
Nán Jīnɡ Shì
  • Nanjing City
  1. 南京市三大开发区投资环境网络GIS研究

    Investment Environment Analysis of Three Main Development Areas in Nanjing City Based on Web GIS

  2. 南京市栖霞区羁押和看守人员HIV感染状况调查

    Investigation on HIV Infection among Prisoners in Qixia District of Nanjing City

  3. 用Fuzzy方法对南京市公园景点质量的评价

    Evaluation on the quality of the scenic spots in Nanjing parks by fuzzy mathematics

  4. 基于共享平台的南京市房产管理GIS系统的建设框架

    Framework of Nanjing House Property Information System Based on GIS-share-platform

  5. 本文研究了在目前农田大量施用化肥及有机肥的情况下南京市南郊蔬菜地土壤pH和盐分含量的变化。

    Change in pH and salinity of the vegetable soil in the southern suburbs of Nanjing was investigated .

  6. 南京市居民口腔卫生服务利用影响因素的Logistic回归分析

    Logistic regression analysis of influencing factors on the oral health services utilization in Nanjing city

  7. 本研究正是在这一理论的指导下,采用质的研究方法,对南京市B幼儿园进行了个案研究。

    Under the guidance of the theory , this research uses qualitative research , carries out case study in B kindergarten of Nanjing .

  8. 基于TM影像的南京市土地利用遥感动态监测

    Dynamic Remote Sensing Monitoring of Land Use in Nanjing Based on TM Images

  9. 作为省会城市,南京市在江苏省利用FDI中占据越来越重要的地位。

    As the capital of Jiangsu province , Nanjing occupys an increasingly important position in Jiangsu ' FDI .

  10. 隧道实验测定南京市机动车PM(10)排放因子

    A study on PM_ ( 10 ) emission factor of motor vehicle by tunnel test in Nanjing city

  11. 利用数字摄影测量所得到的南京市玄武湖地区的数据,论文论述了通过GIS,将这些数据用于虚拟城市构建的案例研究。

    It also discusses a case study of the XuanWu Lake area of Nanjing with the utilization of data from digital photogrammetry through GIS into virtual city construction .

  12. 南京市PM2.5物理化学特性及来源解析

    Physical and Chemical Characteristics and Source Apportionment of PM2.5 in Nanjing

  13. 最后,论文以南京市社会经济与人口地理信息系统为例,详细说明了基于GIS的分析评价模型在统计分析中的应用。

    In conclusion , the thesis specifies applications of GIS analysis and evaluation models in statistical analysis by taking Nanjing urban social economical and population GIS as an example .

  14. 南京市G区幼儿教师的工作满意度属于中等水平,未达到较高或很高水平。

    In G District of Nanjing , job satisfaction gets to the intermediate level , not reaching " relatively high " or " particularly high " levels . 3 .

  15. 城市空气质量的EOF展开及其与气象因子的CCA分析&以南京市为例

    EOF Expanding to City Air Quality and CCA Analysis between Air Quality and Meteorological Factors in Nanjing

  16. 在遥感与GIS技术支持下,以南京市域1988年、1995年和2003年3期TM影像为主要数据源,研究了南京市市域景观空间格局的动态变化特征及其演变规律;

    Based on remote sensing and GIS technology , the TM images of 1988,1995 and 2003 were used to evaluate the landscape spatial changes of Nanjing during the past fifteen years .

  17. 在南京市蔬菜公司贮藏的马铃薯块上共发现7种病害,其中以干腐病(FusariumSPP.)

    Of the 7 diseases found on potato tubers stored under cold conditions in Nanjing Vegetable Company , hard rot ( Fusarium spp. )

  18. 鉴于此,本文对流动儿童相对较多的南京市Q区流动儿童高中阶段就学现状进行了调查。

    In consideration of this , this article made a survey of the problems of floating children receiving high school education in Q district of Nanjing city where there are many floating children .

  19. 探讨面向对象技术中统一建模语言(UML)在构建南京市建设委员会(简称南建委)电子政务系统中的建模应用。

    This article mainly discusses how to using Object-Oriented ( OO ) Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) to realize the system modeling of E-Government of construction committee of Nanjing ( NJJWEG ) .

  20. 本文以南京市J镇的机构改革为个案,分析了我国乡镇机构改革的必要性、阻力及其对策。

    The text regards administrative structure reform of J town in Nanjing as the case , has analysed the necessity of our country 's , together wrth its obstruction and countermeasure .

  21. 结果表明,南京市大气PM2.5中的元素主要可分为地壳元素和污染元素两大类。

    The elements in Nanjing atmospheric PM2.5 might be classified into two great kinds of the types of earth crust and pollution elements mainly .

  22. 本文在江苏省经济信息中心的血站综合管理信息系统项目资助下,对基于UML的面向对象建模方法进行了深入研究,对其建模环境进行扩展,并应用于南京市红十字血液中心的血站管理系统。

    In this thesis , we do much research on Object-Oriented Modeling Method based on UML , and extend the modeling environment , and finally applied to a blood station management system for Nanjing Red Cross Blood Center .

  23. 充分发挥GIS技术在管理空间、属性数据和空间分析与输出成果图等强大功能,计算出南京市由于城市扩展而使人口承载力减少的数量及其空间分布。

    The function of GIS are elaborated , such as managing spatial data and attribute data , spatial analyzing and outputting ultimate maps to get the reduced number of Nanjing population carrying capacity and its spatial distribution because of the expansion of city .

  24. 全数字摄影测量工作站JX&4ADPW在南京市农村土地利用现状变更调查中的应用

    Application of DPW JX-4A to Change Survey of Land Use Situation of the Country in Nanjing

  25. 文中还结合了南京市TSP和PM2.5的来源解析结果,分析了南京市不同粒径气溶胶颗粒物的污染特征。

    As compared with the source apportionment results on TSP and PM2.5 in Nanjing , the characteristics of atmospheric particulate pollution in Nanjing have also been analyzed in this article .

  26. 进一步,我们重点探讨了南京市的C-D生产函数以及南京市三次产业产出与信息化之间的关系。

    Further , we focused on the C-D production of Nanjing city as well as the relationship of between its three industries output and informatization .

  27. 在南京市各功能区设立五个采样点,采集总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)和可吸入颗粒物(PM10)样品,采用索氏提取、K-D浓缩和吹氮浓缩的方法进行预处理;

    Five sampling areas were set in Nanjing city in order to collect total suspended particulates ( TSP ) and inhalable participates ( PM10 ) in ambient air .

  28. 使用Tenax管在常温下富集采样,研究了南京市交通干道大气环境中苯系物的污染状况和季节变化规律,监测过程历时1年。

    Pollution degree and seasonal variable regularity of BTEX in atmosphere by truck road in Nanjing were studied by Tenax at normal temperature .

  29. 本文在Arc/Info、ArcView和VB等软件的支持下,进行南京市水土保持GIS研制及其规划。

    In this study , geographical information system of soil and water conservation is established supported by Arc / Info 、 ArcView and VB software , and programming of soil and water conservation in Nanjing City is carried out .

  30. 南京市城市森林绿地群落枯落物的现存量平均值为11.35t/ha,全氮平均含量为0.914%,磷元素平均含量为0.090%,最大持水率平均为188.86%。

    Standing pool of forest floor litter in Nanjing is 11.35t / ha , content of N and P is 0.914 % and 0.090 % , the max water holding capacity is 188.86 % .