
  1. 论南洋劝业会的历史地位与作用

    On the Historic Status and Effect of Nanyang Commodity Exposition

  2. 南洋劝业会与丝绸(1)

    Southeast Asian Bazaar and Silk ( 1 )

  3. 晚清在南京举办的南洋劝业会,是中国历史上首次全国规模的商品博览会。

    Nanyang Commodity Exposition , held in Nanking in late Qing dynasty , is the first national commodity exposition in Chinese history .

  4. 南洋劝业会是中国历史上第一次规模庞大的全国性博览会,标志着中国社会向近代化方向的发展,也是中国丝绸业走向外部世界的开端。

    The Southeast Asian Bazaar , the first large-scale nationwide fair in China 's history , symbolizes a development of Chinese society towards modernization and debut of Chinese silk industry towards the outside world .

  5. 丝绸行业包括蚕桑、制丝、织造的茧、丝、绸缎等产品等参与了南洋劝业会的展销,对推进中国丝绸业的近代化进程起到了积极的作用。

    Such products as cocoons , raw silk and silk fabrics from sericulture , silk reeling and weaving industries were displayed and sold at the bazaar , playing an active role in promoting Chinese silk industry onto modernization .