
bàn yīn
  • semitone;half-step;half-tone;semit
半音 [bàn yīn]
  • [semitone] 以十二个音替代八度音的幅长时,相邻两音间的音程

半音[bàn yīn]
  1. 从以前的标准看相邻音之间的关系是一个全音或半音。

    The relationship of adjacent notes in all the previous scales is a whole-step or half-step .

  2. 民歌演唱技法研究贝尔格《钢琴奏鸣曲》(Op.1)中的半音、全音音列技法

    A study on the singing technique of Chinese folk songs Semitone and Whole-tone Note-row Technique in Berg 's Piano Sonata op.1

  3. 这支乐曲不好演奏,到处是升半音、降半音。

    It 's a difficult piece to play , full of sharps and flats .

  4. 那个f音是本位音还是升半音?

    Is that f a natural or a sharp ?

  5. 大约有三分之一的爵士乐采用蓝调形式,一首歌有12小节,使用“蓝音”,即把第三、五、七个音阶降半音(如C大调的E、G、B)。

    About one third of jazz is in blues form with twelve measures in a song and uses --- blue notes , " the flatted third , fifth , and seventh notes of the musical scale .

  6. (指音符)升半音的舌头位于上腭附近发出的半元音(象英语单词“yeast”中的首音。

    ( of notes ) raised half a tone in pitch a semivowel produced with the tongue near the palate ( like the initial sound in the English word ` yeast ' ) .

  7. 我们可以通过使用微音程(microtone)而不是只使用西方音乐中的半音(semitone)来保留这些信息。

    We could preserve this information by using microtones , rather than only the semitones used in Western music .

  8. 降B标准调弦在七弦或六弦琴上调低一个半音,如Nevermore的金属改革流派就在七弦琴上用这种调弦。

    Takes B Standard on either a six or seven string guitar down a semitone ( or half step ) . For example , bands such as Nevermore of the progressive metal genre utilize this on seven string guitars .

  9. (音乐)在音调上降低半音的。

    ( music ) lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone .

  10. 与半音音阶有关的或为基础的。

    Of , relating to , or based on the chromatic scale .

  11. 色彩的半音&论中间色的美感

    The Halftone of Colors & On the Aesthetic Sense of the Demitint

  12. (音乐)基于有12个半音组成的音阶。

    ( music ) based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones .

  13. (音乐)没有高音和降半音的基调。

    ( music ) of a key containing no sharps or flats .

  14. 我在这首曲子里要奏四个半音。

    I have to play four sharps in this piece .

  15. 降半音降低了半个音阶的音符。

    A note that is lowered a half step .

  16. 一个符点加在音符后增加半音。

    A dot placed after a note increases its value by a half .

  17. 全方位的调整,从一个半音,以一个八度向上或向下。

    Full range adjustments from one semitone to an octave up or down .

  18. 没有钢琴上的黑键所弹奏的半音。

    The sharps or flats that the piano 's black keys play are missing .

  19. 此调弦是将所有的弦降一个半音。

    This tuning is achieved when all the strings are flattened by a half step .

  20. 我们的班长老是唱低了半音。

    Our monitor kept singing flat .

  21. 钢筋混凝土衬砌节段第三段,有高半音的一节。

    Reinforced concrete lining segment ' The third part , the passage with the sharps . '

  22. 小调和弦中的中音比大调和弦低半音。

    The middle note in a minor chord is a semitone lower than in a major chord .

  23. 每一个孔连续性的重复这个步骤,而且你将会演奏出半音。

    Repeat this process with each hole in succession and you will be playing the chromatic scale .

  24. 半音口琴的朋友:保持像上面所讲的,只用你的右手(食)指按钥匙(推杆)。

    Chromatic people : hold like above , only use your right thumb it press in the key .

  25. 半音音阶由钢琴上一个八度的全部工2个黑白键组成。

    The chromatic scale is made of the 12 black and white keys within an octave on the piano .

  26. 浪漫主义时期,阀键装置的发明与应用使得小号成为了一件半音化的乐器,其音乐表现力随之得以丰富。

    During the Romantic period , the invention of the valve device made the trumpet became a chromatic instrument .

  27. 歌曲中采用了大量的三全音和半音,为作品营造了一抹特有的沉重愁惨意味。

    The use of tritones and semitones is paramount throughout this work to give it its distinctly poignant flavour .

  28. 西方音乐中大音节、小音节是基于或使用五个音阶或两个半音。

    Based on or using the five tones and two semitones of the major or minor scales of Western music .

  29. 表演(一段音乐作品)第三段,有高半音的一节。

    To play ( a musical piece ) . ' The third part , the passage with the sharps . '

  30. 带有已调整的产生半音音阶的木棒和共鸣器的打击乐器;用小槌棒演奏。

    A percussion instrument with wooden bars tuned to produce a chromatic scale and with resonators ; played with small mallets .