
  • 网络health service;medical service
  1. 武警卫生勤务学教学中引入模拟训练教学模式的探讨

    Introducing Simulation Training Mode in Teaching of Science of Armed Police Forces Health Service

  2. 卫生勤务是军事医学研究中的一个学科。

    The medical service is a branch in the study of military medicine .

  3. 在设计和改装适应现代实战要求的卫生勤务列车中,各种医疗救治工作所需的仪器装备在列车上的固定方法是值得思考和探讨的问题。

    Its important to find good ways to fix medical equipment in the train when designing and re-constructing a healthy service train for modern war .

  4. 构建的评估指标咨询了包括军队医院管理、卫生勤务学、急救医学和应急管理等领域的16名专家。

    And we have consulted 16 experts in the field of military administration , medical service , emergency medicine and crisis administration with the index of the system via mails and interviews .

  5. 而军队医院的医务人员作为一个群体,由于其工作身份既是军人又是医务工作者,他们对工作的态度直接影响其日常的医务救治工作,对我军平时和战时的卫生勤务保障均有重要影响。

    As both military personnel and medical staff , medical staff in military hospital is a special group . Their job attitude directly impacts their daily medical works , which further more influences the medical supports in war time .