
zhī jié
  • detail;complications;minor matter;unexpected difficulty
枝节 [zhī jié]
  • (1) [complications;minor matter]∶比喻有关的但次要、琐细的事情

  • 枝节由此生出

  • (2) [unexpected difficulty]∶横生旁出的麻烦

  • 横生枝节

枝节[zhī jié]
  1. 我们不能让枝节问题掩盖主要问题。

    We mustn 't let these minor details obscure the main issue .

  2. 我必须忘掉这些枝节问题,记住我的使命。

    I must forget these side issues and remember my mission .

  3. 在枝节问题上犯不着花这么多时间。

    It isn 't worthwhile spending so much time on minor problems .

  4. 不要忽略枝节问题。

    Don 't neglect minor issues .

  5. 抓主要问题,不要被枝节问题牵掣住。

    Let 's focus our attention on the main problem and not get bogged down in minor issues .

  6. 别把话题转向枝节问题。

    Don 't divert the subject into a side issue .

  7. 别管枝节问题,让我们讨论问题的实质,以求得基本一致。

    Never mind the side issues , let 's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement .

  8. 用SIR型开路枝节实现低通滤波器小型化和宽阻带

    Realization of Miniaturization and Band Broadening of Lowpass Filter Using SIR Open-Stub

  9. 提出了在介质基板间加入金属脊和在贴片上加H形调谐枝节的新方法。

    A new method of putting metal-ridge into substrates and putting H-shaped tuning stub on the patch to increase band was proposed .

  10. 首先分析和仿真了传统DGS单元、半圆型DGS单元和半圆型阶梯阻抗并联枝节的等效电路模型和传输特性。

    The equivalent circuit model and transmission characteristics of traditional DGS unit , semicircle DGS unit and semicircle SISS unit are analyzed and simulated .

  11. 12GHz枝节匹配宽带微带均衡器

    A 12 GHz Branch Matched Broad-band Microstrip Equalizer

  12. 同时,根据目前WLAN手机天线的小型化需求,设计了一个三频WLAN印刷单极天线,采用多枝节实现了三频的工作模式,并具有小型结构和全向性。

    Simultaneity , a tri-band printed monopole antenna is also developed to meet the demand of WLAN phone antennas , which adopts the multi-branch design to complete the tri-band operation with a compact size and the omnidirectional radiation characteristic .

  13. 而单果重、鲜枣Vc、鲜枣可溶性糖含量、可食率、干枣可滴定酸、果吊率、二次枝节数等9个性状符合χ2分布。

    But those of per fruit weight , Vc of fresh fruit , soluble sugar of fresh fruit , edible percent of fruit , acid can be titrated in dry fruit , fruit number per bearing branchlet , internode number of secondary branch conformed to χ + 2 distribution .

  14. 利用HFSS分析可以看到电阻加载的枝节谐振器不仅频率可调,而且衰减可调、品质因数可调。

    High Frequency Structure Simulator ( HFSS ) is used to show that the microstrip branch resonator incorporated with this thin-film resistor loaded not only can be frequency adjustable , but also can be attenuation adjustable and quality factor adjustable .

  15. 但我们不应停留在技术枝节上。

    But we should not get bogged down in technical minutiae .

  16. 没有必要为这样的枝节问题发愁了。

    There is no need to worry over such a side-issue .

  17. 他的脑子老是岔开去想一些枝节问题。

    His mind kept branching off into the contemplation of side issues .

  18. 该谐振器由一个一段式和一个两段式微带开路枝节并联而成。

    The resonator consists of a one-section and a two-section microstrip open-stub .

  19. 它们涉及的不过是那种古老生活秩序的枝节问题。

    They bore upon minor points of that ancient order .

  20. 柬埔寨问题肯定只是一个枝节问题。

    The Cambodian issue is very definitely a side issue .

  21. 别为枝节问题过分烦恼。

    Don 't worry too much about the details .

  22. 让我们略过这些枝节来谈主要问题吧。

    Let 's skip over these details and come to the main point .

  23. 不要回避主题,而岔到枝节问题上去。

    Don 't ride off on a side issue .

  24. 生活世界并非现代哲学的一个枝节性概念,而是其核心概念。

    Life-world is the core concept of modern philosophy , not a secondary one .

  25. 你尽谈些枝节问题,亲爱的妈妈,拉尔夫说。

    " You don 't rise above detail , dear mother ," said Ralph .

  26. 每件事物剔除一切枝节后剩下的都是一种选择。

    When you cut away all the junk , every siuation is a choice .

  27. 他们总为枝节问题而争吵不休。

    They are always squabbling over details .

  28. 他不能理解总的论点,总是问一些无关紧要的枝节问题。

    He can 't understand a general argument , he always asks nitpicking little questions .

  29. 乔治·萨瑟兰法官代表多数派发言,把这种论点作为枝节问题不予考虑。

    Justice George Sutherland , speaking for the majority , dismissed this argument as irrelevant .

  30. 你所说的道理是正确的,但它们与主要问题相比却是枝节性的。

    The points you make are true , but they 're incidental to the main problem .