
  • 网络historical approach;history method;Historical method;methods of history
  1. 方法价值在于为德育科学研究方法探索出一套将历史方法、德育理论和数理统计方法三者统一起来的具体途径。

    The method worth is that concrete way is probed in moral education scientific research method to unify history method , moral education theory and mathematic statistic .

  2. 基于RED分组丢失历史方法的非TCP流鉴别

    Identification of No-TCP Flows Based onthe History of RED Packet Drops

  3. 本研究主要采用以下方法进行:第一,历史方法与逻辑方法相结合。

    First , a combination of historical and logic methods are employed .

  4. 历史方法中的最后步骤是综合。

    The final step in the historical method is synthesis .

  5. 本文写作采用文献法、历史方法和逻辑分析的研究方法。

    This thesis uses literature method , historical method and logic analysis method .

  6. 论李维的历史方法

    On the Historical Method of livy

  7. 巴赫金学派用社会历史方法,认为它们有自己的起源和历史。

    The Bakhtin School 's socio-historical method as phenomena marked with their concrete origins and history .

  8. 论胡适的历史方法

    Hu Shi 's Methodology of History

  9. 记载历史方法的新探索&《共和国辉煌五十年·铁道事业卷》评介

    A New Exploration in Historical Method & A Review of Five Glorious Decades of the Republic : Railways Volume

  10. 逻辑方法和历史方法都是重要的,研究应该是逻辑与历史的统一。

    The logical method and the historical method are both important . The study should be the unification of logic and history .

  11. 基于这样的认识和思考,本文由此采用比较方法、历史方法和案例分析方法展开了分析和论证。

    Based on these considerations and awareness , this paper aims to analyze and demonstrate through the application of comparison , historical methods and analysis of cases .

  12. 本文参照采用了新历史方法分析史料,以求更全面地展示历史全貌。

    In order to exemplify a more holistic picture of the history of school system in Hong Kong , the ' New Historical Approach ' was also adopted as a method of analysis .

  13. 本文运用历史方法、比较方法、交叉学科的研究方法,从法学和立法技术两方面阐释创设法律行为制度的必要性。

    This dissertation , applying historical method , functionalism and inter-disciplines approach , concentrates on the value of the theory and legislation practice of juristic acts from the perspectives of civil jurisprudence and legislation technology .

  14. 在研究方法上,坚持历史方法和逻辑方法相统一的原则,运用理论探索和实证研究相结合、纵向比较与横向比较分析性结合、创新与继承的方法对涉及的相关内容进行分析和研究。

    Of the unification of historical and logic method , theory study combined with positive one , innovativeness integrated into inheritance , vertical and horizontal comparison , the principles are carried out to analyze and study what are involved .

  15. 历史方法主要用于分析开源软件产生及发展壮大的历史背景,阐述开源软件开放、自由、共享的内在精神。

    Historical method is mainly used for analysis of open source software generation and development , and expansion of the historical background . Basin on the analysis , this paper may expound the internal spirit of open-source software : open , free , and sharing .

  16. 传统主义者反对这种讲授历史的方法。

    There is hostility among traditionalists to this method of teaching history .

  17. 本文对HSS采用历史分析方法进行研究,全文共分三章。

    The author adopts historical analysis and carries on the research on HSS .

  18. 一种新的非自喷井DST流动期或段塞流的压力历史分析方法

    A new method for interpreting THF DST flow period or slug flow pressure history

  19. 目前,计算VaR有三种主流方法&历史模拟方法、蒙特卡罗模拟法、分析方法,但都有其不足之处。

    Usually it has three kinds of major computing technologies-Historical Simulation Approach , Monte Carlo Simulation Approach , Analyse Approach , and every kind of VaR computing technology has its weak points .

  20. 三是新历史主义方法的特征,本文将其概括为:在实践中界定德性;

    Third , characteristics of neo-historicism : define virtue in practice ;

  21. 冰芯、树木年轮和历史文献方法;

    Methods of ice core tree - ring and historical writing ;

  22. 整理相对渗透率曲线的历史拟合方法研究

    Study on the method of history match for relative permeability curves

  23. 沉积盆地下古生界碳酸盐岩地区热历史恢复方法探索

    Study of the thermal history reconstruction for Lower Paleozoic carbonate succession

  24. 大规模角点网格计算机辅助油藏模拟历史拟合方法研究

    Study on computer assisted history - matching method in corner point grids

  25. 认识西方媒介权力研究的历史与方法

    Understanding the Origin and Approach of Media Power Research in the West

  26. 近现代中学历史教学方法的比较研究

    The Comparative Research in Modern and Contemporary History Teaching Methods

  27. 油藏数值模拟自动历史拟合方法研究及应用

    Automatic historical matching method and its application in reservoir simulation

  28. 模拟集成滤波器:历史、方法与实现

    Analogue Integrated Fliters : History , Methodology and Implementation

  29. 第二,历史的方法与逻辑的方法相结合。

    Second , combining the methods of history and the methods of logic .

  30. 浅谈初中学生历史学习方法的培养

    An Elementary Exploration in Training Junior Middle School Students with History Learning Ways