
  • 网络TRB
  1. BMC(LM)系列反井钻机在山西反井工程中的应用

    Application of BMC ( LM ) series raise-boring machines in raise boring projects in Shanxi

  2. 王家寨煤矿-510m水平1煤仓在掘进过程遇有4m多的岩石破碎带,本文介绍在破碎围岩中使用反井钻机施工煤仓及支护施工的方法。

    The article has introduced the method of constructing bunker with raise-boring machine and supporting construction in the course of crushing wall rock in the first bunker on-510m level .

  3. LM-120型反井钻机

    LM-120 raise boring machine

  4. 不稳定岩层中煤仓反井钻机施工方法

    Construction Method with Raise-boring Machine in Bunker in Unstable Rock utilize

  5. 反井钻机在盲井施工中的应用与发展

    Application and development of raise borer in construction of blind shaft

  6. 液压旋转式钻机与反井钻机的发展趋势

    Developing Tendency of Hydraulic Rotary Drill and Raise Boring Machine

  7. 强力反井钻机的研制及应用

    Development and application of high power raise boring machine

  8. 反井钻机在周宁水电站高竖井开挖中的应用

    Application of inverse well drill in high shaft excavation of Zhouning hydropower plant

  9. 反井钻机在竖井开挖中的应用

    Application of raise drill in excavation of tunnel shaft

  10. 反井钻机技术在抽水蓄能电站建设中的应用和发展

    Application and Development of Anti-well Drilling Technology in the Pumped Storage Power Station Construction

  11. 反井钻机在新义煤矿主井煤仓施工中的应用

    Application of Anti-well Drilling Rig to Main Shaft Coal Bunker Construction in Xinyi Coal Mine

  12. 采用振动信号分析反井钻机扩孔钻进工况蜗杆式机械手动推进钻机

    Vibration Signal Applied to Analyze Reaming Performances of Raise Boring Machine worm-type mechanical hand-feed drill

  13. 应用反井钻机开挖导井可达到快速安全的效果。

    Application of inverse well drill will permit quick and safe excavation of pilot shaft .

  14. 应用反井钻机加快矿井建设

    Apply Trans-driller to Accelerate Shaft Construction

  15. 采用反井钻机钻进过程中,由于多种原因时常发生孔内事故。

    There are many reasons to cause accidents in drilled hole when drilling by anti-well driller .

  16. 反井钻机表土层小井灌浆施工技术的研究小规模试验性生产井

    On the application of raise-boring machine in small shaft construction assisted by grouting in top-soil pilot producting well

  17. 钻用钻井机钻(矿井)采用振动信号分析反井钻机扩孔钻进工况

    To bore ( a shaft ) with a trepan . Vibration Signal Applied to Analyze Reaming Performances of Raise Boring Machine

  18. 改进后的反井钻机设计合理,运行可靠,是国内第一台能钻凿倾角为50°斜井的钻机。

    The design of revised back well drill was improved and operating more reliable . It is the first drill that can drill 50 ° inclined angles .

  19. 砂砾含水中正循环钻进水井施工初探反井钻机表土层小井灌浆施工技术的研究

    Water well construction using directional circulation drilling technology in sandy gravel aquifer On the application of raise-boring machine in small shaft construction assisted by grouting in top-soil

  20. 反井钻机施工工艺是钻凿导孔至透孔,导孔钻头更换为扩孔钻头,由下而上进行扩孔。

    The process of raise boring is to drill pilot hole to the lower tunnel , change the pilot hole bit to a reamer , then enlarge it from bottom to the top .

  21. 蒲石河抽水蓄能电站引水系统中的竖井开挖,拟采用反井钻机进行导井开挖,人工手风钻钻孔扩挖的方式施工。

    The sequence of excavation for the shaft of diversion system at Pushihe storage power station is to excavate the pioneer well used by back well boring machine , then by hand air drill to expand it .

  22. 长段掘进煤仓,喷射混凝土临时支护,用手动葫芦升降永久支护混凝土砌壁工作盘进行煤仑施工。采用反井钻机钻孔后刷大,再进行永久支护;

    The paper introduces some methods of constructing bunker by the sinking stage lifted with manual calabash . After using the counter-well drilling machine drill hole to brush in a big way , carrying on permanently support again ;

  23. 为此,结合周宁水电站引水竖井的施工实践,对反井钻机在开挖导井施工的应用进行论述,并详细介绍其施工程序、方法及效果。

    Combined with the practice of diversion shaft construction for Zhouning hydropower plant , the application of inverse well drill in construction of pilot well is demonstrated with a detailed introduction on the procedure , method and effect of construction .