
  • 网络collaboration;Synergy
  1. 基于CSCW的DigitalOffice协同办公平台设计与实现

    Design and Realization of CSCW-based Digital Office Collaboration Office Platform

  2. 基于PHP技术的网络协同办公系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Network Collaboration Office System Based on PHP

  3. 高校院务协同办公平台WEB解决方案的研究

    The Research of University College-level Collaborative Office Platform of WEB Solutions

  4. 基于WEBService的电子政务协同办公方案

    Departments Cooperation Based on Web Service in Electronic Government

  5. 基于WEBService的协同办公手写圈批系统及关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technologies of CSCW Handwriting Script System Based on Web Service

  6. 电子政务环境下基于多Agent技术的协同办公系统设计

    Design of the cooperative office system based on multi-Agent technology in E-government environment

  7. 基于Adapter模式的协同办公系统应用整合方案

    Cooperation Office Automation System Application Integration Solution Based on Adapter Pattern

  8. 协同办公系统的设计与实现及OA技术的思考与探索

    Design and Implementation of Collaborative OA System and Exploration on OA Technology

  9. 它在企业的OA协同办公,人事审批,采购等领域都发挥着不可替代的作用。

    It plays an irreplaceable role in the area of OA , personnel approval , procurement and so on .

  10. I-office系统是一个基于Internet的协同办公系统。

    I-office is a collaborative office system based on internet .

  11. OA系统解决了企业的日常管理规范化、增加了企业的可控性、提高了企业运转效率的、实现多人多部门的协同办公以及各种信息的沟通与传递。

    OA system can solve the problems of daily management standardization , increase the controllability and improve the operation efficiency .

  12. 本文所开发的系统具有以下特点:通过B/S模式的构建,使得所有用户只要通过浏览器就可以访问本系统,资源实现共享,工作人员协同办公。

    This system has the following characteristics : through the B / S model , to make all users visit this system by the browser , resource sharing , and office staffs are collaborative .

  13. 技术上选用JAVA语言、基于B/S的多层体系结构,实现湖南涉外经济学院协同办公平台办公资源管理系统的开发。

    The JAVA language , choose technology based on B / S structure of multi-layer system , and realize the hunan institute of foreign economic cooperative work platform office resource management system development .

  14. 系统通过OA协同办公系统透明考核员工绩效,建设金牌团队,固化部门工作流程,提升业务能级。

    OA Cooperative Office system through the transparent assessment of employee performance , build gold medal team , curing department workflow and enhance business level .

  15. 随着互联网的发展,OA协同办公得到了飞速的发展;而近几年来移动互联网的发展,使得移动办公越来越普及。

    Along with the development of Internet , OA collaborative office developed rapidly . In recent years , with the development of mobile internet , mobile office ( MO ) is becoming more and more popular .

  16. 在开发的过程中,遵循了软件工程的思想和原则,采用了先进的MVC开发模式和面向对象的设计方法,实现了B/S模式下的以智能工作流为核心的协同办公平台。

    During the development process , it comply with the principle of Software Engineering to implement the advanced MVC development model and the design method 00 , fulfilling the cooperation OA platform concentrated on intellectual working flow with B / S model .

  17. ARF-Engine在协同办公平台中的应用研究

    Application Research of ARF-Engine in Cooperative Office Platform

  18. 因此利用计算机、网络通信等现代技术建立具有决策支持的、全电子化、无纸化以及协同办公的先进高效的现代化OA系统已呈迫切之势。

    Therefore it has shown a pressing force to use the modern technology such as computers , communication networks , to establish the advanced and highly efficient modern OA system with the support of the decision-making all-electronic , paperless office , as well as coordination office .

  19. 论文首先总结了新军事变革对军队信息化建设的影响及CSCW在办公自动化系统中的应用现状,并分析了新形势下军队协同办公系统的具体要求。

    In this paper , we firstly summarized the new military change and its influence on army information-based construction , and the status of CSCW application in military OA system , and the requirements of cooperative OA system for military in new situation was also analyzed .

  20. 本课题研究成果已在西安恩瑞软件技术有限公司ERsoft协同办公系统中实施运行,性能稳定可靠,达到了预期的目标,取得了良好的应用效果。

    This topic research results have been applied in the " ERsoft Cooperation Office System " of Xian Enring Software Corporation , the system is stable and reliable , the anticipated goal has been achieved , a good result has been obtained .

  21. 工作流管理技术是协同办公自动化系统的一项核心技术。

    Workflow management technology is core of collaborative office Automation system .

  22. 具有智能客户端技术特点的协同办公平台架构设计

    Design of Cooperative Office System Platform Architecture with Smart Client Technique

  23. 移动协同办公系统的详细设计与实现工作。

    Mobile cooperative office for the detailed design and implementation work .

  24. 长春市社区内网协同办公平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Changchun Community Network Collaboration Office Platform

  25. 协同办公业已成为各行业信息化的标志。

    Cooperative office has become the symbol of informationization in all industries .

  26. 集团型企业一体化协同办公平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Integrative Business Collaboration Platform for Group

  27. 基于轻量级工作流引擎的政府采购协同办公管理系统设计

    Design of Government Procurement OA Management System Based on Lightweight Workflow Engine

  28. 在此基础上,对企业协同办公系统进行系统分析和设计。

    On this foundation , analyses and designes the enterprise office collaboration system .

  29. 支持动态会商的新型协同办公平台研究

    Study on new coordination work platform supporting dynamic consultation

  30. 从而实现企业协同办公的系统化、规范化、自动化。

    Corporate office in order to achieve synergy systematic , standardized and automated .