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wò shì
  • bedroom;chamber;bed-chamber;roost;houseroom
卧室 [wò shì]
  • [bedroom] 供睡眠用的房间

卧室[wò shì]
  1. 孩子们睡在楼上卧室里的跃层上。

    The children slept in a loft in the upstairs bedroom .

  2. 我帮他在卧室里装了几个搁架。

    I helped him put up some shelves in his bedroom .

  3. 她在卧室的墙上贴满了他的照片。

    She had plastered her bedroom wall with photos of him .

  4. 她厌倦了这样的交谈,躲进了自己的卧室。

    Bored with the conversation , she retreated to her bedroom .

  5. 我觉得卧室里用白色未免太素了。

    I think white would be too stark for the bedroom .

  6. 她把他的照片贴满了卧室的墙。

    She had photos of him plastered all over her bedroom wall .

  7. 所有的卧室里都有冷热自来水。

    There is hot and cold running water in all the bedrooms .

  8. 卧室的窗户面向街道。

    The bedroom windows give on to the street .

  9. 卧室里依然亮着灯。

    A light was still burning in the bedroom .

  10. 新的色彩调配将使你的卧室焕然一新。

    A new colour scheme will transform your bedroom .

  11. 我们重新摆放了卧室里的家具。

    We 've rearranged the furniture in the bedroom .

  12. 主卧室旁边有一个卫生间。

    There 's a bathroom off the main bedroom .

  13. 我们的卧室里有一个分机。

    We have an extension in the bedroom .

  14. 要是愿意你就住下,我们空着一间卧室。

    We 've got a spare bedroom , if you 'd like to stay .

  15. 我走进卧室更衣。

    I went into the bedroom to change .

  16. 主卧室宽12英尺,长15英尺。

    The main bedroom measures 12ft by 15ft .

  17. 卧室用了三桶涂料。

    The bedroom needed three tins of paint .

  18. 她回到自己的卧室打开行李取出衣物。

    She went to her room to unpack .

  19. 卧室涂成了淡粉红色。

    The bedroom was decorated in pale pinks .

  20. 房屋正面有三间卧室,后面两间。

    The house has three bedrooms at the front and two at the back .

  21. 我还以为有人进了卧室,结果只是一场梦。

    I thought someone came into the bedroom , but it was just a dream .

  22. 这是主卧室。

    This is the master bedroom .

  23. 旅馆里每间卧室都带浴室。

    Each bedroom in the hotel has a bathroom en suite / an en suite bathroom .

  24. 这卧室布置得很雅致。

    The bedroom was tastefully furnished .

  25. 她走进卧室,躺在床上。

    She went into her bedroom and lay down on the bed

  26. 她冲完马桶回到卧室。

    She flushed the toilet and went back in the bedroom .

  27. 这里有76间陈设各异的卧室,都配有独立卫生间。

    There are 76 individually furnished bedrooms , all with private bathrooms

  28. 卧室门上发出一声沉重的撞击声。

    There was a heavy thudding noise against the bedroom door .

  29. 通过将一间大屋用隔断断开的方法再隔出了几间卧室。

    Bedrooms have again been created by partitioning a single larger room

  30. 双卧室的公寓每月房租是953.33英镑。

    The monthly rent for a two-bedroom flat would be £ 953.33