
  • 网络Dendritic segregation;dendrite segregation
  1. Ce对高锰钢奥氏体结晶形貌及Mn的枝晶偏析的影响

    Influence of Ce on crystal morphology of austenite and dendritic segregation of Mn in high-Mn steel

  2. 但该合金由于合金元素Sn的含量高,采用传统的熔铸方法制备时,凝固过程中Sn易产生严重的枝晶偏析和宏观反偏析。

    But severe dendritic segregation and macroscopic negative segregation of Sn often happen in the course of solidification for the alloy prepared by conventionally casting method because of high content of Sn .

  3. 结果表明:采用稀土/钛复合变质剂能基本上消除碳和其它元素(Si、Cr)的枝晶偏析。

    It is shown that RE / Ti multi-modification can effectively reduce dendrite composition segregation of carbon and alloy elements .

  4. 冷加工性能研究结果表明:对水平连铸坯进行均匀化扩散退火能改变铸坯的枝晶偏析,但对Pb相的分布影响不大,能一定程度地改善铸坯的力学性能,对后续加工有利。

    The results of the cold processing and the mechanical performance experiments are as follows : Homogenization annealing can vary the ingot 's crystal segregation except Pb and improve its mechanical performance .

  5. 结果表明:Gd和Y元素容易产生如枝晶偏析、晶界偏析和重力偏析等严重的局部组织缺陷:Gd元素偏析程度比Y的大,降低Gd的含量能减少合金的偏析;

    The results show that the segregation of Gd and Y elements leads to many local defects such as dendritic segregation , grain-boundary segregation and gravity segregation . The degree of Gd segregation is larger than that of Y , and it can be reduced by decreasing Gd concentration .

  6. 此外,通过均匀化退火可以有效的消除枝晶偏析。

    After homogenizing treatment , the dendritic segregation dissolves into the matrix again .

  7. 元素的枝晶偏析减小,中、高温的纵向持久寿命增加。

    The dendritic segregation of elements decreased .

  8. 铸锭若未经均匀化退火,最终制品的性能会受到枝晶偏析和第二相的严重影响。

    The final products are badly influenced by dendritic segregation of ingot without homogenization treatment .

  9. 宽变冷速对定向凝固合金枝晶偏析的影响

    Effect of wide change of cooling rate on dendritic segregation of a directionally solidified cobalt-base superalloy

  10. 高压增加了溶质原子在固溶体中的固溶度,减少了枝晶偏析。

    The high pressure improves solid solubility of solute into solid solution and reduces the dendritic segregation .

  11. 经过1200℃,24小时均匀化退火可以消除原始铸态组织的枝晶偏析。

    The homogenization treatment at 1200 ℃ for 24 hours eliminates the dendrite segregation of as-cast structure .

  12. 形成这一特征的主要原因是钢中钒的枝晶偏析。

    The analyses show that the main reason to these features is interdendritic segregation of Vanadium in the steels .

  13. 结果表明:增大冷却速率可有效抑制枝晶偏析,对易偏析元素其效果更明显;

    Results show that the increase of cooling rate can restrain dendritic segregation effectively , especially for easily segregated alloy elements .

  14. 铸造锡磷青铜合金组织中存在显微缩松、枝晶偏析和反偏析是冷加工报废的主要原因。

    There are some micro-shrinkage porosity / dendrite segregation and inverse-segregation in the strip billet of horizontal continuous casting , which are the main reasons for rejected castings during mill machining .

  15. 其目的是通过在高温状态下长时间地加热钢锭,减轻或消除钢锭中的枝晶偏析,以提高大锻件产品的性能。

    It aims at mitigating or eliminating the dendritic segregation in steel ingots to improve the capability of large forging products by the way of heating up steel ingots in high temperature .

  16. 鉴于枝晶偏析对熔铸材料组织和性能影响的普遍性与重要性,需要建立准确的枝晶偏析扩散均匀化数学模型,以便找出冶金质量控制参数。

    In view of generality and importance of effects of dendrite segregation on structures and properties of casted alloy materials , accurate mathematical models of diffusion homogenization of dendrite segregation must be set up , thus parameters of physico-metallurgical quality control can be found .

  17. 第二种溶质元素的增加会加重第一种溶质元素在二次枝晶间的偏析。

    The solute segregation of the first solute in secondary branch of dendrites comes remarkably with the increase of the secondary solute .

  18. 凝固过程枝晶生长与微观偏析的相场法模拟

    Phase-field Method of Dendrite Growth and Microsegregation during Solidification

  19. 球铁枝晶中硅锰元素偏析行为的研究

    Research on Segregating Behavior of Si and Mn Elements in Austenitic Dendrites of Ductile Iron

  20. 利用传统的元胞自动机方法摸拟了基于溶质扩散控制界面生长机制的枝晶演变和显微偏析。

    The dendrite evolution and micro-segregation based on mechanism of solute diffusion controlling interfacial growth is simulated by cellular automaton .

  21. 结果表明,晶体取向对合金枝晶组织形态和偏析存在显著影响,而合金的弹性模量和持久性能也存在明显的各向异性。

    Influence of modulus of elasticity on the forming precision of lapping tools in the aspherical lapping of bending formation method ;

  22. 模拟结果显示这种方法可以显示出枝晶形貌和显微偏析,同时可以再现凝固过程中的再辉现象。

    The simulated results show that using the method can not only reveal dendrite morphology and micro-segregation but also represent the recalescence phenomenon .

  23. 其次,对铸造态合金进行了研究。结果表明合金具有粗大的枝晶结构和明显的枝晶偏析。

    There was coarse dendritic structure and obvious dendritic segregation in the as casting alloy .

  24. 镍基单晶枝晶间与枝晶干的元素偏析不同,氧化后枝晶干和枝晶间的氧化产物也存在明显的差别。

    There are different elements segregation between core and inter dendrite in Nickel-based single-crystal , so the oxidation products also have the obvious differences .