
dān bīng wǔ qì
  • Individual weapon;artillery
单兵武器[dān bīng wǔ qì]
  1. 该软件平台为单兵武器系统设计人员提供了实用、简便、高效、安全的设计支撑环境,提升了其建模、仿真与优化的能力。

    The platform provides a practical , convenient , efficiency and safe design supporting environment , and it improves the modeling , simulation and optimization ability of the designers .

  2. 随着单兵武器装备的不断升级,质量问题成为单兵作战灵活性与生存力的一个障碍。

    Along with the continuous upgrade of weapon equipments for individual soldier , the weight problem has becoming an obstacle on the flexibility and survivability for the individual soldier warfare .

  3. 为提高单兵武器对目标的打击精度和我方人员在战场上的生存概率,本文以单兵火箭弹为平台,研究了基于组合测量的弹箭图像末修技术。

    In order to improve the firing accuracy to target and survival probabilities in battlefield , the technology of terminal trajectory correction is studied in this paper based on the combined measured method , applied in individual rocket .

  4. 近年来的几次局部战争表明,单兵武器系统因其携带方便、使用灵活,能适应复杂多变的战争环境,已受到了越来越多的军事专家重视。

    It was showed that , in recent several partial wars , individual weapon system has received more and more attention of the military experts , because of its easy to carry and flexible in use , also can adapt to the complex environment of the war .

  5. 另一个是单兵战斗武器项目,也被称之为可选突击步木仓项目,项目编号XM29。

    The other was the Objective Individual Combat Weapon , also known as the Selective Assault Battle Rifle and designated XM29 .

  6. 单兵自动武器的射击效率建模与仿真

    Shooting Efficiency Modeling and Simulation of Individual Automatic Weapon

  7. 航空、航天、单兵电子智能武器、机载和弹载的无线系统等均对小型化微波系统有迫切需求。

    Aviation , aerospace , radar systems , individual soldier intelligent weapons and airborne radio system , etc. request high performance and miniaturization microwave devices .

  8. 试验验证了模型的合理性,为单兵筒式武器浮动发动机发射系统的设计提供了理论指导。

    To study the interior ballistic process of the floating engine system in individual tube-shape weapon , the firing process of the engine is modeled and analysed .

  9. 该模型依据单兵点面杀伤武器的特殊要求,在整体布局上突破了传统自动武器的结构模式。

    The traditional structure model is broken through in structure according to particular requirement of portable point and area weapon .