
wèi xīnɡ ɡuó
  • satellite state;satellite country
  1. 超级大国以低价从一个卫星国里巧取豪夺各种商品。

    Super powers plundered all kinds of commodities at low prices from a satellite country .

  2. 卫星国(依附于某大国并受其控制者)

    Satellite state ( country dependent on another more powerful country and controlled by it )

  3. 美国赢得了冷战,苏联的许多卫星国很快投入了欧盟(eu)的怀抱。

    America won the cold war and many Soviet satellite states were rapidly welcomed into the EU .

  4. 俄罗斯以前的卫星国和附属国正确地认定俄罗斯不会接受这些原则,正因如此,它们如此热切地加入北约(Nato)。

    It is because its former satellites and dependencies were rightly confident that Russia would not accept these principles that they have been so keen to join Nato .

  5. 至于中欧和东欧的前苏联卫星国,匈牙利和乌克兰上周都在等待欧洲央行(ecb)和国际货币基金组织(imf)的支援。

    As for the ex-Soviet satellites in central and Eastern Europe , Hungary and the Ukraine were last week lining up support from the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund .

  6. 从前俄国的卫星国现在转向西方要求援助。

    The former Russian satellites now turn to the West for help .

  7. 新伊拉克不大可能简单地成为伊朗的卫星国。

    The new Iraq is unlikely simply to be a satellite of Iran .

  8. 我很好奇尼泊尔会不会成为中国的卫星国。

    I am curious if Nepal will now become a satellite of China .

  9. 不管采取什么方针,莫斯科都不能达到把阿富汗变成顺从于它的卫星国的目的。

    Whatever course it takes , Moscow is far from achieving its goal of turning Afghanistan into another compliant satellite state .

  10. 我们不愿就如此轻易地沦为纳粹统治欧洲体系的卫星国。

    We do not want to be led upon the high road to becoming a satellite of the German Nazi system of European domination .

  11. 二月事件之后,捷克采取了敌视西方的外交政策,而美国政府将其定性为苏联的卫星国并进行遏制,两国关系冷若冰霜。

    After the February Event , the Czechs adopted hostile foreign policy towards the West , while the US government labeled it one of the satellites of the Soviet Union and contained .

  12. 同时,尽管历史遗留的敌意不难理解,但韩国面临的长期战略挑战将是避免沦为日益强大的中国的一个卫星国。

    And while historical antagonisms are easy to understand , the long-run strategic challenge for South Korea will be to avoid being turned into a satellite state of an ever more powerful China .

  13. 他在波兰受到了热情的欢迎。波兰是前苏联卫星国之一,他们担心俄罗斯倾向至少是重新恢复其旧有的势力范围,其在乌克兰所采取的行动就是证明。

    He received an enthusiastic welcome in Poland , one of many former Soviet satellites that 's concerned about Russia 's moves to re-establish at least part of its old sphere of influence - exemplified by its actions in Ukraine .

  14. 通讯卫星在国与国之间转发消息和讯号。

    Communications satellites relay messages and signals from country to country .

  15. FSW0型卫星是我国研制的第一种返回式卫星,以其卫星平台为基础又相继发展了FSW1和FSW2型返回式卫星。

    FSW - 0 satellite is the first type of recoverable satellites of China . Based on its satellite platform , FSW-1 and FSW-2 were developed in succession .

  16. 风云三号气象卫星是我国的第二代极轨气象卫星。它将首次携带红外分光计(IRAS)、微波温度计、微波湿度计三个大气垂直探测仪器。

    FY-3 meteorological satellite is the second generation of polar-orbit meteorological satellite in China , it will carry InfRared Atmospheric Sounder ( IRAS )? Microwave Atmospheric Sounder , Microwave Atmospheric Humidity Sounder for the first time .

  17. 海洋一号(HY-1)卫星是我国发射的第一颗探测海洋水色的卫星,星上载有10波段COCTS水色扫描仪和4波段CCD成像仪。

    The HY-1 satellite is first Chinese ocean satellite for detecting ocean color and sea surface temperature . It was successfully launched on 15 May 2002 . The main sensors on board include the 10-bands Chinese Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner ( COCTS ) as well as 4-bands CCD imager .

  18. 海洋一号卫星在我国海洋资源开发与保护中的作用

    Significance of Chinese Satellite " HY-1 " in Ocean Resources Exploiting and Protecting

  19. 海洋1号A卫星是我国发射的第一颗海洋卫星。

    S : The HY-1A satellite is the first oceanic satellite in China .

  20. 仿真结果表明,该类型星座能够以较少数量的卫星为我国提供良好的覆盖性能,适于我国的区域覆盖卫星通信系统采用。

    Simulation results show that the optimal common-track constellation can provide favorable coverage performance to China with fewer satellites , and hence is appro .

  21. 即先用卫星满足我国较小长途业务量的需求,随着业务量的增长再逐步过渡到光纤或其它大容量地面传输手段。

    That is , first to use satellite to meet the immediate demand , and then make the transition to a fiber or other large volume terrestrial system when the traffic volume reaches a certain level .

  22. 尼日利亚卫星X是该国最近推出的两个地球观测卫星之一。

    The NigeriaSat-X is one of two Earth observation satellites that the country recently launched .

  23. 由GMS卫星资料获取我国夏季地表辐射收支

    Estimating Surface Radiation Budgets over China in Summer from GMS Satellite Data

  24. 用GMS卫星资料研究我国东南部夏季短波云辐射强迫

    Estimation of Summer Cloud Short - wave Radiative Forcing in Southeast China Using GMS Satellite Data

  25. 卫星遥感监测我国沿海水色环境的研究

    Study on ocean color environment of China coast by satellite remote sensing

  26. 应用微卫星标记评估我国水稻主栽品种的一致性

    Assessment of Uniformity of Major Rice Varieties in China Using Microsatellite Markers

  27. 用地球静止气象卫星云图分析我国几类强雷暴天气

    The analysis of severe thunderstorms in China with GMS pictures

  28. 微卫星标记分析我国南方常规水稻品种的遗传差异

    Microsatellite marker analysis of genetic difference of conventional rice varieties in southern China

  29. 直播卫星技术在我国应用的前景

    Application in Our Country of Direct Broadcasting Satellite

  30. 利用微卫星标记分析我国13个地方灰羽鹅品种的遗传多样性

    Genetic diversity of 13 indigenous grey goose breeds in China based on microsatellite markers