
fǎn yǔ zhòu
  • Anti universe;antiuniverse
反宇宙[fǎn yǔ zhòu]
  1. 依照物理学的标准理论,反物质宇宙应该看起来与我们自己的宇宙相同。

    According to the standard theories of physics , the antimatter universe should look identical to our own .

  2. 全反真空和宇宙的生成问题对化合物的顺反构型作了分析。

    Some Thoughts on Exact Opposite Vacuum and Cosmogony The cis-trans configuration of the compounds was analysed .

  3. 接触物质时会将其毁灭的反物质似乎在宇宙中很罕见。

    Antimatter , which annihilates matter upon contact , seems to be rare in the universe .

  4. 物理学家认为等量的正物质和反物质应该在宇宙大爆炸的过程中形成。

    Physics suggests equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have been made in the Big Bang .

  5. 他的模型和我们预知的都是相似的,等方性和闭合的且由相等的物质和反物质组成的宇宙。

    Both his model and ours predict a universe that is homogeneous , isotropic and closed and consists equally of matter and antimatter .

  6. 核科学家们称,他们在探寻反物质方面取得了突破性的进展。反物质是宇宙起源大爆炸理论的一个关键组成部分。

    Nuclear scientists say they 've made a dramatic breakthrough in the elusive quest for anti-matter , a crucial component in the Big Bang theory for the origin of the Universe .