
  • 网络double-digit;Double digits
  1. 中国已经录得连续四年的双位数经济增长,而且2007年可能是第五年:第一季度GDP增长11.1%。

    China has recorded four straight years of double-digit economic growth , and2007 will likely be the fifth : first-quarter GDP expanded by11.1 % .

  2. Roongta表示,上个季度,中国的钢铁产量增长15%,而之前的预测是刚刚达到双位数增幅。Sail是印度最大的国有钢铁集团。

    The head of India 's largest state-owned steel group said that Chinese production accelerated 15 per cent in the past quarter , beating forecasts of just reaching double-digit growth .

  3. 在过去一年里,实际消费者支出增长15%,比国内生产总值(gdp)接近双位数的增速还快。

    Its real consumer spending has jumped 15 per cent in the past year , outpacing the almost double digit rise in gross domestic product .

  4. 2月份大豆和铜进口也呈现双位数增幅。

    Soybean and copper imports also rose by double-digit margins in the period .

  5. 地价则是双位数的下跌。

    Land prices are falling at a double-digit rate .

  6. 但在股市非常便宜的时候投资的人常常能够多年获得双位数的回报。

    But those who invested in markets when they were very cheap often racked up double-digit returns for many years .

  7. 但是持续的双位数增长表明,中国的软饮料市场仍然是世界上最活跃的。

    But the ongoing double-digit growth shows that China 's soft drinks market is still one of the most dynamic in the world .

  8. 集团预期此新产品业务可以双位数增长,并有信心可发展为集团主要盈利贡献来源之一。

    The management anticipates double-digit growth for this new business line , which will become a major profit contributor to the group in the future .

  9. 但就算在增长率双位数的时候,中国的经济规模还没有大得足以凭自己保持全球经济增长。

    But even when growing at a double-digit rate , China 's economy is not yet large enough by itself to keep the global economy surging .

  10. 南非储备银行警告说,在当前的经济情况下要求双位数的加薪,由此带来的通胀风险将会威胁南非长期的经济繁荣。

    The Reserve Bank has warned that double digit wage demands in the current economic climate threaten South Africa 's long-term economic prospects due to the danger of inflation .

  11. 在中期内,许多经济学家认为,只有找到新的增长引擎,替代明显转弱的出口,中国才有望恢复到接近双位数的增长水平。

    In the medium term , many economists argue that China will only return to near double-digit growth if it finds new engines to replace much weaker performance from exports .

  12. 麦卡伦表示其销量未受中国反腐败和整顿送礼之风行动的影响,其在中国的增长速度仍然是双位数。

    The Macallan said its sales have been unaffected by China 's anti-corruption and gift-giving measures , maintaining that growth in the country remains in the ' double digits . '

  13. 近期一些民调显示,继昔日领先者希拉里在爱荷华州党内预选屈居第三后的短短几天,奥巴马以双位数的支持率领先希拉里。

    Several recent polls show Obama leading Hillary Clinton by a double-digit margin less than a week after the one-time front runner came in a disappointing third in the Iowa caucuses .

  14. 相对2010年的双位数增长,政府表示希望透过强化持续发展机调,减慢增长幅度,因此市场普遍预期增幅将明显下调。

    Growth is widely expected to slow from the double digit pace seen in2010 , with authorities indicating they are willing to forgo some of the speed while putting a greater emphasis on sustainability .

  15. 除此之外,香港海洋公园日前发布报告称,在刚刚过去的春节期间,海洋公园内地旅游团人数遭遇双位数跌幅。报告同时指出,2015年全年该园入场人数跌幅达到14%。

    Besides , Ocean Park , recently reported a double-digit fall in the number of mainland visitors during the Spring Festival holidays , while total admissions to the park fell 14 percent in 2015 .

  16. 另一个问题也许更为紧要,那就是阿里巴巴打算怎样跟亚马逊、微软和谷歌等公司抗衡。为了维持双位数增长,这些公司已经下调了云服务价格。

    A more immediate concern may be how Alibaba intends to vie with the likes of Amazon , Microsoft and Google , which are slashing prices on cloud services to try and sustain double-digit growth .

  17. 这些年的改善包括当地最低工资率屡次出现双位数的上调,去年更是出台了《劳动合同法》,从而增加了工厂辞退工人的难度和成本。

    These improvements had included repeated double-digit increases in local minimum wage rates , and culminated last year with the introduction of the labour contract law , which made it more difficult and expensive for factories to dismiss workers .

  18. 根据中国政府数据,今年第一季度经济增长10%---经济发展速度为世界之最,这是基于20年来的双位数增长。

    According to Chinese government statistics , its economy grew by nearly 10 % year on year during the first quarter of this year - making it the world 's fastest growing economy . This builds on over two decades of double-digit growth .