
xié lǐ
  • assist in the management;assistant manager;assist;assist in mangement
协理 [xié lǐ]
  • (1) [assist;assist in mangement]∶协助办理

  • (2) [assistant manager]∶旧时某些银行、企业中地位次于经理的负责人

协理[xié lǐ]
  1. 地方管理中主要有总协理及督办,此外则为顾问官、议员、洋务总办、交通使、邮传使及铁路总稽查等。

    Besides the general assistant manager and supervisor , there were other officers in the local management , such as consultant , congressman , foreign affair general director , transportation official , post messenger and general railway inspector , etc.

  2. 其实,实际上我可以提供些协理。

    Sheldon : Well , I actually might be able to help .

  3. 劳瑞拉贝雷斯宾塞是负责本科招生的协理主任。

    Norrine Bailey Spencer is the associate provost and director of undergraduate admissions .

  4. 技术合作协理专员兼技术合作处主任

    Associate Commissioner for Technical Cooperation and Director of the Office of Technical Cooperation

  5. 多些徜徉在大自然里去协理新的内在能量落地扎根吧。

    Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within .

  6. 报销协理专家内部旅费

    Reimbursement of internal travel costs to associate specialists

  7. 需要我协理吗?是的,请问服务中心在哪里?

    Can I help you ? Yes , please . I'looking for the Service Center .

  8. 你直属于人资协理。

    You report to the HR director .

  9. 药物滥用事务协理专家

    Associate Expert on Drug Abuse Affairs

  10. 秘书长的协理发言人;

    Associate spokesman for the secretary-general ;

  11. 关于协理专家的协定

    Agreement on Associate Experts

  12. 当访问者点击的准的网站,并通过亚马逊购买图书,协理收到委员会。

    When visitors clicked from the associate 's website through to Amazon and purchased a book , the associate received a commission .

  13. 我为她的父母感到骄傲,她的父母给了她很大协理,还有她的哥哥Will。

    And so proud of her mother and father , who helped her get through this time , and her brother , Will .

  14. 当您加入公司,你加入一个准一级,并成为银协理当您击中快速局。

    When you join the company , you join at an Associate level and become a Silver Associate as soon as you hit the Express board .

  15. 因为动词句型代码明晰化而导致其准确性降低,这种妥协理应是可以接受的。第三,本研究表明,英语学习型词典动词句型代码体系的变化主要受到了教学语法和用户友好的影响。

    The reduced accuracy of verb-pattern codes should be seen as an acceptable trade-off for clarity . Thirdly , the present research shows that the changes of verb-pattern coding systems in ELDs have been mainly influenced by ' pedagogical grammar ' and ' user-friendliness ' .