
  1. 江苏省沭阳县中小学生乙肝疫苗接种率与HBV感染率调查

    Survey of Hepatitis B Vaccine Coverage Rate and HBV Infection Rate among Primary and Secondary School Students in Shuyang County of Jiangsu Province

  2. 建始县中小学生营养状况

    Nutritional Status of Primary and Secondary School Students in Jianshi County

  3. 山区贫困县中小学生艾滋病健康教育的效果评价

    Effectiveness Evaluation on AIDS Health Education In Mountain Area School Students

  4. 常山县中小学生伤害现状调查

    Survey on the injuries of pupils in Changshan county

  5. 进贤县中小学生贫血患病状况调查

    The Survey of Students with Anemia in Jinxian County

  6. 岳池县中小学生肠道线虫感染状况调查

    Current situation of intestinal nemathelminth infection among primary and middle school students Yuechi County

  7. 陇西县高中学生英语学习动机研究

    A Study on English Learning Motivation of Senior Middle School Students in Longxi County

  8. 双柏县高中学生在家庭住址、民族两个变量上学生心理健康状况没有明显差异。

    The students coming from different families , place and nationalities are unconspicuous in psychology .

  9. 对保康县在校学生互联网盲目崇拜现象的调查研究运动中邻船互吸现象

    Survey and Analysis on the Fetishism of Internet in Baokang County ; attraction between adjacent ships

  10. 龙陵县中小学生肠道寄生虫感染情况调查

    Survey of Infectious Status of Human Intestinal Parasites for Middle and Primary School Students in Longling County

  11. 体重和身高的调查结果表明,建湖县中小学生肥胖问题和营养不良问题并存。

    Based on the survey results of weight and height , obese problem and malnutrition problem both existed .

  12. 郯城县中小学生健康教育干预实验

    Experimental study on the interference in health education among middle school and primary school students in Yancheng county

  13. 学校田径代表队参加望城县中小学生田径运动会荣获团体总分第一名。

    Our school track and field team wins the first prize in the students'sports meeting of Wangcheng County .

  14. 贵州省贵阳市、贵定县初中学生对语文新课程适应性调查

    Research on New Chinese Course Adaptation about Junior Middle School Students of Guiyang City and Guiding County of Guizhou Province

  15. 并测定了建湖县青少年学生的身高、体重,应用身高标准体重法判断其营养状况。

    Height and weight of students in Jianhu County were measured and height-standard weight method was used to judge the nutrition status .

  16. 陕西省千阳县中小学生膳食钙铁摄入及母亲营养知识调查

    Survey on Intake of Food containing Calcium and Iron in school children and their Maternal Knowledge of Nutrition in Qian Yang , ShanXi

  17. 结论10年来长安县农村学生的视力发育状况总体上是良好的,但视力低下率随学习阶段增长速度加快。

    Conclusion The 10-year eyesight of the students is good on the whole , but the rate of students ' mal-eyesight increased speedily with the advancement of the studying stages .

  18. 保护视力,刻不容缓,应引起学校、老师及家长的高度重视。(3)肥胖和营养不良问题并存,并影响我县青少年学生的健康成长。

    Schools , teachers and parents should take high attention . ( 3 ) Obese problem and malnutrition problem both existed and influence the healthy growth of students in our county .

  19. 针对传统音乐评价中的各个问题,笔者对上海、深圳、广州、长沙以及邵阳市隆回县的学生音乐学习评价现状进行了抽样调查,并对问卷结果进行了总结与反思。

    Therefore , the author has carried out sample investigations among students in Shanghai , Shenzhen , Guangzhou , Changsha as well as Longhui County , Shaoyang City , and analyzed the result carefully .

  20. [结论]临朐县中小学生视力不良、生理性甲状腺肿大、龋齿患病率仍然较高,预防视力不良、生理性甲状腺肿大是当地学校卫生工作的重点。

    [ Conclusion ] The incidence of poor eyesight , physiology goiter struma ratio and decayed tooth was still higher and the emphasis of school health work should be put on prevention and control of them .

  21. 方法:对1999年大足县中小学生视力低下进行分析,并采用逐步回归法分析影响视力低下的主要因素。

    Methods : A study was conducted on the prevalence of poor eyesight among primary and secondary school students in 1999 in Dazu County , and Stepwise Procedure was utilized to study the major factors affecting vision .

  22. 陕西省长安县农村中小学生1990~1999年营养状况

    Nutritional Status of Village Students in Chang'an County , 1990 ~ 1999

  23. 麻栗坡县城区中小学生营养现状分析

    Malipo County city elementary and middle school students nutrition present situation analysis

  24. 甘肃省会宁县高一学生六种矿物元素营养状况调查与评价

    Nutritional Investigation and Evaluation on Six Minerals of Students in Huining Senior Middle School

  25. 郯城县城区小学学生龋病流行动态分析

    Analysis of the epidemic status of caries among primary school students in Tancheng County

  26. 目的掌握麻栗坡县城区中小学生营养状况。

    The goal grasps the Malipo County city elementary and middle school students nutrition condition .

  27. 连平县农村中小学生校园暴力倾向流行病学调查大学校园里的生态学

    Epidemiological Study of School Violence Tendency in Rural Primary and Middle School Students in Lianping County

  28. 云南省富宁县一起春游学生病毒性甲型肝炎暴发疫情调查

    Survey of an hepatitis A outbreak among students after spring outing in Funing county , Yunnan

  29. 2005年剑河县某高中学生贫血状况分析

    Analysis on the Prevalence of Anemia of Senior High School Students in Jianhe County in 2005

  30. 浙江省开化县中小学学生病毒性乙型肝炎病毒感染血清学调查

    Serosurvey of hepatitis B virus infection among primary and middle school students in Kaihua county , Zhejiang