
  • 网络piezoceramic;bimorph;piezoceramics
  1. 结果表明,用压电陶瓷片作传感器和作动器,采用速度反馈控制,无论是谐和激励还是随机激励,支架振动都能得到有效抑制。

    The experiment shows that , no matter how the supporter is excited , harmonically or randomly , its vibration may effectively be suppressed by using piezoceramic material as sensors and actuators to achieve velocity feedback controlling .

  2. 仿真结果表明,压电陶瓷片与电阻负电容串连电路耦合时,具有较大的带宽,并能产生最大的阻尼。

    The simulation results show that the piezoceramic shunted by a series resistor-negative capacitor ( SRNC ) circuit exhibits the best damping of the dynamic response of the cantilever beam , including better bandwidth and the greatest damping .

  3. 还通过在复合材料表面粘结压电陶瓷片改善CFRP层板的振动阻尼性。

    The vibration damping of CFRP laminates is also improved passively by surface-bonded piezoelectric ceramic PZT sheets .

  4. 基于Hamilton变分原理,推导得到含多个压电陶瓷片的太阳能帆板模型的振动方程。

    Based on the extended Hamilton principle , the vibration equation of the solar panel substrate modal containing several PZT actuators is derived .

  5. 另一方面,在正交层板中,表面粘结压电陶瓷片的CFRP层板的损耗因子约比普通层板高5倍。

    On the other hands , it was shown that CFRP laminates with surface bonded PZT sheets have about five times higher loss factors than plain CFRP laminates in case of cross-ply lamination .

  6. 用固相化学反应陶瓷烧结法制备了PZT及掺La3+、Nb5+的PZT压电陶瓷片,利用XRD、XPS现代测试手段分析了样品的结构和性能,并测试了其压电性能。

    Nb5 + doped PZT piezoelectric ceramics is prepared by the method of solid reaction sintering . XRD . XPS are used to analyse the structure and properties of the specimen , and the piezoelectric properties is measured .

  7. 将PZT压电陶瓷片直接粘贴在混凝土表面,产生和接收表面波,以确定沿混凝土表面传播的Rayleigh波和纵波的波速,以及混凝土的动弹性模量和动泊松比。

    Two PZT patches were bonded on the surface of concrete prisms to launch and receive ultrasonic surface wave . Then the velocity of P wave , the velocity of Rayleigh wave , the dynamic modulus of elasticity and Poisson 's ratio of concrete were determined .

  8. 分析了压电陶瓷片及Cymbal换能器的迟滞非线性成因,并运用电荷控制思路,自行设计了高压可调直流电源对Cymbal换能器进行控制。

    This thesis studied the reason of the hysteresis and nonlinear characteristic of PZT thinner circle plate and Cymbal transducer . Using the charge control method , we designed a high voltage direct current power supply to control the transducer .

  9. 经过权衡多方面因素,确定本电机的最佳紧固力约为3900N,此时压电陶瓷片承受的压应力为21.3MPa。

    Through weighing various factor , we determine the best tight firmly force of the motor 's stator is about 3 900 N , and piezoelectricity porcelain flat bear press stress is 21.3 MPa .

  10. 提出了一种新的多阵元球壳形超声换能器结构,该换能器由113个排列在一个孔径为112mm的球形凹面上的圆形压电陶瓷片构成,焦距为100mm,工作频率为1MHz。

    In this paper , a new Multi elements spherical ultrasound transducer has been developed for ultrasound noninvasive therapy , it incorporates 113 8 mm diameter circular piezoelectric ceramics elements mounted on a spherical shell , it has a 100 mm focal length and is operated at 1 MHz .

  11. 压电陶瓷片与多种电路机电耦合的阻尼特性

    Damping characteristics of piezoceramics shunted by various types of electrical circuits

  12. 医用压电陶瓷片的超精密磨削加工实验研究

    Experiment & Research on Ultra-precision Grinding Process of Medical Piezoelectric Ceramics Slice

  13. 压电陶瓷片在振动试验中的应用

    The Application of Piezoelectric Ceramics Flakes in Vibration Test

  14. 基于双压电陶瓷片的反射模式近场扫描光学显微镜

    A reflection mode SNOM based on piezoelectric bimorph

  15. 冻土动弹模、动泊桑比的确定压电陶瓷片用于检测混凝土的波速和动弹模

    Using Piezoceramic Patches to Measure the Velocity of Waves and Dynamic Mechanical Constants of Concrete

  16. 为研究压电陶瓷片与不同外界电路并联耦合时的阻尼特性,建立了2种不同情况下并联压电陶瓷的阻尼特性模型。

    The damping of piezoceramics coupled with two different types of electrical circuits were evaluated analytically .

