
  • 网络Indian space program
  1. 印度航天技术发展概况及其主要经验

    A Survey of Developing Space Technology in India and Its Primary Experiences

  2. 印度航天事业发展概述

    India 's Space Cause Development

  3. 印度航天部门周二将发射一枚航天器,按照设计方案,该航天器将前往亚洲国家此前还没有去过的地方:火星。

    On Tuesday , India 's space agency will launch a spacecraft designed to boldly go where no Asian nation has gone before : Mars .

  4. 印度航天局2008年发射了“月船1号”探月器。一年后,该探月器就找到了月球表面存在冰冻水的证据。

    The Indian Space Agency launched its Chandrayaan-1 mission to the moon in 2008 and was swiftly rewarded with evidence of frozen water on the lunar surface a year later .

  5. 就在全世界庆祝人类登月50周年的几天后,印度航天局成功向月球发射了第一个月球着陆器。

    Just days after the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of man landing on the moon , India 's space agency successfully launched its first lunar lander bound for the moon .

  6. 有些人会指出印度航天也在走同样的道路,她最近公布了奢侈的登月计划。

    Some people might point to the fact that India seems to be going the same way in its space programme with the latest being an extravagant mission to the Moon .

  7. 这项火星计划改变了印度的航天项目。

    The Mars project marks a change in India 's space program .

  8. 接着分析了印度发展航天技术的主要经验:结合印度的国情,促进印度经济持续发展;

    The primary experiences of developing space technology in India are analysed : persisting development of economy of India is promoted according to India 's situation ;

  9. 文中对德国、法国、印度和美国航天光学遥感器研制情况的一个侧面进行了简述。

    The paper introduces the development of space remote sensors in Germany , France , India and America .

  10. 叙述了印度导弹与航天技术的现状和未来。

    The current status and future of India ′ s missiles and aerospace technologies are presented in this paper .

  11. 从双边到三角&冷战结束前后中美印关系的变化浅析文中对德国、法国、印度和美国航天光学遥感器研制情况的一个侧面进行了简述。

    From the both sides to the triangle & The analyses on the transformation of the relationship within China 、 India and America before the very end of the cold war The paper introduces the development of space remote sensors in Germany , France , India and America .