
tóng zhì xìng
  • homogeneity;homogeny
同质性[tóng zhì xìng]
  1. 和谐劳动关系与和谐社会具有同质性和互动性。

    The harmonious labor relationship and the harmonious society have the homogeny and interactiveness .

  2. 从同质性角度,提出了产业政策的倒U假说;

    From the angle of homogeneity , it proposes the converse-U curve assumption of industry policy .

  3. 因此,在分子系统发生分析前,首先对给定的DNA序列集进行同质性假设检测是非常重要的。

    Therefore , it is important to test the homogeneity for a given set of DNA sequences before molecular phylogenetic analysis is carried out .

  4. 结果表明中国南方汉族群体的HLA分布具有相对同质性。

    The results show a relative homogeneity of HLA . profile of Han race populations in the vast area of south China .

  5. 1例CPT缺乏、mtDNA同质性突变和粗红纤维的肌肉活检病例

    A case of CPT deficiency , homoplasmic mtDNA mutation and ragged red fibers at muscle biopsy

  6. PCR-RFLP和测交方法对进口祖代蛋鸡异性个体间的遗传同质性检测

    Detection of Homogeneity between Imported Grant Parent Layers Using Recessive Backcross and PCR-RFLP Techniques

  7. 雌核发育草鱼A群体在五个微卫星位点上达到完全的遗传同质性,群体内个体的基因型完全一致。雌核发育草鱼B群体在四个位点上达到完全的遗传同质性。

    Five microsatellite loci of the gynogenetic grass carp population A and four of the population B was genetically homogenous , meaning that each individual in the population had the same genotype at these loci .

  8. Meta分析的步骤包括相关文献的收集,同质性检验及效应综合等。

    Meta-analysis was done as follows : collection of relative literatures , equality test and integration of effect and so on .

  9. 当一组试验在参与者、干预措施、结局判断方面存在同质性时,Meta分析应该被采用,从而产生一个有意义的综合评价。

    Meta-analysis should only be considered when a group of trials is sufficiently homogeneous in terms of participants , interventions and outcomes to provide a meaningful summary .

  10. 第二,总量表具有良好的同质性信度,整份问卷的Cronbachα系数达到.9445。

    The whole scale had good consistency reliability and the Cronbach a coefficient is . 9445 .

  11. KL距离随着曲线的进化而变化,因此能够自动调节参数,使其适应于能量函数中的同质性平衡。

    Because KL distances change along with the change of curve , parameters can automatically adjust to homogeneity balance in the energy function .

  12. 结论E-cad参与了正常黏膜和皮肤表皮上皮细胞间的同质性粘附,在维持上皮结构完整性中扮演着重要的角色;

    Conclusions E-cad plays an important role in maintaining the phenotype of epithelial cell of SCC and normal oral mucosa .

  13. DCA排序结果显示,各自然保护区在排序空间中基本上聚集在一起,表明它们的β多样性即样本间的梯度很低,具有很强的同质性。

    Results from DCA ordination showed a concentrating trend of nature reserves , indicating a low β diversity and a low gradient and thus high homogeneity among them .

  14. 综合不同分期的同质性、单调性及模型预后价值结果,CLIP评分对预后价值的贡献大于其他分期。

    Integrating the different stages of the prognostic value of homogeneity , monotonicity and model results , the CLIP score on the prognostic value of the contribution is greater than the other installments . Conelusions : 1 .

  15. 在企业同质性假设条件下,无论是新古典经济学、传统产业组织理论的SCP分析范式,还是企业竞争战略的产业分析方法,都把企业的利润归结为外在的市场结构因素。

    On the assumption of homogeneity of firm , neo-classical economics , traditional theory of industry organization and Port 's five forces model all argue that firm 's profit come down to market structure .

  16. CLIP评分的同质性、单调性优于其他分期(包括Okuda分期等),因此CLIP评分具有较好的预后价值。

    The CLIP score , homogeneity and monotonicity are better than the other installments ( including Okuda stage . etc. ) . The CLIP score also has a better prognostic value .

