
  • 网络Impressionist paintings;Impressionism
  1. 印象派绘画艺术的转捩与变革研究

    A Study on Artistic Transformation and Innovation of Impressionism Painting

  2. 从印象派绘画看艺术创新精神

    On the Art Innovation Spirit from the Angle of the Impressionism Painting

  3. 1877年1月到3月间,克劳德·莫奈创作了一系列关于火车的印象派绘画。

    Claude Monet crated a series of Impressionist paintings of trains from January to March of 1877 .

  4. 其它作品包括莫奈的睡莲系列画作之一,他的1905年印象派绘画《睡莲》(Nymphéas)以5400万美元落槌。

    Others included one of Claude Monet 's water lilies series of paintings while his 1905 impressionist painting " Nymph é as " sold for $ 54m .

  5. 亚洲买家在纽约的苏富比(Sotheby’s)春季拍卖会上抢购印象派绘画,买下五大顶级拍品中的三件,包括一幅梵高(VincentVanGogh)的风景画,并在3.683亿美元的拍卖总额中占到大约三分之一。

    Asian buyers snapped up Impressionist paintings at Sotheby 's spring auction in New York , buying three of the sale 's top five lots , including a Vincent Van Gogh landscape , and making up about one-third of the $ 368.3m raised .

  6. 这位收藏家收集到大量印象派绘画。

    The collector has acquired a fine collection of impressionist paintings .

  7. 法国印象派绘画对中国现代美术的影响

    The Influence of French Impressionistic Painting on Chinese Modern Fine Arts

  8. 印象派绘画的复制品已全部售出。

    All the reproductions of Impressionist paintings have been sold out .

  9. 我倾向于爱好印象派绘画,而不喜欢抽象艺术。

    I tend to prefer figurative painting to abstract art .

  10. 我对,呃,艺术感兴趣,特别是绘画,印象派绘画。

    I 'm interested in , art.Painting in particular , impressionist painting .

  11. 《印象日出》这幅油画,是印象派绘画的奠基石。

    The canvas Yin Xiang Ri Chu is the cornerstone of impressionistic paintings .

  12. 她的作品受到印象派绘画很大的影响。

    Her work has been greatly influenced by the Impressionist school of painting .

  13. 浅谈日本浮世绘对法国印象派绘画的影响

    The Influence of Japanese Yamato-e on French Impressionism Drawing

  14. 除了他的很多后印象派绘画作品外,他的招贴画也深受世人瞩目。

    Except for his paintings of poster-impressionism , his posters have attracted our attention .

  15. 印象派绘画艺术风格探析

    Analysis on the Art Style of Impressionist Painting

  16. 浅谈印象派绘画与摄影的关系

    The Relationship between Impressionist Painting and Photography

  17. 印象派绘画的摄影性风格&探究早期摄影术对印象派绘画的影响

    On Photographing Style of Impressionist Painting & On Effect of Early Photographing Technique on Impressionist Painting

  18. 试析印象派绘画的视觉革命

    Sight Innovation of Impressionist Painting School

  19. 可见,后印象派绘画对现代诸流派的发展有着重要的历史意义。

    Therefore , the postimpressionist paintings had great historical significance for the development of modern art styles .

  20. 后来梵高积极投身于对印象派绘画色彩的表现和其他形式方面的实验。

    Later , he was actively devoted to the representation of colors in impressionist paintings and other experiments with forms .

  21. 认识到印象派绘画在绘画艺术中起着举足轻重的作用,为绘画艺术的发展注入了活力。

    Recognizing the Impressionist paintings in the art of painting plays an important role in the development of the painting energized .

  22. 宋代文人画与西方后印象派绘画在东西方绘画体系中均占有承上启下的重要地位。

    Song literati painting and Western painting in the post-impressionist painting system in both the East and West occupy an important position nexus .

  23. 印象派绘画鲜明的色彩、奇特的构图,后印象派对线条的推崇、单纯的画风,在技法上就是模仿中国的画法。

    Impressionist painting technicolor , peculiar composition of lines , impressionist elevation , simple style , in the skills of China is the imitation explained .

  24. 现代中国画家受到现代审美动力学和欧洲印象派绘画的影响,开始打破固定光的束缚。

    By modern Chinese painters of modern aesthetic dynamics and the impact of the European Impressionist paintings , began to break the shackles of fixed-kwong .

  25. 文章主要从印象派绘画的主题选择、绘画语言两方面分析探讨,展现印象派绘画相对独特的视角和其创新点。

    From the angle of topic choice and painting language of the impressionism painting , this paper analyzes the unique perspective and originality of the impressionism painting .

  26. 本文从文化的角度观察象征主义诗歌、印象派绘画以及音乐文化本身对于德彪西钢琴音乐创作的影响。

    This thesis is focus on the reflection to the piano creation of Debussy through the research on the symbolism poetry , impressionism painting and music culture .

  27. 印象派绘画是欧洲写实绘画向抽象绘画过渡的桥梁,它开启了美术的新纪元,对近代绘画有较大影响。

    Impressionist painting is the transitional bridge from realistic painting to abstract painting in Europe . It opened a new era and had great influence on modern painting .

  28. 文章从印象派绘画作品的内容与艺术形式等方面来探析其绘画作品的艺术风格。

    This essay analyses the art style of impressionist painting from the following aspects , which are the works ' contents , art form , and so on .

  29. 本文通过对印象派绘画写实主义体系和题材多样性特点的分析,说明印象派绘画对于德彪西钢琴作品创作的影响。

    To express the reflection of the creating works of Debussy by impressionism painting , it takes root in the analysis of the realism of impressionism system and varies themes .

  30. 以往通常从题材的突破、新技法的运用以及创作观念和程式的改变等方面来阐释印象派绘画的革新。

    Innovation of impressionist school of painting was illustrated from the aspect of breakthrough of topics , application of new techniques and change of creative views and procedures in the past .