
  1. 我建议他休息,并让他去拍个X光片。

    I suggested that he rest , and sent him for an X-ray

  2. 我应该像JohnFord一样去拍个正经电影那人才是个真正的电影人

    I gotta do a feature like John Ford . That man was a true filmmaker .

  3. 但是其实她只是去拍一个MV。

    Lucy : While she just went to shoot an MV .

  4. Darn,我必须带Rex去拍血管造影片。

    Darn , I have to take Rex to his angiogram .

  5. 来自密歇根州怀俄明市的KarenBrooks说我跟我丈夫一起去拍的这张照片

    Karen Brooks from Wyoming Michigan , I went to with my husband to take this photo ,

  6. MeganHolfmen来自路易斯安那州新奥尔良市我奶奶带我去拍了这张艺术照当时我只有七年级

    Megan Holfmen from New Orleans Louisiana.My grandmother got me this glamor shot when I was in 7th grade

  7. 我意识到我们必须做一些事情来让这个场景更真实。于是我认真的想我们应该怎么去拍,用这种爷爷用的Super8大相机,然后我意识到,不一样非得是EddieMarsan的手去握枪。

    And I thought back to what I would have done using the Super 8 camera that my grandfather got me sitting in that room , and I realized that hand didn 't have to be Eddie Marsan 's.

  8. 我听说她被选中去拍商业广告了。

    I heard that she was chosen to shoot a commercial .

  9. 我以为他们带你去拍x光了。

    I thought they took you to get your x-rays .

  10. 我要去拍河流的照片!

    I 'm going to take photos of the river !

  11. 她被借调到另一家电影制片厂去拍两部影片。

    She 's on loan to another movie studio for two films .

  12. 博士,我还有很多人要去拍呢。

    Doc , I got a lotta people I gotta get through .

  13. 如果有时间和金钱真想去拍个专题。

    If you really want to have time and money thematic pictures .

  14. 如果我们去拍这个…带子的话

    And if we were to make this ... tape ,

  15. 他们在摆姿势,美好的家庭时刻,快去拍。

    They 're posing , good family moment , go shoot it .

  16. 你和摄影师一起去拍些好镜头,找一些大特写拍下来。

    Then you and the cameraperson shoot some great pictures .

  17. 在事件还在进行的时候我都会试着去拍些照片。

    I try to take pictures while the events are playing out .

  18. 我得到去拍花花公主杂志的机会。

    I got a offer to do playgirl magazine .

  19. 他们去拍电影镜头了。

    They 're off making a major motion picture .

  20. 你是被安排好去拍那些照片的。

    You were set up to take those pictures .

  21. 你妈妈要我穿白色裙装去拍订婚照

    Your mother requested white for the engagement photos .

  22. 如果你喜欢摄影,不妨带着你的相机去拍一些照片。

    Don 't leave the water running when you are brushing your teeth .

  23. 我才不会去拍电影呢。

    I wouldn 't have to make these blockbusters .

  24. 不管哪个都是去拍有钱人的马屁。

    Either way you have to blow sunshine up some rich guy 's ass.

  25. 他说他要去拍雪豹厉害吧

    He said he wants to photograph snow leopards . How about that ?

  26. 要比我去拍契诃夫的戏剧强多了。

    Than I would be in a Chekhov play .

  27. 我星期天会去拍一场球赛。

    I 'm shooting a game on Sunday .

  28. 乔伊,现在你得去拍他的马屁。

    Now joey , you go down there and you suck up to him .

  29. 我们今天去拍家庭照片。

    We 're taking a family portrait today .

  30. 她第二次离开脱口秀主持人位置,转而去拍电影——《紫色与本土人》。

    Twice she center the show tomakemovies , The Color Purple and Native Son .