empirical analysis by using element analysis and pulse response function based on the SVAR model .

  8. PTT和阻燃PTT共聚酯的热降解反应函数为S9函数,热降解反应机理为相边界反应机理。

    S9 fuction was ensure to be the thermal degradation reaction fuction , and ensured the thermal degradation mechanism of PTT and FR-PTT were both phase-side reaction mechanism .

  9. 本文讨论了具有双边私人信息的多先验期望效用决策者的打赌对策模型,给出了相应的反应函数和接受函数及它们的性质,与Morris(1995)的结论类似。

    This paper discusses a betting model in which players with two sided private information have multi prior expected utilities , and the results are similar to those of Morris ( 1995 ) .

  10. 该模型的消耗率参数中含有一个关于营养基的二次函数,功能反应函数则为具有内代谢的Monod类型,以更好地模拟实际问题。

    The model contains a quadratic function of the underlying substrate in the parameter of consumption rate incorporating Monod kinetics with internal metabolism .

  11. 文章以前瞻性利率规则为基础,运用IS-PC-AP模型,采用GMM法估计出中国包含股票价格因素的货币政策反应函数。

    Based on the forward-looking interest rule , using IS-PC-AP model and GMM , it estimates Chinese monetary policy function considering stock prices .

  12. 本文讨论一个具有阶段结构的捕食-食饵模型,该模型采用Beddington-DeAngelis功能反应函数,并以食饵从出生到成熟这段时间为时滞来描述系统的生态特征。

    This paper considers a stage structured predator-prey model of Beddington-DeAngelis type functional response . The time delay is the time taken from birth to maturity about the prey .

  13. 基于ARMA模型的脉冲反应函数的测度方法对我国的产出数据进行实证分析得到:冲击对改革开放前后我国的产出均具有持久性的影响。

    Based on the pulse response function ARMA model we measure method to our country the output data carried on the real diagnosis analysis get : the impact of reform and opening up in China to the output of the before and after all the influence of with persistence .

  14. 本文运用log-log市场反应函数,对国内彩电行业中品牌市场份额对品牌价格弹性的影响进行了实证研究。

    Based on the data of TV category , the present study focus - es on the impact of brand market share on brand price elasticity . Log - log market response model is adopted in the study .

  15. 本文针对一类具有HollingⅣ功能性反应函数的捕食系统,应用微分方程稳定性和定性理论、重合度理论,证明了系统正平衡点全局稳定性,极限环的存在唯一性和周期解的存在性。

    In this paper , predator-prey systems with Holling ⅳ functional response is studied . With utilizing differential equations stability and qualitative theory , coincidence degree theory , we prove the global stability of positive equilibrium point , the existence and uniqueness limit cycle and existence of periodic solutions .

  16. 第三章研究捕食者具有Beddington-Deangelis功能反应函数和周期脉冲扰动的捕食者-食饵系统,利用脉冲微分方程的Floquet理论和比较定理,得到了系统灭绝和持续生存的充分条件。

    The predator-prey system with Beddington-Deangelis functional response and periodic impulsive perturbations on the predator are considered by using the floquet theory of impulsive equation and comparison theorem , sufficient conditions for the system to be extinct and permanence are given in the third chapter .

  17. 中国资产价格与货币政策反应函数模拟

    Simulation on Asset Prices and Monetary Policy Reaction Function of China

  18. 马尾松不同种源对环境的反应函数和优良种源的合理布局

    Response Functions of Masson Pine Provenances to Different Environment and Suitable

  19. 具有非线性功能性反应函数的捕食者-食饵系统稳定性分析

    Analysis of stability for predator-prey systems with nonlinear functional response

  20. 研究了具有反馈控制与第二类功能性反应函数的周期捕食-食饵模型。

    Predatorprey model with feedback control and type II functional response function is investigated .

  21. 本文讨论了一类具有功能反应函数的捕食食饵模型。

    In this paper , we consider a class of predator-prey system with functional responses .

  22. 应用暴露-反应函数对大气污染健康影响进行货币化研究。

    We study on currency loss to human health caused by air pollution with E-R function .

  23. 具功能反应函数的食饵-捕食者模型平衡点的稳定性和极限环的存在性

    The Stability of Equilibriums and the Existence of Limit Cycles for a Predator-prey Model with Functional Responses

  24. 相干情形下的反应函数以及光学信息的选择传送

    The frequency response function in a coherent optical system and its frequency selection characteristics in transmitting optical information

  25. 本文针对一个具有Ⅱ型功能反应函数的捕食被捕食系统,分别采用两种不同的方法保证了系统的稳定性。

    In this paper , we take a predator-prey system with Holling II functional response function for an example .

  26. 首先针对外汇干预反应函数进行研究,它作为描述中央银行外汇干预行为特征的一个重要工具,其模型具有多种不同的表达形式。

    As an important tool to describe intervention behavior of central banks , the reaction function has many different models .

  27. 在随机扰动下的具有Holling-(n+1)型功能反应函数的捕食模型解的研究

    Researching on Positive Solution of a Predator-prey System with Holling - ( n + 1 ) Functional Response with Random Perturbation

  28. 对于模型中关系参数取值的不同情况,根据反应函数法进行博弈的均衡分析。

    According to the different value of the relation parameter , the equilibrium analysis is made based on reaction function method .

  29. 分析了规模的延迟影响所造成的长期效应,改进了营销人员规模确定的控制单元反应函数,在利用动态规划过程求解销售努力优化配置方案的基础上,实现了规模的长期优化。

    Based on the process of optimizing the selling effort allocation through dynamic programming , the optimum of the size is achieved .

  30. 本文通过对我国货币政策反应函数的估计,得到与众多学者类似的结论,我国货币政策是一种不稳定的货币政策规则,利率对通货膨胀的调整是适应性的。

    We have got the similar conclusions with many domestic scholars , that our monetary policy is an unstable monetary policy rules .