  17. 将压电陶瓷片粘贴在待测结构的表面,运用压电阻抗技术,对结构中螺栓松动的损伤进行检测分析。

    By sticking PZT onto the surface of the structure to be tested and employing piezoelectric impedance technology .

  18. 然后,利用厚度剪切压电陶瓷片分别在这三种不同的管结构中进行了激励接收扭转模态的实验。

    Torsional modes in these different structures are excited and received using thickness shear mode piezoelectric transducers in the experiment .

  19. 在金属基片的一面至少贴合二层以上压电陶瓷片。

    One surface of the metal substrate is at least attached with more than two layers of piezoelectric ceramic slices .

  20. 阻抗听力计,阻坑测听仪测试系统由阻抗分析仪、计算机、压电陶瓷片、铝梁组成。

    The simple impedance measurement system is consisted of piezoelectric element , an impedance analyzer , Al beam and computer .

  21. 弹性基体对光学仪器动态特性的影响弹性基体上轴对称压电陶瓷片的力电耦合分析

    Study of Boundary Condition in Optical Instrument A Coupled Electromechanical Analysis of an Axisymmetric Piezoelectric Ceramic Bonded to an Elastic Substrate

  22. 该定子结构和压电陶瓷片的布局方式可以提高其机电转换效率。

    The stator structure and the position to lay these piezoelectric ceramics are calculated to improve the electro mechanical conversion efficiency .

  23. 通过以根部粘贴有压电陶瓷片的悬臂梁系统为例,对被动振动控制进行了详细的理论分析和大量的实验研究。

    A particular analysis of the theory and a lot of experiments are designed and implemented for a simply supported cantilever beam .

  24. 对自由压电陶瓷片,组合电声换能器.600W的超声清洗器。

    The vibration modes and frequencies of a free piezoelectric ceramic plate , an electro-sound combination transducer , an ultrasonic cleaner of 600W .

  25. 与用普通压电陶瓷片或电感线圈构成的振动传感器相比,这种传感器的灵敏度更高,频率响应宽。

    Compared with piezoelectric ceramic vibration pickup or inductance vibration pickup , this vibration pickup has higher sensibility , more widely frequency response .

  26. 由此可见,通过测量钢梁损伤前后压电陶瓷片的电阻抗变化能够识别梁中的裂纹损伤。

    Therefore , it is concluded that crack damage of steel beams can be identified by monitoring the variations of piezoelectric impedance measurements .

  27. 基于粘贴于外部主体裂纹梁的压电陶瓷片导率的变化,实验提取出梁系统的弯曲模态频率。

    Based on the piezoelectric admittance measurement for the piezoelectric patches attached to the cracked beam , the natural frequencies of system can be obtained .

  28. 试图利用这种方法,对埋置于混凝土中的压电陶瓷片的声发射和声接收波谱进行分析,定性地确定混凝土内裂缝发展情况,以初步实现压电混凝土基础设施健康安全主动监测。

    Through analyzing the spectrum of ultrasonic transmitter and the receiver , we try to fulfill the qualitative analysis of the damage inside the concrete .

  29. 用压电陶瓷片直接制作这种换能器工艺比较复杂麻烦,形状受到了材料的制约,因此,在实际应用中受到了很大的限制。

    Manufactured this kind transducer with the piezoelectricity is complex in techniques , the shape restricted by material , and much fetter in it application .

  30. 提出了嵌入形状记忆合金丝和压电陶瓷片作为联合变形驱动器的二元智能结构,并建立了有限元模型。

    A hybrid smart structure integrated with shape memory alloy slims and piezoelectric ceramic patches as united actuators , was presented and modeled by finite element methods .