
  1. 塞翁失马焉知非福,看看印度的攻击直升机吧,它们究竟有多少是在印度制造的呢?

    The embargos are a blessing in disguise , just look at India they have a attack helicopter , but how much of it is made in India ?

  2. ——在“印度制造”发布现场讲话过去的几年里,听到有人说想离开印度,我总是很伤心。

    It used to hurt me in the past years to hear people say they want to leave India .

  3. ——在斐济国立大学的讲话“印度制造”是指:我们不仅欢迎有成本效益的企业进行生产,而且还会为这些企业的产品营销提供一个广大的市场。

    By saying Make in India , we are not only inviting11 companies for cost-effective manufacturing , but also giving them an opportunity of a large market for their products .

  4. “印度制造”(MakeinIndia)计划承诺削减官僚手续,改善基础设施,为大型跨国公司和其他外国投资者铺平道路。

    The " Make in India " campaign promised to reduce bureaucracy and improve infrastructure , paving the way for big multinationals and other foreign investors .

  5. 自荷兰银行(ABNAMROBank)开始调查以来,印度制造业首次出现裁员。

    Indian manufacturers cut jobs for the first time in the history of a survey by ABN AMRO Bank .

  6. 印度制造业PMI指数也表现强劲,抵消了韩国等许多国家数据逊于预期的影响。

    Indian manufacturing PMI data were also strong and offset weaker-than-expected figures in countries such as South Korea .

  7. 汇丰印度制造业pmi从5月份59.0的27个月高位,降至6月份的57.3。

    The HSBC India manufacturing PMI retreated from a 27-month high of 59.0 in May to 57.3 in June .

  8. 尽管如此,美国咨询公司环球透视(globalinsight)预计,在截至2011年的4年中,印度制造业产出增速将位列全球第二,仅次于中国。

    Even so , in the four years to 2011 , India will be the second fastest growing country in the world after China in terms of manufacturing output , according to global insight , a US consultancy .

  9. 直到最近,福特(Ford)、日产(Nissan)和丰田(Toyota)等美国和日本汽车制造商,才开始响应莫迪“印度制造”的呼声。

    It is only very recently , however , that US and Japanese carmakers - including Ford , Nissan and Toyota - have begun to heed Mr Modi 's Make in India call .

  10. 在与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(VladimirPutin)进行会晤后,两位领导人宣布达成协议,将在印度制造由俄罗斯设计的卡莫夫(Kamov)直升机,并为由俄罗斯国家原子能公司(Rosatom)建造的新核电厂选址。

    Following a meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin , the two leaders announced deals to build Russian-designed Kamov helicopters in India and for the location of a new nuclear power plant to be built by Russian state nuclear company Rosatom .

  11. 印度制造业发展的战略愿望及前景

    The Strategic Wishes and Outlook of India 's Manufacturing Industry Development

  12. 该机构预计,印度制造业产出将以每年7%的速度增长。

    It predicts this output expanding at 7 per cent a year .

  13. 美国向一家印度制造厂转让了技术。

    Technology was transferred from the USA to a manufacturer in India .

  14. 印度制造业产量增速创下了历史新高。

    Indian factory output recorded its biggest surge on record .

  15. 这就使得印度制造业和其它行业可雇佣的人比以往要少。

    This leaves a shrunken pool for manufacturing industry and all other sectors of the economy .

  16. 十多家大型国际风能企业通过合资在印度制造风力发电机。

    A dozen major international wind energy companies manufacture wind turbines in India through joint ventures .

  17. 根据与俄罗斯国家原子能公司的协议,核电厂的部分设备也将在印度制造。

    Under the deal with Rosatom , some equipment for nuclear power plants would also be built in India .

  18. 其余的飞机将按照包括技术转让在内的一份协议在印度制造。

    The rest will be manufactured in India under an agreement which will include transfer of technology to India .

  19. 然而,有点出人预料的是,印度制造业已经开始慢慢吸引海外投资了。

    Yet , slowly and a little unpredictably , India 's manufacturing sector is starting to attract overseas investment .

  20. 而印度制造业的产值仍然只占国民产出的一小部分&其大力炫耀的软件和服务业亦是如此。

    Indian manufacturing still generates a small share of national output – as do its much-vaunted software and services industries .

  21. 世界各地的跨国公司已经开始认真看待印度制造业,那里有充足的廉价劳动力资源。

    Multinationals around the globe have begun to look seriously at manufacturing in India , with its plentiful and inexpensive labor pool .

  22. 莫迪称赞生产直升机的协议是他提出“在印度制造”计划后的首个大型军工项目。

    Mr Modi hailed the deal for the production of helicopters as the first major defence project under his " Make in India " programme .

  23. 在4-6月季度,印度制造业和建筑业的增长率大幅下滑,而服务业则较为强劲。

    The manufacturing and building sectors in India recorded substantial falls in growth in the quarter to June , in contrast to the more buoyant services sector .

  24. 尽管有一些优势,但印度制造业发现自身很难具有全球竞争力,也很难为那些迁移到城镇的人提供工作。

    Despite pockets of excellence , the manufacturing sector is finding it hard to become globally competitive and provide jobs for those moving to cities and towns .

  25. 随着印度制造成本的上升,客户正将订单转移到了其它汇率较弱的国家,如斯里兰卡、越南和孟加拉国。

    But as the cost of manufacture in India rises , customers are shifting their orders to countries with weaker currencies such as Sri Lanka , Vietnam and Bangladesh .

  26. 一些分析师警告称,在印度制造较廉价的机器,可能最终被证明在发达市场具有破坏性,但西门子坚称,其战略具有冷静的商业意识。

    Some analysts warn that the manufacture of cheaper machines in India may eventually prove disruptive in developed markets , but Siemens insists its strategy makes cold-eyed business sense .

  27. 但莫迪推动的一项关键政策是主要在印度制造这些新的武器系统和其他装备,而不是海外。

    But Mr Modi has made it a key policy to push for these new weapons systems and other equipment to be made mostly in India rather than abroad .

  28. 其中两颗卫星是印度制造的,一颗是微型卫星,另一颗是遥感卫星,它装有高精度摄像机,负责从太空拍摄图像。

    Two of the satellites belong to India . These include a mini satellite , and a remote sensing satellite fitted with a high resolution camera for recording images from space .

  29. 在制造业,莫迪启动了“印度制造”计划以吸引投资,以及让本国工厂融入由东亚主导的全球供应链。

    In manufacturing , Mr Modi has launched a " Make in India " programme to attract investment and integrate the country 's factories into global supply chains dominated by east Asia .

  30. 我问一位印度制造业大亨,他在自己工厂里安装更先进机器时,将不得不解雇一些员工,那么他是否感觉对这些人负有责任?他的回应只是耸耸肩。

    One Indian manufacturing tycoon I met just shrugged when I asked whether he felt any responsibility to the staff he would have to lay off as he installed more sophisticated machines in his factories .