
  • 网络bipolar plate;interconnector
  1. 电沉积铅改性304不锈钢双极板在模拟PEMFC环境中的性能

    Performance of lead-electrodeposited 304 stainless steel bipolar plate in simulated PEMFC environments

  2. 与激光焊相比,真空钎焊技术有效降低不锈钢双极板的焊接变形。

    Compared with laser welding , vacuum soldering techniques is more effective control of the welding of the stainless steel bipolar plate deformation .

  3. 单体电池间通过材质为Fe或Ni基合金的金属双极板串联连接。

    The cells are connected in series by metal bipolar plates usually made of Fe or Ni-based alloys .

  4. 不锈钢双极板电弧离子镀Cr(1-x)Nx薄膜改性研究

    Research of modification of stainless steel bipolar plates with cr_ ( 1-x ) n_x films deposited by arc ion plating

  5. 双极板是PEMFC核心部件之一。

    Bipolar plate is one of the core components in PEMFC .

  6. 高功率薄型金属双极板PEM燃料电池堆研究

    Research on high-power metal bipolar plate PEM fuel cell stack

  7. 综合考虑,当PPS含量为25%时比较适合制作双极板。

    It is suitable for bipolar plate , while the PPS content is about 25 % .

  8. PEM燃料电池鳞片石墨/树脂复合双极板的研究

    A Study on the Natural Graphite / Resin Composite Bipolar Plate in PEM Fuel Cells

  9. PEMFC双极板材料及其工艺低温燃料电池双极板材料研究进展

    Study on the materials and processes for bipolar plates in PEMFC Review on bipolar plate materials of low-temperature fuel cell

  10. 制备了聚合物-石墨复合双极板材料,该复合材料在DMFC的阳极和阴极环境中均表现出优良的耐腐蚀性。

    This material displays a high corrosion resistivity both in anode and cathode environments of DMFCs .

  11. 因此,寻找一种成本低廉且性能优越的双极板材料是人们目前PEMFC主要研究课题之一。

    Therefore , the research for bipolar plate material of low cost and superior performance is one current subject of PEMFC .

  12. 双极板是PEMFC中的重要的多功能组件,对电池堆的体积、重量以及成本有很大的影响。

    Bipolar plate is a multi-functional component in a PEMFC stack , it can influence the volume , the weight and the cost .

  13. 以热塑性酚醛树脂(PF树脂)、天然鳞片石墨(NG)为主要原料,采用模压工艺制备了NG/PF复合双极板。

    Thermoplastic phenol formaldehyde resin ( PF ) and natural crystalline flake graphite ( NG ) were chosen for composite bipolar plates by compression molding .

  14. 双极板作为PEMFC中关键部件之一,它的性能优劣直接影响整个电池堆的成本价格、体积大小、使用寿命以及输出功率等。

    Bipolar plate is an important part in PEMFC , which directly affects the cell stack cost , volume size , service life and output power .

  15. TGA结果表明,新材料复合板具有优良的耐高温性能,较已知石墨/聚合物复合双极板的可用温度大幅度提高。

    TGA results show that the NG / silicone resin composite has excellent thermal stability . Its application temperature is higher than currently used composite bipolar plate .

  16. 双极板是质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的关键部件之一,其制作成本和性能直接影响着PEMFC的商业化和性能。

    Bipolar plate is one of the critical components of proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ), which influences not only the performance but also the cost of the stack .

  17. 质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)双极板主要起到分布并分隔阴、阳极气体和集流导电作用。

    The main functions of bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) are to distribute and separate the cathodic and anodic reactant gases and to collect and transmit electric current .

  18. 双极板作为PEMFC的关键部件之一,其性能的优劣直接关系燃料电池堆输出功率的大小和使用寿命的长短。

    As one of the key components of the PEMFC , the performance of the bipolar plate has directly related to the size of output power and length of life of the fuel cell stack .

  19. 双极板是PEMFC的重要组成部分,其成本约占总成本的60%,而高成本正是制约其产业化的一大障碍。

    The bipolar plate is an important part in PEMFC , which accounts for about 60 % of PEMFC stack . While the high cost of PEMFC is a key obstacle to its wide application .

  20. 结果表明:从极化曲线来看,新型复合材料双极板的腐蚀电流密度大约为10-4.5A/cm2,说明这些新型复合材料双极板有一定的抗酸腐蚀性。

    The experiment results show that the corrosion current is about 10-4.5 A / cm2 from polarization curves of novel composite bipolar plates , which shows that novel composite bipolar plates are a little acid corrosion-resistant .

  21. 以热塑性聚丙烯树脂(PP),天然鳞片石墨(NG)为主要原料,采用模压工艺制备了NG/PP复合双极板,考察了不同模压压力、模压时间对双极板性能的影响。

    Thermoplastic polypropylene resin ( PP ) and natural crystalline flake graphite ( NG ) were chosen to make composite bipolar plate by compression molding . The influences of molding pressure and molding time on the properties of the NG / PP composite bipolar plates were investigated .

  22. 聚合物填料复合材料以其低廉的成本、简便的成型工艺、良好的气密性和耐腐蚀性而被认为是直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)双极板的适用材料之一。

    Due to low-cost , ease of molding , low gas permeability , as well as high corrosion resistance , polymer-filler composite material was considered to be one of good candidates for bipolar plate material of direct methanol fuel cell ( DMFC ) .

  23. 用10节单电池组成了全钒液流电池组,每节单电池有效电极面积为451.4cm2,电极材料为聚丙腈石墨毡,双极板为石墨板,隔膜为Nafion膜。

    The all-vanadium redox flow cell stack composed of 10 cells was made . The electrode effective area of every cell is 451.4 cm2 . Polyacrylonitrile ( PAN ) - based graphite felts were used as electrode materials , graphite plate as bipolar plate , Nafion membrane as separator .

  24. 一种浸渍燃料电池用石墨双极板的新方法

    New method of impregnating graphite bipolar plates used in fuel cell

  25. 柔性石墨双极板透气性的研究

    Study on the Permeability of Bipolar Plates Prepared by Flexible Graphite

  26. 复合材料双极板质子交换膜燃料电池

    Proton exchange membrane fuel cell with polymer matrix composite bipolar plate

  27. 石墨/高铝水泥模压复合材料双极板的特性

    Characteristics of graphite / aluminate cement mold pressing composite bipolar plate

  28. 直接甲醇燃料电池双极板的研究进展

    Research and progress of bipolar plate for direct methanol fuel cell

  29. 石墨/聚合物复合材料双极板的研究进展

    Development of Researches on Graphite / Polymer Composite Bipolar Plates

  30. 石墨/酚醛树脂复合材料双极板研究

    A Study on the Graphite / Phenol Formaldehyde Resin Composite Bipolar Plates