
  • 网络Nanhai;nanhai district
  1. 南海区食品生产质量安全监管问题研究

    Study of Food Production Quality and Safety Supervision of Nanhai District

  2. 南海区婴幼儿腹泻病轮状病毒感染临床流行状况调查

    Nanhai District Clinic Epidemiology Investigation of Infantile Human Rotaviral Diarrhea

  3. 对佛山市南海区内三家出口速冻方便食品生产企业生产的速冻面制品抽样送检,用ICP法检测铝含量。

    The products are sampled from three exit quick-frozen food manufactories in nanhai district foshan city , and detected contents of aluminium by ICP .

  4. 打开南边界可以很好地改善赤道以南海区的CFC11模拟。

    Opening the southern boundary of the model can improve the simulation of CFC-11 in the area south of equator dramatically .

  5. 佛山市南海区2004年居民死亡原因分析

    Analysis of death cause of resident in Nanhai District in 2004

  6. 南沙群岛西南海区表层碳酸盐沉积的相特征

    Surface carbonate facies characteristics in the southwest waters of Nansha Islands

  7. 南海区捕捞业副渔获评估及对策探讨

    Assessment and Countermeasure on By-Catch in South China Sea Region

  8. 闽南海区张网作业渔获物组成分析

    The catch composition analysis of swing net in Southern Fujian sea waters

  9. 南海区平台石油的特征荧光光谱分析

    Fluorescence Spectroscopy analysis on oils from the platforms in South China Sea

  10. 南海区海洋渔具发展的主要问题

    Main Problems for Development of Marine Fishing Gears in South China Sea

  11. 南海区建设健康村的主体思路与策略

    The main idea and strategy for healthy village in Nanhai

  12. 佛山市南海区农村小学生龋齿患病情况调查

    Prevalence of Dental Carries in Rural Pupils in Nanhai District in Foshan City

  13. 地理过程的案例表达与组织&以南海区海洋涡旋为例

    The Representation and Organizational of Geographical Spatio-temporal Process Case

  14. 南沙海域西南海区表层沉积物地球化学特征

    The geochemical characteristics of surface sediments at the southwestern nansha , South China Sea

  15. 佛山市南海区国土资源多图合一的探讨

    Preliminary Research on Land and Resources Information Aggregation in Nanhai District of Foshan City

  16. 金线鱼刺网是南海区的主要渔具之一。

    Nemipterus virgatus gillnet is one of the main fishing gears in South China Sea .

  17. 镇级图书馆建设的成功之路&佛山市南海区镇级图书馆建设调查报告

    The Success Road of Town Library Construction & Survey of Town Libraries of Nanhai District

  18. 南海区10年间区镇级医疗机构消毒质量监测

    Monitoring of the disinfection quality in the district and town medical institution in Nanhai District

  19. 浅论南海区海洋渔业生物标本馆的作用与功能

    Role and function of the marine fishery organism specimens ' museum in South China Sea district

  20. 鲁南海区海雾天气型的客观划分及其天气分析

    The objective division of the foggy weather patterns on Shandong south coast region and its weather analysis

  21. 佛山市南海区186例围产儿尸检的临床病理研究

    A Clinicopathologic Study on Autopsy of 186 Infants Died in Circumnatal Period in Nanhai District of Fushan City

  22. 佛山市南海区养老院老年人跌倒发生率的调查

    Investigate on the occurrence rate of the old people fall down in beadhouses of Nanhai District Foshan City

  23. 南海区2005年流行性腮腺炎流行病学分析及免疫策略探讨

    Epidemiological analysis of epidemic mumps in Nanhai District of Foshan City in 2005 and discussion on the vaccination strategy

  24. 佛山市南海区完善中小企业发展政策的研究

    The Study on the Policy to Promote the Development of the Small-and-medium-sized Enterprises of Nanhai District , Foshan City

  25. 主营电动刨冰机、封口机,公司位于中国广东佛山市广东省佛山市南海区。

    We mainly produce electronic ice crusher , sealing machine , candy floss machine , and other related products .

  26. 本厂位于有“五金之乡”之称的佛山市南海区金沙。

    Our factory is located in the " hardware village ," said Sands , Nanhai District , Foshan City .

  27. 最后,结合南海区涡旋,进行了模型的实验验证。

    Finally , the verification experiment of the model is carried out using the South China Sea area vortexes .

  28. 南海区平台石油指纹信息系统建立的初步研究

    Initial Study of Establishing a Fingerprint Information System for Oils from the Platforms in South Sea with Fluorescence Spectroscopic Analysis

  29. 运用爱国卫生工作方法渐进式推进健康村工程&南海区建设健康村的主要做法

    Progressively promote Healthy Village project by using the Way of conducting patriotic health work & the main practice in Nanhai

  30. 本公司座落于美丽富饶交通发达的珠江三角洲腹地&佛山市南海区大沥镇。

    The Company is located in the beautiful and rich Pearl River Delta hinterland transport-Foshan City Nanhai District , Dali Town .