
dān zhènɡ xiānɡ fú
  • see also 单证一致
  1. 论信用证交易中严格相符的条件析信用证交易中单证相符原则

    Analysis of the Principle of Consistency between Letter of Credit And Trading Documents

  2. 严格相符标准是银行审核信用证项下的单证相符的基本标准。

    Strict compliance standard is the basic standard followed by the banking industry while determining the documentary compliance under letter of credit .

  3. 我国在单证相符的判断原则下,应师从英美法的灵活务实态度,并确立相应的司法介入标准和审查标准。

    To set up the Compliance Principle , we should learn from the flexible approach of Common Law and establish judicial review standard .

  4. 单证表面相符原则解决了开证行承担付款责任的标准问题。

    The principle of strict compliance sets down the standards of bank 's examination of documents .

  5. 信用证独立原则与单证表面相符原则共同构成了整个信用证法律制度赖以存在的基础。信用证独立原则有两个方面的内容,即独立抽象性和单据交易性。

    The principle of autonomy of letter of credit and the principle of facially strict compliance are general fundamentals of the law of letter of credit .