
  • 网络anomalous scattering;MAD;SAD;S-SAD
  1. 测定f〃(Ga)的有效反常散射因数法

    Effective Anomalous Scattering Factor Method in Determination of f_ ( Ga ) ~ ″

  2. 由透射波的摇摆曲线求GaAs中Ga的反常散射因数

    Determination of anomalous scattering factor for GA by using rocking curves of transmitted beam in GaAs

  3. 长波长X射线衍射技术与蛋白质晶体中硫的单波长反常散射研究

    Technology of Soft X-Ray Diffraction and Sulfur Single-wavelength Anomalous Diffraction in Protein Crystallography

  4. α粒子在~(24)Mg核上大角反常散射的研究

    Study of anomalous large angle α - scattering on ~ ( 24 ) mg

  5. 反常散射效应在处理Patterson法双解中的应用

    Application of the anomalous scattering effect in treating the problem of double images resulting from Patterson analysis

  6. 经质谱测定发现TCTD的所有7个甲硫氨酸都被甲硒氨酸所替代,这为SeMet多波长反常散射法研究TCTD的晶体结构打下了基础。

    All seven Mets contained TCTD were found to be substituted with Se Met by mass spectrum , which provided the possibility to determine the crystal structure of TCTD by Se Met multi wavelength anomalous diffraction .

  7. 虽然本例只处理了含重原子晶体Patterson函数的双解问题,但所用手段同样适用于处理同晶型法和反常散射法的双解。

    Although only the problem of ambiguity of Patterson method is treated in this example , but the same approach can be applied to that of the isomorphous replacement method and the anomalous scattering method .

  8. 分子的绝对构型是用反常散射法确定的。

    Absolute configuration of molecule was determined by anomalous scattering method .

  9. 硅镓锗砷的反常散射因子

    Anomalous Scattering Factors of Si , Ca , Ge and As

  10. 反常散射法同直接法的结合

    The combination of anomalous scattering method and direct method

  11. 将由反常散射效应所得的部分相位信息同直接法结合起来有助于解决这个困难。

    Incorporating the anomalous scattering information into the direct method would facilitate the solution of the difficulty .

  12. 其三,随着激发波长的变化,光谱也呈现出峰位移动的明显变化。这些反常的散射光谱的变化源于纳米结构的本征缺陷。

    It was demonstrated that the abnormal originates from the nanoscale structure of the NCs that can be considered naturally as an intrinsic defect .

  13. 从这个色散关系出发,统一处理了各种常见波的参量激发,如反常吸收与反常散射,并与别人用其他方法计算的结果作了比较。

    By using this unified dispersion relation , various parametric instabilities ( stimulated anomalous absorptions and scatterings ) are discussed .