
  1. 火箭升空。

    The rocket soared into the air .

  2. NASA举办推特会的目的是使来自世界各地的人们有机会亲身了解火箭升空的情况,并与他们当地社区的人们分享这次活动的经历。

    NASA 's goal in holding Tweetups is to provide an opportunity for individuals around the world to experience a rocket launch firsthand and share the event with their local communities .

  3. Stratolaunch是由诺斯洛普·格鲁门公司的子公司ScaledComposites公司(美国一家航空公司)建造的,它被设计用于搭载多达3枚火箭升空,然后栓于机身上的负载火箭会脱落,点火,并被发射到太空。

    Built by Scaled Composites , a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman , Stratolaunch was designed to carry as many as three rockets tethered to its belly into the skies ; the rockets would then drop , ignite and shoot off into space with their payloads .

  4. 最新消息,澳门今天发射第一枚火箭升空。

    Latest news : macau launched her fist rocket today .

  5. 比奇洛称,它将向大量购买使用新载人火箭升空的旅客提供这个价格。

    He says he will be able to offer this price by bulk-buying launches on newly man-rated rockets .

  6. 在火箭升空进入第一阶段的短短几秒内,安塔瑞斯号就出现故障坠向地面然后发生爆炸燃烧约4分钟。

    The first stage was just seconds into a four-minute burn when the Antares rocket stalled , fell backward and exploded .

  7. 二十世纪五六十年代,当早期的意在探索冒险的太空火箭升空时,太空遨游的幻想就更热切了。

    The vision being sold in the 1950s and 1960s , when the early space rockets were flying , was of adventure and exploration .

  8. 如果我们把可能泄漏的地方封起来,就能改进我们的设计,确保所有的空气都能用来推动火箭升空。

    If we tape up places that could leak , it could improve our design by making sure all of the air is pushing the rocket up .

  9. 这看起来很奇怪的鸟在这里看到的是美属维尔京母舰夏娃,这架飞机将携带一进入轨道的旅客空中发射维珍银河的太空船火箭升空。

    The odd-looking bird seen here is the Virgin Mothership Eve , the aircraft that will carry Virgin Galactic 's SpaceShipTwo rocket aloft for a midair launch of tourists into orbit .

  10. 火箭升空、雨滴下落等问题,是经典力学中的变质量问题,解决这类问题,主要是使用密舍尔斯基方程。

    The rise of a rocket and the fall of a rain drop are the problems of variable mass in classical mechanics . Usually , Mischelski equation is used to solve these problems .

  11. 从位于极其有利的纬度的堪那佛拉海角起飞,强大的土星火箭升空了,一共五位成员,罗宾是其中之一。

    Taking off from Cape Canaveral , which is located at a highly favorable degree of latitude , the mighty Saturn rocket blasted off , with Robin as one of a crew of five .

  12. 火箭飞速升空。

    The rocket steepened its ascent .

  13. 能够在电视上观看发射情况的观众可以看到奥德赛从德尔塔II火箭发射升空的远景。火箭的第二级上安装了两台报像机。

    Viewers who were able to watch the launch on television could see the lift-off from the perspective of Odyssey 's Delta II rocket , which had two video cameras attached to its2nd stage .

  14. 周二凌晨5时58分酒泉卫星发射中心,神舟八号搭载长征二号F型火箭发射升空,进入预定轨道。

    The spacecraft was successfully sent into the designated orbit after the blastoff at 5:58 am at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern desert area , carried by an upgraded Long March-2F rocket .

  15. 一年后,韩国火箭在升空两分钟后爆炸。

    A year later , the rocket exploded just two minutes after liftoff .

  16. 一枚火箭发射升空。

    A rocket was launched into space .

  17. 当天清晨6时55分,“高分三号”卫星是由长征四号丙运载火箭发射升空的。

    The Gaofen-3 satellite was launched off the back of a Long March 4C carrier rocket at 6:55 am .

  18. 一枚信号火箭发射升空就是向参加奔跑的人和观众发出警报,公牛已经被放出来到街道上了。

    A rocket goes off to alert the runners and spectators that the bulls have been released to the street .

  19. 朝鲜街道目前张贴着这样的宣传海报:工人们向空中挥拳,背景是一枚火箭正在升空。

    North Korean streets currently sport propaganda posters depicting workers punching the air as a rocket rips into the sky behind them .

  20. “好奇者号”是价值25亿美元的火星科学实验室空间飞船的中心部分,该飞船去年11月由“宇宙神”-5火箭发射升空。

    Curiosity is the center piece of a 2.5 billion dollar Mars science laboratory space craft launched in November aboard an Atlas V Rocket .

  21. 中国第一个空间路由器已经成功地从山西省北部的太原卫星发射中心由长征四号乙运载火箭发射升空。

    China 's first space router has been successfully launched atop the Long March-4B carrier rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in northern Shanxi Province .

  22. 介绍了为增大水“火箭”升空高度、增强飞行稳定性,提高水“火箭”的演示效果,而采取的几项措施。

    Some measures are introduced which can raise liquid fueled rockets height up to the air , as well as improve its flying stability and demonstration effect .

  23. 美国曾于1998年发射一颗类似的卫星,但运载火箭在升空后40秒爆炸,卫星也因此被毁。

    The United States launched a similar satellite in 1998 , but the booster carrying it exploded 40 seconds after launch , and the satellite was destroyed as well .

  24. 6月11日酒泉:周二下午在中国西南的酒泉卫星发射中心,神舟十号飞船已搭载长征二号运载火箭发射升空。

    JIUQUAN , June 11 ( Xinhua ) & China 's Shenzhou-10 spacecraft , on a Long March-2F carrier rocket , blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Tuesday afternoon .

  25. 韩国斥资2亿5千万美元建造了这次火箭将升空的发射中心。发射设施是韩国雄心勃勃的太空项目的一部分,包括将来把韩国探测器送上月球表面的长远计划。

    The $ 250-million launch facility where the rocket was set to lift off is being set as the stage for an ambitious space program , including long-range plans to land South Korean probes on the moon .

  26. 但韩国和日本随后表示,火箭似乎在升空几分钟后就爆炸解体。

    But Seoul and Tokyo later said the missile appeared to break apart within minutes .

  27. 搭载“长征四号丙”运载火箭同时发射升空的,还有中国第一颗公益小卫星“希望一号”,这颗小卫星将为全国青少年航天科技体验活动提供服务。

    Also on board is China 's first public-welfare mini satellite ," Hope I ," which will be used for the country 's young people to experience aerospace science and technology .

  28. SpaceX公司的首席执行官、网络企业家艾龙•马斯克说,观看火箭从发射台升空是万分紧张的一刻。

    SpaceX chief executive officer and Internet entrepreneur Elon Musk said watching the rocket rise from the launch pad was an extremely intense moment .

  29. SpaceX公司的首席执行官、网络企业家艾龙•马斯克说,观看火箭从发射台升空是“万分紧张的一刻”。

    SpaceX chief executive officer and Internet entrepreneur Elon Musk said watching the rocket rise from the launch pad was an " extremely intense moment . "

  30. 今天上午8时,火箭从肯尼迪角升空。

    The rocket blasted off at Cape Kennedy at8: 00a.m.this morning .