
  • 网络Crisis recovery
  1. 第四,建立基于资源匹配的危机恢复工作流模型;

    Fourthly , present enterprise crisis recovery workflow model based on resources matching .

  2. 笔者据此提出针对中小学危机预防、危机应对、危机恢复等三个环节的建议和对策。

    According to this , the writer puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to crisis prevention , crisis response and crisis recovery .

  3. 危机恢复包括人员恢复、业务恢复和心理恢复三项内容。

    Resuming include personnel resuming , operation and mind resuming .

  4. 就像我在过去强调过的一样,这一政策损害了正处在金融危机恢复期的的世界经济,使得包括美国在内许多国家的失业率增加。

    As I 've emphasized in the past , this policy hurts the rest of the world , increasing unemployment in many other countries , America included .

  5. 这意味着当一个国家处于复杂、困难地情境下,在从危机恢复到正常状态下,政治稳定就极端重要了。

    It means that when a country is in complicated , difficult conditions , on its way from a crisis , back to its feet , stability in politics is of extreme importance .

  6. 和美国总统布什,财务部长HenryPaulson会晤不到一小时之后,奥巴马表示美国经济将从目前的金融危机中恢复过来。

    Less than an hour after US president George W.Bush with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson by his side , said the US economy would recover from the current financial crisis .

  7. 邓迪证券(DundeeSecurities)分析师卡洛琳丹尼斯解释道:由于稀土需求从金融危机中恢复过来,加上中国削减出口限额导致供应减少,2011年稀土市场出现了泡沫。

    There was a bubble in 2011 , after demand for rare earths had rebounded from the financial crisis and the Chinese cut export quotas , reducing supply , explains Carolyn Dennis , analyst at Dundee Securities .

  8. Pickering提出,为了减少世界的贫困并从金融危机中恢复,全世界必须认识到经济增长和发展是受到食品、水和卫生问题驱动的。

    To alleviate world poverty and recover from the financial crisis , the world must recognise that economic growth and development are driven by issues of food , water and health , argues Pickering .

  9. 对疯狂的出售的迅速的从金融危机中恢复。

    Rapid restores to the crazy sell from the financial crisis .

  10. 大体来讲,价格已从金融危机中恢复。

    Broadly speaking , prices have recovered from the financial crisis .

  11. 但新兴市场大体上已从危机中恢复。

    Emerging markets , however , have generally surmounted the crisis .

  12. 直到现在,我们还在努力从这场危机中恢复过来。

    It was a crisis from which we 're still trying to recover .

  13. 它使我们得以从几代以来最严重的经济危机中恢复;

    It 's how we recovered from the worst economic crisis in generations .

  14. 从金融危机中恢复过来不容易;这需要很长时间。

    Recovering from the financial crisis isn 't easy ; it takes time .

  15. 第三阶段:学校危机后恢复和评价阶段。

    The third stage : the recovery and evaluation stage on the school crisis management .

  16. 历史告诉我们,债务问题导致的危机,恢复起来往往更慢。

    History tells us that recoveries after debt-fuelled crises tend to be slower than other recoveries .

  17. 意大利正在从2008年开始的金融危机中恢复过来,不过并不稳定。

    Italy has managed only a fitful recovery from the financial crisis that began in 2008 .

  18. 美国人民不能再次吞下辛辛苦苦再次从这次危机中恢复的苦果。

    Not after the American people have worked so hard to come back from this crisis .

  19. 从金融危机中恢复过来通常是一个缓慢而艰难的过程,但美国的恢复进程似乎就要陷入休克。

    RECOVERIES from financial crises are usually subdued , but America 's is starting to look comatose .

  20. 当前,资本主义还没有完全从金融危机中恢复过来,就发生了欧洲债务危机。

    At present , Capitalism did not fully recover from the financial crisis . European debt crisis took place .

  21. 俄克拉马市的就业在某方面已经在复兴,但是美国其他的城市从经济危机中恢复缓慢。

    OKC has been booming job-wise , while the rest of the country recovers more slowly from the downturn .

  22. 市场,她补充表示,“希望看到政府在危机后恢复可持续的财政政策”。

    Markets , she added , " expect to see a return to sustainable fiscal policies after the crisis " .

  23. 当前,各个国家行为体以克服危机,恢复经济为优先战略。

    At time being , the nations take the overcoming the crisis and restoring the economy as their priority strategies .

  24. 缓解直至消除生态危机、恢复和重建生态平衡,是人类终极关怀的应有之义。

    Aims of ultimate concern should be to relieve and eliminate ecological crisis , and to recover and rebuild ecological balance at last .

  25. 世界经济仍未从全球金融危机中恢复。这场危机发端于美国,随后迅速波及世界大多数国家。

    The world still hasn 't recovered from the global financial crisis made in the US and swiftly exported to much of the world .

  26. 债务超级周期的概念很简单:有效的经济政策需要赤字支出和刺激性措施来阻止金融危机、恢复经济增长;

    The debt supercycle is a simple idea : Sound economic policy requires deficit spending and stimulus efforts to stop financial crises and restore economic growth .

  27. 他表示,在经历了去年78%的创纪录增幅(危机之后恢复最快的一次)之后,新兴市场股市目前“定价充分”。

    Emerging market equities , he says , are " well-priced " , after their record-breaking 78 per cent gain last year the fastest-ever post-crisis recovery .

  28. 这将使以出口导向为主的亚洲经济体,在金融危机之后恢复和振兴的努力,绝大部分付之东流。

    This will fail most of the efforts made by export-oriented Asian countries to revive and develop their economies in the wake of the financial crisis .

  29. 顶层人事变动凸显随着汽车制造商已经慢慢开始从本轮金融危机中恢复元气,福特和通用汽车之间的对抗正在加剧。

    The top-level personnel moves highlight the growing confrontation between Ford and GM , as automakers claw their way back from the lows of the financial crisis .

  30. 其目标是在公司和它的相关利益者之间建立(或是在危机之后恢复)公众信任这一重要的联系。

    The goal is to build , or after a crisis , to restore , public trust , the vital link between a company and its stakeholders .