
The amendments are different with the separate criminal laws inapplication background and the specific functions .
If the Penal Code instability , people of predictability is bound to lower the Criminal Section II discusses one-way mode .
This crime is neither stipulated in the criminal law in 1979 , nor in the special criminal law , nor in present criminal law .
Our country , in 1979 , did not stipulate this crime in the criminal law as well as in the afterwards specific criminal law .
Secondly , as a kind of a special kind of legislative language , it is a special language carrier used in criminal law , special law and auxiliary law .
In addition , the Nanking National Government also promulgated certain single penal laws together with legal interpretations and precedents having binding force in judicial practices , which as a whole maintained the guiding role of the Principle .
So the author proposes basic conception of the financial security criminal legislation . We should enhance merit and avoid weaknesses in the legislation model , display respective merits of criminal law code , specific criminal law and attached criminal law .
In addition to the first amendment model of adopting single Criminal Law , Legislature in China adopts the model of Criminal Law Amendments on the amendment model of Criminal Law ; therefore , the amendment model has its unique advantage in amendment of Penal Code .
Around 1950s in the 20th century , with advanced protection of environment , the countries such as America , Germany , Japan etc. have strengthened the punishment for environ - mental crimes by means of criminal code , separate criminal law , and accessory criminal law .