  17. Swaminathan说,但是遗传同质性让它们很容易受到与气候变化有关的环境压力的影响。

    But genetic homogeneity leaves them vulnerable to environmental stresses associated with climate change , says Swaminathan .

  18. 结果经Tukey法统计处理,可将9种菌分成5个同质性亚群。

    Results The results analyzed by Tukey test showed that 9 species could be classified into 5 homogeneous subsets .

  19. 相反,这是一个被社会学家称为同质性的问题,“事关人们的‘舒适区’(comfortzone)”,他说。这种理论认为,我们往往会被更像自己的人吸引,或是让你想起年轻时的自己的人。

    Rather , he says , it 's a question of what sociologists call homophily , or " a matter of people 's ' comfort zones , ' where we tend to gravitate toward people who are more like us , or who remind us of our younger selves . "

  20. 结论TTGE是筛选线粒体基因体细胞性同质性突变和各种比例异质性突变的一种敏感方法。

    Conclusion TTGE is an effective method for screening acquired homoplasmic mitochondrial gene mutation and its different percentage .

  21. 检验结果表明,产业内贸易指数IIT与差异性D为正相关,与同质性H、替代性A为负相关,与产品差异性无差别曲线理论假设一致。

    The test results showed that the intra-industry trade index , i.e. IIT , is positively related to difference D , and negatively related to homogeneity H , alternative A , which is consistent with theoretical hypothesis of the indifference curve of product difference .

  22. 目的综合性工作能力指数(Comprenhensiveworkabilityindex,CWAI)量表同质性信度评价。

    Objective To evaluate the Inter-item consistency reliability of comprehensive work ability index ( CWAI ) scales .

  23. 在对多种图像分割算法研究的基础上,提出基于像素的彩色图像分割算法,分别利用同质性,Gabor滤波器方法提取图像的颜色和纹理特征,使用优于传统机器学习的支持向量机(SVM)分类。

    Through the study of a variety of image segmentation based on the proposed pixel-based color image segmentation algorithm , respectively , using homogeneity , Gabor filters to extract the color and texture features , better than the traditional use of support vector machine learning Machine ( SVM ) classification .

  24. 研究结果:首先采用Cronbachα系数对OSI-R和TABP两问卷进行了同质性信度检验,结果表明两量表的内部一致性较好。

    Results : First , evaluated the internal consistent reliability of the inventories ( OSI-R and TABP ) by Cronbach α coefficient , and the result show they all have good internal consistent .

  25. 这一结果表明,解题策略的同质性是LLTM拟合的必要条件,但还不是充分条件。

    This showed that the homogeneity of problem solving strategies was the necessary condition but not the sufficient condition for the fitting of LLTM .

  26. 目的评价时相温度梯度凝胶电泳技术(TTGE)在肿瘤患者线粒体基因同质性和异质性突变检测中的应用。

    Objective To evaluate the potential utility of temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis ( TTGE ) in detecting homoplasmic and heteroplasmic mtDNA mutations in patients with cancers .

  27. 导致科技领域不能反映更广泛人口结构特征的原因有很多,从同质性(掌权者任命和提拔与自己背景相似的人)到男性主导的极客(geek)文化的流行,以及许多公司奉行长时间加班的文化

    There are many reasons why the tech world does not reflect the wider population , from homophily - where those in power appoint and promote people with similar backgrounds - to the prevalence of a peculiar type of male-dominated geek culture or the fact that many companies lionise long hours .

  28. 与CNBS相比,ONBS以其特有的迁移同质化效应,可以缓冲小群体复制育种中突出的源于配子抽样的群体遗传特性随机波动和抽样偏差,从而以渐进方式与总体保持遗传同质性。

    Compared with CNBS , ONBS can mitigate the prominent random fluctuation and sampling deviation of hereditary property in population originated from gamete sampling in the replication breeding of small population since ONBS shows special homogeneity effects in migration so maintain genetic homogeneity to total population in a progressive way .

  29. 提出了基于模糊同质性映射的文本检测方法。

    A text detection approach based on fuzzy homogeneity is proposed .

  30. 评价指数包括对象内部的同质性指数和对象之间的异质性指数。

    The evaluating index includes intra-homogeneity index and the inter-heterogeneity index .