
  1. 基于原子的公平匿名交易协议,采用两阶段提交的思想,通过可信第三方TTP(trustedthirdparty)来控制交易的提交。

    The transaction protocol with atomicity and fair anonymity is based on the thought of two-stage commitment . Because TTP ( trusted third party ) plays the role of committing the transaction , it may be the chock point when transaction become more and more .

  2. 一个具有隐私保护的数字产品匿名交易方案

    An anonymous scheme for privacy protection in the E-commerce of digital goods

  3. 比特币几乎可以匿名交易,其支持者称这样可以降低虚假操作的风险,增加个人隐私。

    Bitcoins can be bought with near anonymity , which supporters say lowers fraud risk and increases privacy .

  4. 基于电子货币的支付协议可以通过盲签名的机制实现匿名交易。

    In the payment protocol based on Ecash , the anonymity of the payment can be achieved by blind signature .

  5. 暗池让投资者能够匿名交易大批股票,交易价格只会在交易完成之后公布。

    Dark pools allow investors to trade large blocks of shares anonymously , with prices posted publicly only after deals are done .

  6. 暗盘就是进行此类活动的“仙境”&交易双方可以在这里直接进行匿名交易,从而告别“光明正大”的证券交易所。

    Dark pools are places where anonymous buyers and sellers can trade directly with each other away from normal ," lit " exchanges .

  7. 企业主的人际网络和信任差序格局是影响融资可得性的关键因素,几乎所有的资金都是依赖于人际网络获得,匿名交易获得的资金微乎其微。

    The network and diversity-orderly structure and trust of business owners are key factors which affect the availably of financing . Almost all of the funds are dependent on social network , with a minor part from " anonymous " trading .

  8. 第二,区块链也可以匿名完成交易。

    Second , blockchains can also perform transactions anonymously .

  9. 另外,改进了一种有效匿名买卖交易协议。

    In additional , an improved efficient and anonymous buyer-seller protocol is also proposed . 4 .

  10. 利用该方法分析匿名原子交易协议,可知当交易主体诚实时,该协议满足可追究性、公平性、原子性等;

    We take Anonymous Atomic Transactions Protocol as an example , and find such properties as accountability , fairness and atomicity are satisfied in this protocol given that the principals are honest .

  11. 原子和公平匿名的电子交易协议的研究

    Research of Electronic Transaction Protocol With Atomicity and Fair Anonymity

  12. 暗资金池允许投资者在交易所或另类交易平台中的公众订单委托簿记(publicorderbook)之外,匿名进行大宗股票交易。

    Dark pools allow the anonymous trading of large blocks of shares away from the " public order book " on an exchange or alternative trading platform .

  13. 离线可信第三方匿名原子的e-Cash交易协议模型

    The model of anonymous atomic e-cash transactions protocol with off-line TTP