
tóng wù yì míng
  • synonym
同物异名[tóng wù yì míng]
  1. 对文中所有涉及的种类进行了详细的描述,并给出了每个种的研究历史、同物异名、采集数据和地理分布,并附有每个种的整体彩图和详细的分类特征图。

    All the species were described detailedly , the research history , synonym , collecting data and distribution of each species .

  2. 由于距离的存在,产生了南方地域和北方地域很多方面的差异,如饮食,文化等等。单以农作物来说,就出现了农作物同名异物和同物异名的现象。

    Due to the long distance , there are differences in many aspects between the Southern and the Northern Regions , such as diet and culture , etc. Take the crops as an example , there are homonym and synonym phenomenon on their names .

  3. 具有相同ISSR图谱、遗传相似性程度100%的可能为同一菌株,属于同物异名。

    The cultures with the same ISSR profiles and 100 % similarity of cluster analysis probably belong to the same strain .

  4. 经研究订正,确认该组共12种和6变种,其余名称均作为相应种、变种和变型的同物异名,文中讨论了物种的形态变异与分化,分布与替代,自然杂交等问题。

    Individual variation of species were discussed with the differentiation , distribution and natural hybridization .

  5. 本文记载革螨2属和28种的新同物异名。

    The present paper reports new synonyms of gamasid mites ( 2 genera and 28 species ) .

  6. 但由于锥栗长期采用实生繁殖,遗传背景复杂,生产上常出现同物异名和同名异物现象,造成品种类型的分类混乱;

    Because of long-term grown directly from seed reproduction , its heredity background is complex and varieties are confused .

  7. 文中在分类方面尚讨论了同物异名的订正,区系分布上提出了中日海区是世界该属鱼类的分布中心。

    On taxonomy , the synonymy species is discussed ; on fauna , China Japan Sea is the distribution centre of Takifugu fish in the world .

  8. 由于化石的保存状况以及标本的修理难度等多种原因,已经发表的材料中包括了大量的同物异名现象以及无效的属种。

    For the reasons of preserve situation and the difficulty of preparation , there are a lot of synonym and the nomen dubium in the published taxa .

  9. 依据文献资料,简要列出世界的星裂炱属种名、同物异名及其地理分布和植物寄主。

    This paper summarizes information available in the literature for species assigned to the genus Asterolibertia , listing for each species the synonyms , plant hosts and geographical distribution .

  10. 由于缺乏统一的命名标准,在长期引种和栽培过程中,柿同物异名和同名异物现象十分普遍,品种间的亲缘关系不明。

    Because of lacking of standardized naming system , both synonym and homonym are presented very seriously . In addition , the genetic relationships among cultivars were not very clear in persimmon .

  11. 作者发现这44个品种中有同物异名、同名异物、品种名混乱等现象。

    The author found that the phenomenon , that different varieties with the same name , or one variety with two and even more names , is exist in 44 Chrysanthemum varieties . 4 .